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RE: Histoire de ma vie jusqu’à ce jour - Épisode 30 - Croisière de la Jeanne d'Arc: Montevideo, Purto Belgrano, Valparaiso

in #fr7 years ago

I remember Doug telling me about one of their Officer Training exercises. They weren't blessed with injured personnel to care for but, as he was becoming a submarine officer, they did stick him in an enclosed room with a bunch of enlisted personnel. He had to direct the personnel on what they should do while pipes all over the room started to spring leaks and flooding the room. I can't remember if he said he was the only one to pass this test or if he was one of the few.

He told me that he passed his test due to his utterly maddening way of standing back and just watching until he knew the correct answer even while all around him goes to hell.

Can you tell what failing of his we were 'discussing' at the moment? 😉

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