Let Them Bake!

Legislators in Kentucky have recently passed a law that allows people in the state to exchange their baked goods for cash.
In many states, people are free to sell baked goods that they've made from home, but there are a few areas where people have been criminalized over such actions. The criminalization of such a business has taken place in areas like New Jersey and Wisconsin.
The new law in Kentucky enables folks there to be able to sell their baked goods, along with some other food items that they might've prepared such as jams and jellies, or processed fruit and vegetables.
Prior to the changes, people who hadn't grown the main ingredients in their products or who weren't farmers, were limited from being able to start a business from home in this way.

Now that they've passed the law, there is the potential for many people who need it to be able to start working from home to earn more money. Although, it shouldn't have taken legislators writing it down on a piece of paper, in order for that sort of exchange to be accepted.
If two parties are interested in making an exchange, one of them being someone who made home-made goods, and the other being a hungry person who is willing to exchange their money for that good; why does any other party need to be involved?
This sort of criminalization, of preventing people from baking goods at home and selling them, has been deemed unconstitutional and it's an effort that liberty advocates have been fighting against for years.
It's alleged that Kentucky has become the 48th state now to endorse this sort of business, allowing people to bake and sell goods that were made from home; along with other items. There are current efforts underway that are seeking to sue the government in places like NJ, over their criminalization in trying to prevent people from starting these sorts of at-home food businesses.
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Well, would you look at that...the glorious state has blessed its serfs with a modicum of freedom, how quaint. These homebaking scums should immediately organize a meeting with their local representative and thoroughly lick clean the boots of the lawmakers who saw it fit to permit them a little slice of human exchange. In doing so, perhaps the baking scum can win favor and be permitted to grow some therapeutic plants in their homes next year. Fingers crossed.
always get a kick out of your comments! 😂
I wonder if there were "black-market" baked good sales going on. Kids out on the street selling these controlled substances, making illicit money. "I got the cupcake, you got the cash?" I'm so glad it's been legalized. Next thing you'll know, they're going to enact a "cupcake tax". @ironshield
@thefarmerswife probably does this lol ;)
waaaao is it ice cream?
looks yaaami m sorry i didn,t eat abroad food yet iam from pakistan so iwant to eat different food of this world thanks for sharing your yaammi experience with us m new steemian i hope you will support me
thank you
We had a similar law passed in Michigan about eight years ago - before then I admit I did semi-legally sell baked goods. It wasn't exactly illegal because I wasn't taking things around selling them and the things I sold were requested from me by friends. But it wasn't strictly legal because I wasn't making them in a commercial kitchen.
The thing about the cottage industry laws here is that they're still pretty strict about what you CAN and CAN'T sell under the law - basic baked goods are fine, but nothing that contains custard, for instance, or needs refrigeration can be made to sell under the cottage industry law.
Vote me
this is very good news for the home economy, I do not see why not sell the products, as long as they rejuvenate the conditions of hygiene and care to ensure the healthiness of the products.
thank you very much dear friend @doitvoluntarily for sharing this news
I wish you a great day
Looks like cakes are very good. I think the law will be good for the public.
May they have the opportunity to sell food from their home produce. Thank you for sharing this very interesting article of information. May always be successful for you @doitvoluntarily.
This is great news. My mom has gave away some much home made candy and cheese cake she could have been running here own business your years.
Don't ask permission, just do whatever you want as long as you're not harming anyone. You are as free as you choose to be.