Week #23 Fox Tales - Since You Have Been Gone

in #foxtales6 years ago



I had missed you since you have been gone, you really not know the half of it. Life is not the same you know? It feels emptier almost devoid of happiness in it. What is really the point of it all? You just born and get thrown in this mess, and every day it just get worst, I know that people tell you every time: “It gets easier with the pass of time”. At first, I believed that, I really do but then I asked myself: “What I am doing here pretending to be happy?” The only time I could remember something close to happiness, was…. When I was with you, but as all good things in life, they end quick and let a cluster fuck of consequences in their awake. I want you to know that I haven't been with anyone else since you left. To be completely honest with you, I have even started…. To touch myself, like the way you used to do and then I put my hand on my face as I cover my eyes, just like you once do. And In the most difficult nights, when I'm about to drown in tears, I have to shut myself off just to not scream in agony. You were supposedly the one, you and I were supposed to get old and die together, but you just had to beat me to it, don't you? And here I am, all alone, drunk and messed up, sitting in front of your grave making you dizzy with all my bullshit. I hope that you are happy wherever you are, I miss you Frank, I really do.

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