CoinPot Faucets - my progress in earning crypto coins for free (follow-up)

in #free6 years ago (edited)

Captura de ecrã 2018-06-04, às 18.44.49.png

Hello Stemians, I'm back with a new post to share my progress in earning crypto coins for free.
Like I said before I'm not an expert, and as such I have no interest in spending my fiat money in crypto coins. I decided to start experimenting with the Coinpot faucets to see how this works. Each faucet has its own incentive structure, with Loyalty bonus, Referral bonus, Offer Bonus, Mystery Bonus  and Mining Bonus.

Captura de ecrã 2018-06-04, às 19.12.04.png

The gains are honestly small, on the other hand I do not invest much time, I can say I usually make one daily claim and have no referrals. In just one week I managed to collect my first 50 dogecoins coins. I know is not much, and this is a low value coin, but according to some analysis from @Haejin, it's not going to stay cheap for much longer.

Captura de ecrã 2018-06-04, às 18.38.43.png

First I created an online wallet in Coinbase
Then an account at I just needed an email for this. After this two steps I sign up in the faucets that work with Coinpot with the same email I have in Coinpot. Having the same email is important because it is through this email that all the crypto coins go to your Coinpot MicroWallet.

Currently 11 days after my first post I was able to put together the 50 dogecoins coins, like I said before, and 0.0008 Dash coins.

Captura de ecrã 2018-06-04, às 18.37.14.png

My strategy is to convert the higher currencies that take longer to accumulate and reach the threshold for Withdrawal, to Dash coins. Although I'm thinking of leaving the Bitcoin cash untouched.
I know it's almost nothing, but I'm still happy and I'm going to continue to make Claims and add more coins to my wallet. At the moment I have a Loyalty bonus of 16%, 16 days in a row of one daily claim, and intend to go for the 100% Loyalty bonus. If you want to try feel free to follow my referral links, I would be veeerrryyy appreciated 😊 🚀 Stay cool!



Micro earnings/source graphic
Captura de ecrã 2018-06-04, às 18.25.59.png


going well :)
i use coinpot to pour some extra SBD here :)
i normally withdraw DASH, and convert all other coins to it to buy SBD via blocktrades :)

hey, I don't find it bad for one daily claim 😊
Buying SBD via blocktrades is the next step, awesome to know you are doing it.

I even reached 100% loyalty bonus for some of the coins, but yeah.. sometimes you need to interrupt :) ...or i just forget...
Yeah 1 per day is reasonable.

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64542.61
ETH 3460.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51