For the love of Snowden!

in #freedom6 years ago

As a veteran that has since dedicated his life to cyber security in education and career, I openly declare that I love Edward Snowden. The man did what so few had the testicular fortitude to do themselves. He sacrificed his freedom and safety for the security of the American people. Normally, this would make him an American hero... but as we all know, our government condemned him. However, it gets worse.

It wasn’t so long ago that saying our federal government would assassinate an American citizen for whistle blowing would have been laughed off as a conspiracy theory worthy of a tin foil hat. After all, we have due process which preserves our freedom from a tyrannical government. The story of Edward Snowden maps out in an all too clear and concise manner that this is not a conspiracy theory. I know of two people that have publicly claimed to want kill Edward Snowden: President Donald Trump and Director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo. Some may argue that Mike Pompeo did mention giving Snowden “due process”, but given that he has already declared the sentence before the trial, his platitudes hold no weight.

To me, the most troubling aspect of this story is that I am Snowden in that I would feel compelled to do the right thing. I would want to be the one to stand up when I witness our government doing wrong to Americans in blatant disregard and disrespect to the Constitution. Wouldn’t you? So when we see what our government will do to someone who stands up against their crimes, we learn that our fate would also be exile until caught and killed. This is the opposite of living in freedom. This is learning to keep your mouth shut, stay low, and don’t get caught speaking out against your government.

Currently Snowden is being used as a political pawn between the Kremlin and our President. Snowden still hasn’t “learned his lesson” and is now speaking out against the insufferable oppression that the Russian government is using against its citizens through online monitoring. The man simply won’t quit. If he is brought back to America, he will be killed. After all he has done for you, what are you willing to do for him?

At this point you may be wondering if you could sacrifice your way of life and safety as Snowden did to protect America. Fortunately, there is a way where you can not only save Snowden’s life in return for what he did for you, but you can make sure this never happens to another American... and you can do it safely. For the first time since 1799, a way has opened up for the American people to throw off the stinking wet blanket of oppression from our federal government. Adam Kokesh is dedicating himself to personally taking down the federal government. The director of the CIA wants a whistleblower dead? Maybe instead, we should take away Mike Pompeo’s job and power so that he is as accountable as the rest of us when it comes to wanting someone dead. Instead of having a president that refuses to pardon a whistleblower or a president that boldly claims he wants a whistleblower “killed, we should decentralize the presidency.

Thomas Jefferson once wrote that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Respectfully, I would love to prove Thomas Jefferson wrong on this. Adam Kokesh will remove the tyranny that threatens Americans who stand against their corrupt government… and he will do it peacefully and legally. If you want to stand up for the man that stood up for all of us and bring him back home, then help Adam Kokesh’s mission to decentralize our government.

Michael P. Wood
Director of Technology


Yes, evolution, not revolution!

It is difficult to imagine the gigantic balls he has to go against the most powerful regime. People earlier had idea about the govt snooping through their personal life but never had a concrete proof to confirm their claim. He came out for the people and risking his own life for the purpose. I doubt that he will be killed by US now because of the public figure he has now but I definitely he will be treated like Chelsea Manning or worst than Aaron Swartz in an attempt to create example out of him.

The rulers of 'the land of the free' need an enemy to have a reason to squeeze money out of 'we the people', so that they can keep funnelling money into their corrupt pockets.

So Adam is not only an obstacle for Pompeo, but also for the industrials who are getting ready to fill their wallets with 'protection money'.
Mobster do what they always did. They pretend to 'protect' their people.
And that protection comes at a price.

i feel so badly for this man. he risked everything and in return Americans seemingly could care less about being spied on. there is alot of work to be done convincing Americans that they don't need a government 😣

NatA. Actually the hard part of the "work" has been done by Adam. His book is really the only tool we need to see how much "convincing" we need to do. ...especially since he gives the mp3 file away for free. I "heard" his book and even now I'm not convinced that we can make it without some sort of government... albeit I can certainly agree to dismantle WDC. His plan to virtually return to the Articles of Confederation could work.

Heard that, its a shame!

The Saturn Cult Cabal are a group of Khazar, Talmudic, Jews that originate from Khazaria, with a belief system that can be traced back to Sumeria, Egypt, Phoenicia Canaan through the Druids of Europe ( The Bankers of today who used the same demonic Babylonian money system & black magic ) to the Ancient City of Rome, which was called the City of Saturn. The same Roman empire that conquered Europe and forcibly converted the original Norse, European, peoples to Christianity. This Cabal are a group of EL-ites that follow the Talmud, Kabbalah and worship EL - the Star of Saturn and the Black Cube.

brit is.jpeg

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The Cabal are the City of London, (Rothschild's & Royals) City of Rome, (Vatican) Washington D.C and their Star of Saturn, State of Is-ra-EL. These people use Freemasonry & the compartmentalization of Information to control society. Through the control of the Information and media and the use of subliminal messaging within TV programming and video games they are able to manipulate the minds of the masses. The Idea for their long established plan of a New World Order was first thought up way back In the late 1800s. Part one of this article Is about their ownership of 90% of the mainstream media and part two will explain their subversion and control of the alternative media, via a well known disinformation program called COINTELPRO. "The best way to control the opposition, Is to lead It ourselves." 'Vladimir llyich Lenin'


The mainstream media, In the US, has been consolidated In to only six companies, hundreds of TV channels, websites, news outlets, newspapers and magazines that make up 90% of all media are controlled by very few people, giving the people of America and Europe the Illusion of free choice. Now while only six companies being In control of the vast majority of the western worlds media, may sound like a sinister NWO arrangement, the Swiss Propaganda Research Centre, SPR, has just released Information that shows It's even worse than that. The research group was able to tie all these media companies to a single organization and this organization Is the Council On Foreign Relations, CFR. The CFR Is a primary member of the circle of Washington D.C ( which Is the military centre of the Cabal ) think tanks that promote endless war, to allow the endless expansion of the Military Industrial Complex. It must be noted that the United States Is a Corporation, owned and run by the same people that control the Federal Reserve and NASA, the Saturn Cult Cabal.

United States Corp.jpeg

The CFR acts as a primary provocateur, using psychological suggestion to create a false narrative of danger, from some foreign entity, with the primary objective being to create paranoia and fear within the US population, that It Is under Imminent threat of attack or takeover. When you take a look at the chart laid out by the SPR you can see one vast single organization, you soon realize how these Talmudic, EL-ite, psychopaths have guided Americans In to accepting endless wars, at the expense of American sons and daughters.
Top journalists and executives, from all major media companies, are Integrated In to the CFR and when we look at the chart we can clearly see this. The CFR Is In primary control of the mainstream media, It has more control than even the Bilderberg group and the Tri-Lateral Commission, we can clearly see that all these things feed In to one group here.
The CFR does not merely analyze and Interpret foreign policy, for the United States Corporation, they help create It. This group of unaccountable, un-elected, professional propagandists, within America, don't simply analyze US government policy, they make It.

Ok... thank you for the info. But they stand there and spit in your face while stating with a wise-ass NY accent: whatchagonnafuckin'doooabotttit? We are up against the world's largest ever, "legal" currency counterfeiting operation. Can you donate 10 minutes a day for 6 days a week to help get AK elected?

Yes, I'm not In US though. They are now transitioning to block chain, we need to withdraw ourselves from this corrupt Saturn system by stating we are living beings made by the divine creator/s. The word hu-man Is a word form old maritime which meant monster or beast, American law, Ballentines Law Dictionary 1930.
See Anna Von Reitz -

Have you read or listened to Adam's "Freedom" book yet?

I haven't but I will be sure to look It up. Does Adam Kokesh know the US Is a Corporation run by the FED and the British and we're all classed as Corporations via the birth certificate bonds? If you really think about It, It's each of us Individual responsibility to take back our freedom, I'm fighting to take back freedom not only for mankind but more Importantly for the Natural Earth system we live In. The Truth Is the Light and the Way to Freedom. peace.

See if you feel he captures the essence of what you mention in the last two sentences.

The movie about him is great. Goes into detail what it was like before he went to Moscow. It's a must watch. Saw the wise county video yesterday and all I want to say is 'fuck the police'.

I wish you luck, sir. They'll never relinquish power. It will need a violent and bloody revolution.

What do you make of the train incident and is this the behind the scenes violence spilling out into the streets that we have been waiting for? Will the dollar collapse once the public is aware the the GOP and DNC are killing each other?

Is this an open question for everyone, or just for AK to address?

I meant it for Mr. Kokesh but I would be interested to see what everyone else thinks.

Train wreck caused by a "garbage truck" with a company logo of a firm out of biz? Nexxxxt. Dollar won't collapse as long as the currency counterfeiting op we know as "The Fed" will be allowed to run their show. Why would they risk upsetting their "fish in a barrel" syndrome we know as America?

Whenever I want to find out what type of person someone is I ask them what do you think of Edward Snowden. I will then try to set them straight. I am not always successful however.

The thing is, many "good" people believe that Edward Snowden is a traitor, only because that's the corrupt government's position on the matter. They've heard the false narrative that Mr. Snowden put the lives of Americans at risk by exposing the evil deeds of a tyrannical government. I have a friend that is one of the most gullible, "asleep," and dim-witted people on the planet, and he's convinced that Edward Snowden is pure evil. By all other accounts however, my friend is a decent guy.

You not telling me anything that I did not know. I was not referring to type being good or bad by rather awake or asleep.

SMU said: >>>I have a friend that is one of the most gullible, "asleep," and dim-witted people on the planet, <<<.


He's a good guy, just misguided. These are the people that we need to try to enlighten first. They'll come to know the truth...eventually. As we reach critical mass, things will start to shift, but it's going to be an up-hill battle all the way.

Can you get him to read Adam's Freedom! book? least listen to the mp3 up to the 8:05 mark? If he thinks it sucks at that point, let it go..... You are correct about reaching "critical mass", but it's going to take an army of us to reach out with this book. Have you read, or listened to it?

Today, I am working on a "form letter" of sorts which will entice readership....

There's no way he'd even listen to it. He gets home from work, plops on the couch, and watches TV. He believes everything that is on the news, and when I suggested that corporate news very much has an agenda, he just laughed at me. I asked him one time what it would take to wake him up, but he just laughed at me.

Oh, and Hillary Clinton is his goddess, and the only thing he sees wrong with the world, is President Trump. Obama was fine because he's a democrat. The guy is a huge sports fan, and that's the way he sees politics, as my team versus the other team.

He can't be saved. lol

Well, my friend. I have to disagree with you. He is NOT a "good guy". He would just as soon see his "queen" drag you and I off to some FEMA camp having been officially labeled as "domestic terrorists". Anyway. I assume you have a strong social media presence. Pass the audio file around. Let's see who we can find. 10 stinkin' minutes a day commitment for liberty. ...all from the comfort of wherever you are. What sayeth?

jayem: What is your sales pitch used to "set them straight" ? I am curious as to why it sometimes doesn't work.

I don't really have a sales pitch other than the truth. I am not really good at converting people. I don't force my ideas onto them. It's not my responsibility to "set them straight". I let them ask the questions and answer them as honestly as I can. It takes time for people to convert.

Have you read (or "heard") Adam's book?

Well, there's your perfect sales tool. If after reading or listening to it, the individual isn't convinced enough to "convert", there really isn't anything more one can say to do the job. I suggest taking some time to go the to Freedomline website and download the mp3. Let's pursue this convo after that.

Again, it is not my responsibility to convert anyone. If I cannot convince someone of my ideas, I probably won't be able to convince them to read the book either.

Oh, jay, jay, jay... all these negative waves. LOL

Are you an "official" in the AK for noPres campaign team?

Snowden is a heck of a patriot, I have often considered that he should run and then he could pardon himself. Some of the videos he makes are simply incredible. Even his feature film was good.

we have more chance of getting AK elected. He can pardon Snowden before disbanding WDC. Can you donate 10 minutes a day for 6 days a week to make it happen?

I can pledge to read his posts and give constructive criticism. Snowden has a lot more name recognition and credibility at this point.

Snowden is not a libertarian, and will not be nominated by that party... which will be on the ballot in all 50 states. Adam is not considered a criminal by anyone. Can you dedicate your daily 10 minutes to find people who will read (or hear) his Freedom book? Have you read it?

"Adam is not considered a criminal by anyone." Except for the pending charges against him right? 10 minutes a day is sort of a lot, I have not got around to it yet.

Here... PLEEEEEAZE listen to it. We need your input.

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