They believe in freedom ( unless it's against the law or offends them)

in #freedom7 years ago


Statist have taken me to a new level of disgust the last few days. They all like to say home of the brave land of the free but these idiots have been brainwashed for so long they haven't the slightest idea of what freedom even is.


It's just mind blowing to see half the country mad at people peacefully protesting well within their rights and the other half is mad at fucking statues. Can America get any stupider?


Although the tables have turned. I've told more conservatives to move to North Korea than have ever told me to move there or Somalia. They would like North Korea flag worship is mandatory.




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I don't think you get it. We who are angry at the NFL and their players for demonstrating dishonor at our anthem, are expressing our free speech as they are. So in your mind, if I believe in their right to express this anti-American behavior, I then must accept and keep my mouth shut about it? Do you not see the hypocracy? You're looking at it all wrong imo. Besides, the NFL is a business. These players are employees ON THE JOB! If they want to infuse offensive politics into it like they are then we, the customers, are completely within our rights to stop patrinizing the business. I don't get, at all, your attitude about this. I'd love to discuss if you're interested.

I hope Americans boycott it right out of existence I hate all sports. Give them bread and circus they will never revolt. Exactly workers on the job. Point out in their contract where it says they must stand. I don't see it as disrespecting soldiers. It's not my fault they got duped into fighting a war for resources in the name of freedom. America hasn't fought for freedom since 1776. Every war since then we've pushed the enemy to attack us. I don't fall for the Patriotic bull crap. I will never be prideful just because I'm born in America. It's wild because alot of ex military feel the same as me. I found it mind blowing when I found out how many ex military feel the same as me.

It's not blind patriatism to loves one's Country. Especially when you're fortunate to be born/live in a free one. It's called gratitude. If it were only appropriate to show that love (as in respecting the symbols) only when that Country does no wrong then no one would stand for the flag. In ANY Nation if we're going to compare sins. And what ticks me off is people who have a personal issue with an aspect of America thinking that it means the whole damn Republic is shit. People who think there is a better system out there imo are delusional and aggogant. There's a huge difference between hating the corruption and overreaches vs hating the whole darn concept of the Republic. Dissing the anthem/flag imo is saying fuck our Republic. This so-called systemic racism is manufactured bullshit. America is the freeset Country on earth and all these blacks have just as much opportunity as any American. Even the freedom to choose Socialist Democrats who run their cities (and themselves) into the ground. Don't freegin blame America for your own culture's ignorance & role in their current life's circumstances ya know? My point with you was that your post basically blasts patriots as though they're hypocritical in supporting their freedom to protest whatever black issue of the day they have and then being angry when we disagree with their view. Not one Conservstive that I know of believes in 'government force' to 'make' people stand for the anthem. Yet because we disagree with the anti-American behaviors of these kneeling players you paint us as what? I'm not sure what your issue is?

Police in America isn't just black issues. Actually it's about 50-50 when it comes to them killing us but the media only talks about the black ones. I might not agree with what you have to say but I'd fight to the death for your right to say it. Censoring their speech will lead to the censoring of yours. To be very honest I have zero respect for our government. I don't find them necessary and I live my life as if they don't exist. I'm not right or left I'm anarcho capitalist with a bit of agorism. I don't pledge allegiance to any government ,god or skycloth. I hate antifa more than probably anything but I would never go out of my way to shut down ideas.

Actually I think way more whites get shot by cops even though blacks commit way more crime. But it's so obvious the blacks get all the coverage. What pisses me off about the take a knee bullshit has nothing to do with infringing on anyone's freedom of speech. It has to do with the fact that #1 the hands up don't shoot, which began all this chaos, violent riots AND the take the knee is a huge LIE! I see these players as employees AT WORK. If you or I made a political statement AT WORK which was bound to tick 50% of my employers customers off he would have every right to and 'should' reprimand me or just like Trump said fire my ass. If these players want to go down to the nearest police station and freegin protest the actual issue fine. More power to them. And if they want to take a knee, as a paying NFL fan at the game? Again no problem. I disagree with them doing it but as individuals all thse a-holes have the right, which I adamently believe in. But when the 'coaches and owners' 'allow' this anti-American behavior, based on a freegin LIE which is intended to spread this bullshit even further than the msm & politicians have allowed for 8 freegin tears now! The violence getting defined as 'protest' and taking the knee again, getting defined as 'protest'..they ALLOW this Leftist bullshit into 'their' games, that 'we' pay for and act as though they have no power to stop it?

It's not a matter of infringing on these players' free speech. There are rule about 'standing' on the sidelines during the game. You think it's a bad rule? Then get rid of the rule. The freegin coaches tell these players what to do on a daily basis! They get fines constantly for all kinds of actions. Yet, the coaches can't tell these a-holes to not bring Leftist political bullshit to work? So noe showing respect and love of your Country regardless of personal gripes about it is now being defined as political? And not allowing unaposed free flow of it into all aspects of our lives is infringing on freedom of speech? Respect for Country is not political. I, as someone who adamently disagrees with this, ANOTHER infusion of anti-Americanism into society, have the right to get mad and not patronize the NFL because of it..

Leftist's freedom of speech does not mean that I have to agree with ANYTHING they do or believe. I do NOT believe in transgender fluidity taught to our kids in grade school. I do NOT agree with Federal government instituting common core globalist bullshit in our schools. I don't have to sit by silently letting these fanatics infuse globalism & anti-biology, anti-Americanism under the FALSE premise or I'm infringing on their freedoms? How so?

Let's see what happens Sunday when the Steelers game starts. Tomlin 'assured' Pittsburgh that his team will be on the sideline during the anthem. Why is that? He had to 'protect' his players last week but this week ha can order them onto the sideline? Are these players all of a sudden not going to kneel? Did cop/black violence issue all of a sudden get solved? No! The coaches & owners are finally going to act like the adult in the room and school these players on decency. It's what they should have done from day one when Kapernick started all this assinine shit last year.

Um..and I don't understand anarcists. How the hell do you have a 300M population live together without a core structure?

I agree that as entertainers taking a political stand is absolutely stupid. But it comes down to private property, contracts and rules. Same with anarchism. If done correctly anarchy and capitalism are one in the same. Don't let these violent antifa Marxist retards give you a bad view of anarchist because they are so confused it's sad. People currently in America would have to slowly convert into free market capitalism because they'd go nuts if you took all their chains off at once. Google voluntarism I think alot of conservatives would get on board with it with a better understanding of it

My problem with anarcy 'and' Socialism, is that people who believe either to be 'better' than what we have now, our Republic & Constitution? I find both of these ideologies equally ignorant. I think our founders studied, understood & brainstormed more than 'anyone' today about human nature, philosophy & government systems before they came up with our current structure. To have this same debate, 200 years later, with 'less' honest study, and to think you know better, is ludicrous to me. All these overreaches that our political/banking institutions have built since then, imo do not prove failure. It actually proves the opposite. 'If' we had stuck to the Constitution to address our problems instead of thinking the Constitution flawed and needing usurped, we would not have a central bank. We would not have a Dept of Education. We wouldn't have had all these wars. We wouldn't have crony capitalism. It's the fact that we did NOT abide by the Constitution that gives us our problems.

The entire concept of freedom 'includes' even the freedom to destroy ourselves. You should watch this video I posted awhile ago. I know we're not talking religion here but his lectures are about the 'psychological significance' which I've never heard anyone do before. As I watched these I learned a lot about human nature. This guy is super deep and lectures are long but it fascinates me. And it really made me think a little deeper myself in so far as like man, our founders thought this deep when creating our Constitution! They debated every single debate that goes on today. Should we have a government or not? Should we be a Nationsl Socialist Nation or not? They debsted ALL OF THIS! And studied philosophers learning as much as they could about human nature. And they looked at history. Which types of governments have been 'proven' to work best in granting it's citizens individual freedom? And guess what. The Democratic Republic won out. And it would be wise for you to understand the arrogance people show in thinking they know better despite having a pittance of knowledge on all these topics than what they had.

Our Constitution is timeless. Our Constitution is not the problem It's the ignorance of our culture that's the problem. And this kneeing for the flag only shows this to be correct. Instead of fighting for no government or a different government, you ought to be 'understanding' the WISDOM of the one we've got.

I truely don't understand how you think that it's our Constitution that caused all our problems or why you can't see that 'it's' actually what the solution is.

Our constitution has either authorized such government or been completely powerless to prevent it. I hate socialism

I want to know how to get an upgoat!

I got it from winning a contest lol

What kind of contest? Come on spill it cap!...

It was caption a painting. I resteemed it it's on my blog from about a week or so ago

And just by resteeming it you were entered? Cool. I'll check it out!

I had to upvote resteem and enter a caption for the painting in comments

I just submitted one!..🤗

Did you see I started a new post about Trumpist vs Anarchist? Yours and my conversation is so interseting I wanted to see what others like you think. I got one reply so far but not from an

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