
I have way too many snakes on my land. So..... I need to get more of the same kind of snakes and that will somehow rid my property of the snakes. Not going to work will never work. That would only rid my property of myself. Birds of a feather flock together, There is nothing new under the sun.
This is more like if you cant beat them then join them. Not going to fix anything to acquiesce to their demands.
There is only one rule in play here. "He who owns the gold rules"

Elequently spoken mate, Cheers.

that's a whole lot of aphorisms. So you would try to take down Goldman without any help from anyone who ever worked there and knows their operation?

Honestly Goldman Sachs would be out of business today had not the federal reserve been allowed to bail them out and let them buy out other smaller banks with taxpayer dollars.
Ending the unconstitutional "Federal Reserve Bank" stops all the Bankster problems we have. The Banksters are the problem(snakes on our land) not the solution.

And would that be easier to achieve with the help of people experienced with it?

I prefer inexperienced honest men 10,000,000,000,000 times over "experienced" dishonest men.

I see, if you ever worked there then you can never be honest or do the right thing in the future, that's how things work.

You're just trolling here, as you do everywhere.

You sidle up to issues with false ignorance, and then use shill tactics like any disinformation agent.

If you have reasons to support government force, banksters, and thugs in uniforms, have the courage of your convictions and state those reasons in honest debate. While you'd still be wrong IMHO, you'd at least gain my respect for honestly stating your position, instead of slithering up to the backside of it like some disingenuous snake.

Out of curiosity, are you a paid shill, or just incapable of making cogent arguments instead of just using disinformation tactics?

Thanks for chiming in here my next reply would be that his argument would have put Hillary in the White house because she has more experience. LOL

The entire argument about "experience" over honesty comes straight from the MSM, CFR, Trilateral commission, Bilderbergers, Bohemian Grove, Deep state line of thinking they try to shove down our throats. Do you think these folks will ever get it, Look at the facts and consider how this crap has been working for us for the last 100 years?

I am continually amazed how so many seem completely brainwashed to accept this line of BS.

That's funny, your comment is totally unrelated to mine and yet you decided to join in the conversation with it, so I am just trolling here, and you are not?
Who is unpaid here?
I love when people accuse you of being a paid shill for whoever they are upset by at the moment, don't you love when people do that because they can't make a cogent argument so they go all ad hominem?

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