Emotional Slavery

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

As free, beautiful, independent people, our greatest gift besides life itself is emotional freedom. No one can tell us what to think or how to feel. But if only it were so simple! Our emotions are critical to how we deal with the world and how we relate to each other. Without negative emotions, positive emotions are almost meaningless, but we can choose if we want to dwell on the positive or the negative. We cannot control our immediate emotional reactions or deny that they exist, but they provide openings for manipulation by others. To someone who has mastered their emotions, others can only provoke momentary lapses in whatever state of mind they have chosen to adopt, but very few have such mastery, and most of us fall far short.


Invoking emotions in others is a powerful way to control those who allow themselves to be manipulated. We see this every day in our individual relationships, and those that are dominated by emotional manipulation tend to be miserable! Sometimes this is not done deliberately, but is just as destructive when done subconsciously. It often occurs as a result of poor communication skills. When people feel unable to properly express themselves, they resort to emotional appeals or the examples set by those around them, especially their parents. Parents often use such weapons against their children, who learn by example. Awareness is all it takes to stop and prevent it, but that requires discipline and vigilance.

Effective communication can resolve nearly all human conflicts. We often communicate aggressively without even knowing it. We often communicate using deception and emotional manipulation to control others. We hold back from open communication because we fear being judged. Sometimes, we forget to listen to the needs of others because we are too busy judging them. We tend to hear comments as attacks and get defensive. These dysfunctional patterns of communication reinforce emotional slavery. True freedom means being able to communicate honestly, openly, and without judgement. The language of emotional slavery leaves us vulnerable to unsatisfying relationships. Nonaggressive communication fosters emotional freedom and fulfillment.

Governments can control us by the direct threat of force, but it is relatively inefficient and creates far more resistance than emotional manipulation. Governments are especially adept at using propaganda to induce fear among citizens to control their behavior. When people are frightened enough, they turn to governments for protection. Because we all fear the judgement of others to some degree, governments also use propaganda to manipulate our perception of the expectations of others. If propaganda creates the impression that all the other citizens expect us to be obedient, our default position will be obedience, and that can only be overcome with careful, rational analysis. Any time someone trying to control us can fill our heads with emotions, they can keep us from thinking clearly and lead us to believe in whatever bad ideas advance their agenda.

Whether negative emotions come from governments, individuals, or circumstance, allowing them to dominate our thinking is emotional slavery that leads to voluntary submission. When someone tries to frighten us, we cannot always control how we react, but we can choose to stay in a state of emotional reaction, or center ourselves and rationally analyze the situation. When we choose to remain in an emotional state that is chosen for us, we are voluntarily submitting to control. By claiming control of our outlook, we can make ourselves impervious to emotional manipulation from individuals and governments. Imagine how much better the world would be if no one succumbed to government fear! Without fear, the racket wouldn’t be possible. Governments couldn’t convince us to support wars, or the policies of the police state, or the idea of government itself. Patterns of manipulation are passed from generation to generation, but with increased consciousness of this broader problem through therapy, mental health awareness, better communication habits, and better practice of meditation, these habits are slowly being unlearned.

Chapter 9 Section I From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.

Image by Tomasz Alen Kopera


back in early days , where're afraid of animals like lion, bear, tiger and any other predator that we know as a threat and we invented a tools as protection. and then another threat came which is a "human" where chaos and war is everywhere. And we inherited that fear, nowadays, we depends on government, but when the government abuses power, they exploit vulnerable people because of greed.Nowadays fear is no longer an instinct defense mechanism but rather a curse that gets you killed. :)

Hey Adam! I didn't know somebody could win your book. I think it would be an interesting read.

One thing I have been working on is my communication with those around me regarding the utility of Bitcoin and it's negative light in the mainstream drama. There are many concepts behind Bitcoin and the freedom it provides to many users. Like Andreas Antonopolous, I would like to become a better communicator regarding talks in Bitcoin. As he says, money is a form of language we use to communicate with others. I would like to see what you have said in your book regarding Bitcoin.

kevbot. communicate to them about cryptoCurrency as a whole. Don't lock into just Bitcoin; what is amounting to an obsolete level of blockchain technology. It's too cumbersome to be quality currency. Jeff Berwick covers this well, I have been told....as does his cute chickieFriend Heidi.

Why read when you can listen while driving to and from work?

I could not agree more. I am dealing with a professional struggle that encompasses some of the parameters mentioned here. It is hard to break these patterns of forced emotional will from another onto self without abandoning the situation completely. Someone else's will can dominated your life if that person holds a certain power over you financially. I hope to find an alternative that will allow me to break free of the emotionally dominate situation I have dealt with professionally in recent times.
It was great to meet you briefly yesterday, thank you for the inspiring post, much love. Followed, up-voted, and re-steemed.

You are not alone. Peaceful vibes your way

to you as well. Wa Alaikum Assalam.

Nice Read.

This is something that I often waste my air on. Explicitly explaining how emotions are conscious reactions that have been habitually programmed into us. On my blog, I have a posting talking about what freedom is to me. Your post is very similar, as you took the emotional approach I had taken the cognitive.

It's a enlightening read. I'd be honored to receive your book. I wish you luck in your candidacy, I hope to see you prevail.

Hey Adam! I truly hate to be like this, but I am trying to get the money to get my husband and I to New Orleans. I wrote a post yesterday asking for support, among my followers I have 67 cents worth of support. We are both ready to be delegates, we did the whole Ron Paul thing and were delegates fro him in 2008 so we know the ropes. I guess I am saying if you want us to be able to make it, I am going to need another post boosted. If you are so inclined, here is my story which serves as an interesting lesson in how NOT to... compared to your post. Thanks for everything, and if you don't really need us to come or don't really feel right boosting this no worries. I just figured asking is free, and I would at least ask before we decided we could not make the trip.

Thank you so much for this.... you've put to words things I've not been able to for a long time

You're welcome, thank you for reading and reaching out!

We need more Freedom fighters whom we all must support .. it’s not optional anymore !

Interesting perspective. To me, I feel we wake up free every day. Then, throughout the day the emotional weight bears down on us, if we let it. The good thing is that we get to wake up free again and again.

Buddy, your write up is exceptionally wonderful, as it speaks the whole truth about us and our emotions, kudos to you. Upvoted and following you. you can follow me @xtophercruzeu thanks

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