Week #19 Fox Tales: The Bright White Light

in #foxtales6 years ago (edited)

Image drawn by @vermillionfox

I wake up and I hear my heart's rhythm to the music that is unfamiliar. I am scared as if I was engulfed by a giant sea of waters. I cannot discern what I am going through for I cannot see! What is happening to me? I am so confused. I pull my lower eyelid down and squint my eyes but all I see is black! Groping in the dark, feeling alienated. An eerie hunch that I am being watched. I hear whispering voices at a distance. I rise up and move forward but a bright white light radiates through me and the more that I can hardly see because of the intensity of it. Where am I? Closer, I hear a rustling sound of wings. Moving forward though I cannot still see, I hear angelic voices sing praises. Someone pat my shoulder and guide me to a room and pull a chair for me to sit. "Do not be afraid" a resonant voice told me as He knows that I am uneasy and the whole situation is confusing me still further. He hold my cold hands and then my face. I smell a very strong and sweet odor that's hard to ignore on His hands. Then He snap His fingers and it surprises me and I can see. I look at the surroundings and I am in awe on what I see. The chair where I was sitting is gold. The ceiling and the roof are made of gold! The garden is full of flowers in bloom! I look at myself and I am wearing a white gown and the people are wearing white too. I am surprise that they are not just wearing white gowns they have wings at the back too! I turn to Him but I am almost blinded by the intense white light that surrounds Him. He holds and embraces me. "You will never experience pain and hardships because you are now with Me in eternity"....

This is an entry for the #foxtales contest week #19.

Thank you for reading!

April 7, 2018 - 11:08PM


Nice art work and good words

Upvoted te nice

Thanks bro.

Nice art bro

:) Am a Lady

Oh sorry mam .sorry soorry .

It's okay ;) and that drawing is not mine

Ok mam thankx

nice ate upvoted

Thanks so much!

Nice story madam 😉
I like the flow and twist of your story..
upvoted po 👍

Oh thank you so much and for the Upvote as well.. 😉

What a story sis.. so galing din the artwork. God bless :)

Thanks sis that you like my story but the artwork isn't mine. It's @vermillionfox drawing 😉 and thanks for dropping by as well

Wow verry nice story sis!

Thanks sis! My first attempt to join this story contest of @vermillionfox 😉

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