Two Stories Inspired by the Same Image (Foxtales 34 Entry)

in #foxtales5 years ago (edited)

For Love…

A sweet smile cracked her drooling face, laughter streaming down her cheeks. He’d taken so little, but she felt so light - a huge weight lifting from her mind. For the first time in years, she felt her spirits soar unrestrained, enjoying the sensation without a modicum of grounding self-awareness.

She looked up at him, gurgling with the sheer freedom, her liberated joy spilling unchecked.

“Is it everything you wanted?”

She nodded, her enthusiasm spraying her tear-salted spittle in an electric arc before her. The gratitude radiated from her upturned face. He bent down, wiping the stream of wetness from her tear duct, looking for signs of damage.

“Does it still hurt?”

She lifted a hand to her face, vaguely aware of the numb area around her eye, her fingers tracing the ghost of his gentle touch. He looked at her, the shell of the woman he knew, trying to hide the pain wrinkling his forehead.

“Not there,” He put his hand over his heart, “inside, does it still hurt?”

Confusion danced her wet face.

“Why would it hurt?”

He couldn’t ask for more than that.

... and another unrelated story inspired by the same image...

To Loosen the Lips

She held his gaze while he brought the cold steel to the peach fuzz of her cheek. She hadn’t flinched yet. He gripped her head, raising his left leg, placing his foot hard against her thigh as she glared at him defiantly, refusing to break.

He didn’t say a word, squeezing her face, pulling her head towards him, licking the glaze of sweat from her cheek.

He traced the hard edge of the blade over her lips, slipping the thin, cool metal between them. She didn’t resist, parting them with a soft gasp, allowing him to press the knife against her tongue. Fear blushed her cheeks in hot panic as she felt the razor edge against her taste buds.

She stared into his dark eyes, the tears already betraying her - much to his amusement.

He adjusted his grip, holding her by the bone of her chin as he carefully wiggled the knife, taunting her. Excitement flooded his face, still only inches from her own, taking in every detail.

With a sudden flick of his wrist, the knife cut into the edge of her mouth, the white hot pain screaming through her in a time stopping explosion. She gripped the chair she was bound to, pain seizing her muscles.

Terror took over, she tried to pull away, to resist, but he held her firm, pinning her with the weight of his body.

The sharp blade eased through the hollow of her cheek, the muscular tissue parting to widen her smile. Bowing open, the fine filigree of flesh formed a glistening red extension of her lips.

The pain numbed her mouth, drool mixing with the hot blood streaming down her neck, unable to stop the tears salting her wounds.

A little loving lobotomy! <3 this was my first thought when I saw the image, and it just flowed for me, i very much hope her having just been voluntarily lobotomised came across. I only just managed to get To Loosen the Lips ready to post, could have worked on it some more, but not on my phone and on the go, so voila, as is. I have really struggled to work out which way round to have these in relation to each other, For Love is the better note to end on, but To Loosen the Lips doesn't leave the right vibe to then go onto For Love. Let me know what you think!

This is my entry to @vermillionfox's #foxtales contest - the latest round can be found here - check out all the entries under the tag and give her a follow for more great art and this wonderful regular contest <3

Artwork by the amazing @vermillionfox - provided as the prompt for this contest <3


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Awww yey <3 thank you!!

Yah already know what I am going to say to yah since I already told yah how I felt about this. However I love the first part, very lovely and sweet and cute! ~UwU~ Second part is also, despite some pained-love/extreme-BDSM, very sensual as the first. I like to imagine, despite the transition sentence in between the two saying otherwise, that they are related and that For Love was a pretense to a long night of sexual activity and they then ended up in To Loosen the Lips as they gone beyond warming up. That or just some time later in the near future does To Loosen the Lips take place with enough trust betwixt the two.

Lovely stories between the two and I feel I needn't press the matter any further but to say yah wrote some good smut with only using barely any trades of the tool found in smut. Going beyond less is more and more is more and showing how each tool has their own depths to be explored. Here here to yer victory ;^

My attempt at Spooky-tine's Day.jpg

Aww yey! The first one really got me, the depth of love it would take to do that to someone, and the pain someone must feel to want their mind scrambled a little. Mainly cos i've had those days where i kinda wished for it haha

Oh now that didn't occur to me, i'd envisioned the second one differently, thinking about it more one-sidedly, the torturer who very much enjoys his job. It had started quite differently, her perspective after the fact, crying and laughing from the pain and her victory in not telling the secret he was trying to extort, but as I did the flash back to him cutting her, i realised i would be better just going for it, and if that was the story I was going to tell, I needed to try to paint around the edges of empathy and revulsion and leave the wider context more open for interpretation. Reading it back, it works just as well as consensual BDSM, which I am really happy about, as it adds a third layer that rests between those two interpretations, of how blurred that line can be from the 'he' perspective here. I can kinda see now how they would fit together, the consent of the first playing into that of the second, it shifts the first from a nurturing love to a passionate love, and brings the more sadistic love in the second into that line as well, overall, possibly the nicest way to read these two, and I didn't even see it! <3

Thank you very much <3 it was a bit of a gamble to write such a story, and I am so very happy you'd call it a victory! Yey!

Also, now very tempted to start making Victor-y and victory puns haha

That first story was really great and I so desperately wanted to read more! But then...that last story. Goodness... I was cringing midway through! They’re both great!

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