
wow this is why i stop watching TV altogether

I follow all your publications.
It's really useful and interesting.
Thank you so much.
Continue on this way

Apparently we are! After watching this video, I don't understand how calling someone a SOB is a higher level of "indecency" as compared to performing "cigar sex" infidelity in the Oval Office? I'm so confused.

smh ..... getting head in the oval office is the same as calling Americans Sons of Bitches?

you really typed that.....

No, actually it is more disgraceful! And just where were the likes of this guy when Clinton disgraced our country?
Oh wait... Democrat! And America is full of SOB's (and worse)... or haven't you noticed?



passing tough time

WallaH Tough Time !! But We have To Be Happy

Don't buy into this.... People on both sides are getting all worked up and divided. This is all planned, the system has failed and now the elite and there media and political minions are trying to distract and divide.

I'm sure if we were living in the twilight zone there's be more werewolves and vampires.

And more "impeachable" offences!

Trump makes it easy for YouTubers like Mark Dice to be openly and gleefully racist. Trump makes it soooo easy for opportunistic politicians to do grandstanding screeds on the floor of the House of Reps after their colleagues have gone home. Trump makes it easy for people to ignore the truth. The truth is that the USA didn't have a national anthem until 1931[1]. The truth is that NFL players only started appearing on [the] field for the national anthem in 2009 [2].

Totally agree with all this; everything Dice is on lately is hateful;

He talks sarcastically as if the article he's reading, isn't actually true. Calling the writer a 'moron' and suggesting that a few black people make millions = There is No white supremacy - is serious hate speech;

And did he really attack this black Congressman with "This guy thinks he's Martin Luther King"


The Open disrespect for black people, black life, and black rights are on full display; Dice and all his followers are telling us who they are.

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