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RE: Judicial Watch: Fighting for America

in #freedom6 years ago

That's funny, your comment is totally unrelated to mine and yet you decided to join in the conversation with it, so I am just trolling here, and you are not?
Who is unpaid here?
I love when people accuse you of being a paid shill for whoever they are upset by at the moment, don't you love when people do that because they can't make a cogent argument so they go all ad hominem?


" decided to join in the conversation with it..."

Dude, you're so intent on simply attacking me with whatever slander you can insinuate or imply in your incessant posture of benign ignorance and questions that you have neglected the basic fact that these are comments on my post.

Also, note that I do not accuse you, but ask you--which you should recognize as your own most cherished tactic.

"... are you a paid shill..."

As you treat the question as if it were an accusation--which it is not when I do it, but simply a question--you illustrate your own purpose in the use of that tactic, and logically destroy the basis for your own questions, revealing them to be not questions seeking information, but insinuations and attacks.

Your last sentence doesn't even work as a question.


Yes, I was talking with someone else on a comment section of something you posted, by all means join in the conversation, your comment however was a total non sequitur.
Everyone on is paid. You have never had anyone accuse you of being a paid shill?
In my experience people start throwing that out there when they don't have a good argument. Frankly I think it is quite a compliment, are you saying my posting is so powerful and impactful that I must be a highly paid professional?

"... are you saying my posting is so powerful and impactful that I must be a highly paid professional?"

I am saying, in almost every reply to every comment you make, so much that you couldn't possibly not know the answer to the question you ask in so pointed a way as to preclude the actual true answer, that your comments all take the form of disinformation tactics used to mislead people so that groups of thugs can harm them.

Since this is exactly what government and private contractors do, I am increasingly convinced that is what you are.

For the second time, I will ask you: are you a paid disinformation agent?

For at least the second time, no, where can I sign up?

I ask questions because I want to know what people's opinions are, you seem really intent on reading into them for hidden implications, and trying to unmask government agents who are trying to confuse you with disinformation instead of just answering them.

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