Freedom Is The Solution

in #freedom6 years ago

When it comes to criticizing the state, the current system that we have today, and its many failures, you might often hear in response from state-supporters that "no solutions are being offered".

"You're just complaining about the problems without offering a way to change it," they'll say.

Forced government is immoral or inefficient, okay, but what's the groundbreaking alternative that's so much better, they wonder? Freedom, after all, doesn't exactly sound like a plan and therefore isn't often received as a coherent solution to the problem or problems that are being identified.

But freedom cannot provide a detailed blueprint for the alternative to the status quo.

The essence of freedom is acting without permission from an authority such as government and it is impossible to know how those free actions might ultimately unfold over time.

A free society is developed spontaneously by decentralized decision-making and you cannot provide a detailed plan of how every step is going to look or what the outcome might be.

As well, those who promote the idea of freedom have never made the promise that it would lead to any utopia or that there wouldn't ever be problems if people were left to voluntarily organize themselves.

With forced government as it is now however, we are guaranteed to have problems and history has already proven to us repeatedly the unimaginable sort of violence and mayhem that the state is capable and guilty of.

We are told to fear voluntary exchanges (anarchy) because this might supposedly lead to chaotic outcomes. Meanwhile, the state has already demonstrated that it will lead us down that road time and time again. Yet, many are still waiting for there to be a fully laid out blueprint detailing exactly how every facet of a free society is going to work, before they can deem it an honest solution that might be worthy of their consideration and acceptance. It seems, they don't yet understand freedom, they aren't able to recognize what's being suggested, otherwise they'd comprehend the solution that is being proposed and they wouldn't ask why we haven't offered one yet.

"The essence and the glory of the free market is that individual firms and businesses, competing on the market, provide an ever-changing orchestration of efficient and progressive goods and services: continually improving products and markets, advancing technology, cutting costs, and meeting changing consumer demands as swiftly and as efficiently as possible.” - Murray Rothbard

So, when you hear messages of liberty and freedom, coupled with arguments about the current state of affairs and historical failures of the state, know that a solution is being suggested, and that solution is freedom.



I explain that in my Government Accounting classes, I teach students the difference between "The State" and "Government" because they are totally different things, the first is something intangible but we know that we are all part of that State. The second if we can say that it is tangible because it is administered by people, and it is these people who always lead us to a debacle. There are many internal and external factors, as well as the political tendency and the tendency towards the Left or the Right.
But always those of tendency towards the Left defend a utopia that never applies to the realities of a state, where all of us who form it are totally different.

And that affects our freedoms, we are the citizens who must put a stop to this behavior. but it is a little uphill to unite the different characters for a common good. all in many cases have particular and different interests. it is a society.

Being part of the state, means we are Free, Sovereign and Independent, as that's what the state is and as the state is created by us it derives those qualities from us. Being Free, Sovereign and Independent and decrying we're Citizens is an oxymoron as one is a servant of the state and the other is the master of the state. Government and the state are indeed different, one is the Citizens and the other is the Sovereign. One is an employee and the other is the employer. One is afforded privileges and duties and the other has secured a Bill of Rights. One is part of a law society and the other is Self Governing.

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being part of the state (forced government) doesn't make you free or sovereign or independent, they aren't two totally different things--the state is synonymous with government.

"the State is that organization in society which attempts to maintain a
monopoly of the use of force and violence in a
given territorial area; ...

The State,... is the 'organization of the political means'; it is the systematization of the
predatory process over a given territory.... the free market is anterior to the State. The State has never been created by a “social contract”; it has always been born in conquest and exploitation. " - Rothbard, Anatomy Of The State

Being part of the state, which is only lawful by the consent of the govern, not the illegitimate and criminal Governmental Service Corporation, recognizes one as Free, Sovereign and Independent. State and Governance are two different things. A state has been born out of Revolution against the thousands of years old "divine right of the king's" and recognizing the Freedom, Independence and Sovereignty of people derived from the Natural Rights evident for everyone.

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A lot of the problems with anarchy is from both sides. The anarchists mistake the state for what is hired by the state. Like Lysander Spooner who rallied against the Federal as if the constitution had anything to do with the declaration of Independence, or as if the Constitution replaced the declaration. From that error they falsely believe that the failure of the employees is the failure of the employer when the employees have basically commandeered the employer. It gets worse, as from there, anarchists forego addressing the most important function the government has, or to maintain law and order, AKA Conflict Resolution, aka Arbitration. The anarchists egregious idea of private law is exactly what the Governmental Service Corporation deals in as evidence of the millions of statutes, acts, orders and laws which it holds copyright to and which is benefiting those who know all the loopholes and who to take to lunch. This comes full circle as the people of this Federation of States/Countries have had their lawful offices commandeered by their employees. The people of these countries have reserved the right to self govern yet their offices of upholding that law and order have either remained vacant or have been commandeered under fraud and similar name deceit by their employees. You see, the people of these countries were and still are anarchists. The government is illegitimate, it's merely a corporation. The roles of servant and master can never be confused. That's the fault of Lysander, and many others, they wrongly believe that they cornered the beast but they didn't do the diligence of tracing it from creation. So now we have teachers thinking that citizen and sovereign are interchangeable terms, so as to utter the idiocy of sovereign citizen, and so as to confuse the role of Employer with that of Employee. What we have is the ingredients for civil war, the first civil war, as the "civil war" was never declared and there's no peace treaty to end it, it was always a mercenary conflict. This pot full of revolutionary decrees will boil over as the Governmental Service Corporation refuses to relinquish its employers premises and continues the fraudulent activity and false claims even when it's been insolvent for over a year now. "the New Republic" or whatever new chicanery the perpetrators of this 150 year old fraud want to confer up to replace the bankrupt US Inc will be the last straw the militias will take, and the masses who are vastly ignorant of this won't even know what's happening when their territory is under small arms fire, and the BEAST will either be finally cornered and conquered or the last vestibule of truth will succumb to the "New Republic Of The United States".

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human beings don't need a centralized authority with a monopoly on coercion in order to survive or thrive 👍

Nobody was saying that people need centralized authority with a monopoly on coercion in order to survive or thrive. People need their rights upheld in the face of injury. Without a set of rules governing the arbitration of justice there's only retribution by the individual or mob. Courts are necessary for the arbitration process, a poigniant fact that most self labeled anarchists don't wish to address and which they conveniently misconstrue with "monopoly on coercion".

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In the West people are so conditioned by the environment they wouldn't know freedom if it hit them in the face.

But in a place like Acapulco, people aren't so distracted to not notice the government's inadequacies. You can have the freedom to offer an alternative to what the government delivers... in a place like Mexico. Because you'll actually get customers!

you'd think that ppl could only put up with failure for so long 😂😂

There is an old age sentiment penned by the genius of the Declaration of Independence

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

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Some of the state administrative law scholars argue that the ermessen freies must be framed in the written law. because ermessen's freies are derived from unwritten laws. Its legal nature is free, not bound like a written law.

Eermessen's freies are actually inspired by the principle of discretion which means the freedom of an official to act based on his thoughts in the public interest.

That's a powerful message. Well done, and 100% agreed!

I'd love to leave the zoo and go live in the wild.
Really? Who's going to build the climbing bars?

You have to claw and fight for the bars exactly like the people fought to govern themselves 242 years ago.

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