in #freedom6 years ago (edited)


It has been observed that our planet and the life on it, go through cycles or Ages, some short and some long, everything falls into an age or a cycle, you, yourself, your body, your being, your consciousness, your awareness, your spirit, your surroundings, your everything is in transit through an age or a cycle - Life, death and rebirth are cycles.

The ancients knew everything is subject to a greater or lesser degree to cycles or Ages, this is why everything has a time - space association, and they also knew the fabric of our reality was made out of a supernatural element or substance, that transforms and goes through different stages, our planet, for example, has had complex life on it for millions of years and during that time many species have come and gone, in which their lives and their eventual demises were subject to a cycle or a series of cycles.

Somewhere in our past for whatever influences or reasons mankind learnt and understood the greater aspects of the different cycles of time and also our conscious positioning within it, for example our earth has a precessional cycle of approximately 24,000 to26,000 years or 1 degree every 72 years (25920yrs) during which the positions of stars slowly change in both equatorial coordinates and ecliptic longitude, now if we look at just about every ancient culture Egyptian, Maya, Celtic, Greek, Roman, Tibetan etc they all had calendars to track the cycles of time, and probably the most sophisticated of these was the ancient Mayan who actually devised a highly sophisticated calendar that not only gives us the full 26,000 years long count with five great cycles of 5,200 years(tun) each, but a whole host of smaller cycles with short counts, also this cyclical interpretation is noted in Mayan creation accounts where four other ages preceded us, identical to ancient Greek mythology, and we currently went past the fifth and final cycle which apparently ended on the winter solstice December the 21st 2012.

In western astrology, the belief system is based on the relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world and it also consists of cycles and ages (zodiac) with one complete cycle lasting 25,920years but sectioned into twelve smaller ages/cycles lasting between 2000 to 2300 years, the following are approximation of how the ages have been split over the last twelve thousand years also remember precessions are variable because the speed of our solar system is not fixed, the Age of Leo started somewhere around 10,500 BC and ended around 8250 BC, the so called “Golden age” as this age ended, we get the age of Cancer 8250BC to 6250BC, then the age of Gemini 6350BC to 4150BC, followed by the age of Taurus 4150BC to around 2150BC , and then the age of Aries, which ended somewhere before the start of the common era (CE), leading onto the age of Pisces.

The age of Pisces and the age of Aries are important, in that since the age of Aries (Mars) things on earth start going downhill and we get the start of cycles of war which humanity has been living through, for the last four and bit thousand years, the next age, the age of Pisces represents the fish, and has been largely dominated by religion, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam were all berthed during this age, and has been largely characterized by ignorance, slavery, materialism, persecution and spiritual salvation, also the coming of Jesus marks the beginning of Piscean age and is associated with the fish (Pisces) or fishermen and was born of a virgin(Virgo) the opposite of Pisces, the fish is also one of the main symbols of Christianity, and is related to Water, Neptune and the subconscious mind.
The Age of Pisces is a period within the great cycle known to the ancients when Evil or the dark side of the human mind, controls civilization and fear would be humanities primary motivation to act, if we look back over the last two thousand years this age in the cosmos hasn’t been pleasant, there has been more war death and destruction amongst mankind than at any point in our documented history.

In other words this has been the time where the lower aspects(chakras) of our nature have been dominant and mankind has needed guidance through this age so we had the arrivals of Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed and other ascended teachers to give instruction, we could even say although we have progressed through this age to reach the levels of advancement we are now at, it has been off the back of a continues cycle of war(fear) a trend that has increased to such a level that in the last hundred years the amount of deaths attributed to a war, is probably equal to that of the last two thousand years, the age of Pisces has been all about money and greed, remember each of the planets has ruler ship over one or two of the zodiac signs (astrology/astronomy) and in the case of Pisces it is ruled by Jupiter(Zeus) king of the gods who for all his/its positives like optimism, expansion, jovial, temperance, splendour, glory, etc also have less desirable qualities( the negative side), concealment, subterfuge, hypocrisy, sloth, gluttony and Neptune is connected with Pisces so is Saturn through the churches and religious bodies, law and profit.

Aquarius the Saviour

During the precessions of the equinox as an age moves onto the next age, changes occur usually with some type of chaos or upheaval, if we go back two thousand years at the beginning of the age of Pisces we see the world went through a major turning point over a few hundred year period, and a whole new civilization emerged from this chaos, you see after the effective end of the roman empire around 200 CE, we have the rise of Christianity and other mass religions, a new age came into existence and a significant change in power began, and know a similar thing is happening but with technology the world hasn’t seen for over ten thousand years –

The Age of Aquarius is now

Traditionally, Aquarius is associated with electricity, computers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealism, modernization, astrology, rebellion, nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverance, and humanity.

Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. In much the same way that the Water Bearer brings that precious liquid as a gift, Aquarius shower the world with their thoughts and new ideas.

We are now firmly in the age of Aquarius, the water represents knowledge or revelation of truth - And with this great mass conscious awakening will come cognitive dissidents for those who still are unaware.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

We Hope You Enjoyed

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Nice insight to the Age of Aquarius

Resteemed it for you pal.

Quite an education we are getting here.

LoL ;D Thanks ;-D I Appreciate that...

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