4th of July protest UPDATE; Who's with me???

in #freedom6 years ago

Or am I just setting myself up for a suicide mission??? If you all haven't figured out by now I'm quite the radical guy. Radical enough to want to protest the 4th of July.

I've been on Steemit a little over 2 months now and I have discovered that there is a growing number of anarchists, patriots, and other free thinking dissenters here. So I would think rallying up a group of like minded individuals shouldn't be too hard.

Here is my original post I made a while back planting the seed, the idea, getting this message out there. Of course I didn't have as many followers then but I did get a few comments with some support for this. Now with a little over 300 followers let's see what kind of responses I get. Seriously, who is down for protesting the 4th of July with me???


The 4th of July is now a little over a month away. So the firework stands are starting to get themselves set up and ready. If anyone is in or around the Northwest Arkansas area and would like to meet up with me before the 4th of July to get ready, please don't hesitate to let me know. Even it is just 3 or 4 of us, that is better and safer then just me standing alone. Essentially I would like for this protest to go nationwide. I'm not rich and powerful like George Soro's is to fund a nationwide protest but if you support this idea, then help me start a nationwide 4th of July protest in your city.


Long story short: EVERYTHING this government has been doing has been illegal since the Civil War. Don't take my word for it, do your own homework. It isn't left vs right, it is the State vs YOU!

Freedom in this country means the freedom to DO AS YOUR TOLD. When nature is against the law, freedom doesn't exist. When police are getting away with killing innocent homeless people, freedom doesn't exist. When police and SWAT teams get away with raiding and terrorizing innocent people in their homes, freedom doesn't exist. When corrupt institutions set up unconstitutional gun free zones, freedom doesn't exist. When your government consists of over 70 armed lawless neo Nazi corporate agencies, freedom doesn't exist. When laws are being passed to protect lawless tyrants from you instead of you from them, freedom doesn't exist. When exposing a crime gets treated the same as committing a crime, freedom doesn't exist. When the government supplies guns and arms to terrorist regimes while disarming it's citizens at home, freedom doesn't exist. When the government lawlessly invades all these countries in Africa and the Middle east, killing innocent men, women, and children, for the sole purpose of expanding its lawless political agenda, freedom doesn't exist. When corporations run your government, freedom doesn't exist. When the State converts your rights into crimes, freedom doesn't exist.


For me, I've been a truth finding patriot since 2005. I was always a radical individual before that but it wasn't until 2005 that I would take the red pill which changed my life completely. I had to change my way of thinking. I had to realize that my life was nothing more than an institutionalized indoctrination. I had to forgive myself for being a sheep. I had to take a stand. If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything. I accepted the fact that I did not willfully or knowingly make an informed decision to become a shitizen of ANY state. I had to break free from this slave mentality, which took several years, but the more I looked for truth the more I found, leading me to where I am at today - a full blown conscientious objector. A political prisoner in training.

I've taken my activism as far as calling myself an American refugee. My country has been taken over by a lawless tyrannical neo Nazi de-facto corporation posing as government in my free country. Protesting the 4th of July will help bring awareness to this fact. These pictures below will help sum it up.

lawful v legal.jpg
lawful v legal2.jpg

As a conscientious objector who has figured this out, I refuse to go along with it anymore. I'm in the mindset of changing our reality. I've been promoting my idea for a few years now, something I've been calling the "NEW" West. I call my political party the TRUTH Party (I know to some of you I'm repeating myself). I don't debate anything anymore. I shatter all arguments and debates with the TRUTH and morality putting the hammer down. Even if it means alienating myself for the good of the whole. I am the next shot heard around the world. Hence why I want to protest the 4th of July. One of my motto's of course being, "Do no harm but stand your ground."

I've rescinded all forms of government ID. I will never vote, go to court, or pay taxes ever again. I don't use their legal language anymore either. I'm a free Sovereign individual with inalienable rights, NOT privileges. I don't drive - I travel. Free men and women don't have any government issued form of identification. Free men and women don't need permission to put a gun in their pocket. If there is no victim there is NO crime. That is the law. Freedom is an inalienable right NOT a civil right. I will die "houseless" on the streets as a refugee standing up for these truths before I ever slave for Corporate Fascist America ever again. I would rather die living under a bridge with the houseless veterans in Manhattan than live in the wealthiest mansion in America. Lawless tyranny ends when you STOP participating in it. If you vote and pay taxes, YOU are the criminal. You needn't look any further.


Until we all, or enough of us, accept these truths and decide to take action, then we have no one but ourselves to blame for the past 152 years of lawless tyranny in this country. This is why I'm not a cop watcher. I don't blame the cops. I blame YOU for not being a patriot and doing what is right. For it is our inalienable right to not comply with such lawless tyranny. Everyone wants to be a patriot until it is time to do what real patriots do. If our First Amendment rights don't work, then our 2nd one will.



If you agree, then help me protest the 4th of July.

I'm Theo - aka Rainbow Man - and here is the PROOF!
me with world passport.jpg
My country is the World! Fuck Corporate Fascist America!!!

Stay Un-Tune-Ed

Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Do no harm but stand your ground.

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
rainbow man meme12.jpg


I'm curious, How did you get a world passport?


It was started by a WWII veteran.

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