Contest of perfume testing 💗 💗 💗 ( WIN 35 SBD IN PRIZES )!!!!!!!! ENDS Tonight!!!!

in #fourdayperfumetesting6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steem people 😀!!! 

Tonight 24:00 Greenwich time, I will bring down the curtains to this Perfume Challenge / Contest  I created, here in the Steemit community, with one more post dedicated to a perfume that is ALL ABOUT Royalties and Royal Weddings!!!

And since one more Royal Wedding is in sight, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, I believe it's the right time for it!!!! 

So are you ready? Follow me!! 😉

It was back in
29th of April 2011, when William, Prince of England got married with his beloved Kate Middleton in an extravagant ceremony at Westminster Abbey, London, UK!!!

The whole world turned and stared at the new bride that was soon after to become the Queen Consort of United Kingdom!!! 

Of course, I STILL CANNOT forget the STUNNING Blue Vintage Aston Martin, in which they left hapily ever after the ceremony!!!

From the Make up she had on that day, to the wedding dress and yes you guessed it right; to the perfume she wore and William smelled on his lovely wife!!

The perfume was White Gardenia Petals and it was created by a London based perfume brand called Illuminum!

A perfume that INSTANTLY became sold out!!! 

We are talking worldwide and the company was head over heels with the amazing publicity the whole thing took! Of course they would right? !!!

In the picture bellow is my bottle, I only got it  last summer! The truth is that the only reason I ordered it, was because the company fell out; and not so much out of curiosity for the juice itself!!

An insider of the brand back then and a good friend of mine now, confided in me that VERY bad management helped in that!!!

Expensive office and shop at Mayfair and many many more crazy things that happened............led to the bankruptcy of the company!!

So the company was sold, the packaging changed- you can see it below- and things do not look so bright anymore and if you ask me....chances are in the future to get this perfume anywhere! 

So a few things about the perfume!

Main ingredients are: Coconut, Jasmine, Lily o the Valley, Ylang- Ylang, and Amber Wood!

Hence, it is considered a white floral but to me is like a bucket of white flowers mixed with some washing detergents...sorry Kate 😊 !!!

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not a bad perfume, it has a good longevity; it lasts a good few hours on the skin and it becomes softer as the time goes by and finally gets to a powdery finish which is my favourite part. The sillage is mediocre, which is a good thing after all!

Imagine walking into a place and make the whole room turn and think that the cleaning team has arrived LOL 😂😂😂!!!!

Seriously, I think Kate, probably wore something else that day and that was just an excellent PR for a company that has vanished from the face of the earth now!!!!

Usually, if I wear it, I will wear it as a deodorant, it is AMAZING as a body spray-deodorant! But then again, it is the most expensive deodorant I own at  $150 USD! I mean it's shameful even to mention it!!

Back then, when all the female population of the planet wanted to buy it; I hadn't even smelled it!  That summer of 2011 it happened that I was for work combined with holiday, in Santa Lucia, a magical island of the Caribbean! William and Kate had just left the island! Santa Lucia was one of their honeymoon destinations and they stayed in this wonderful place you see below!

So that perfume now, because of that reason, always reminds me of Santa Lucia and a tune I used to listen to, back then everywhere I was going to, in that mesmerizing island!! One of my favs Paul Hardcastle and  Desire 💗 💗 💗   

Well I hope you enjoyed my time travel today as much as I did!  
Here I have to say A BIG THANK YOU to all the perticipats in my Challenge / Contest!!!!! You were ALL AMAZING!!!! 

I would really love to give prizes to each and everyone of you because you are ALL WORTHY IT!! 😀💙😀💙; But do not worry contests like this one, will keep coming up in the future!!! 

Until next time,stay tuned, keep smiling and keep shining my beautiful people 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 


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Another great post, Alina!!!

These 4 cost over 350$ and I currently use them as deodorants, simply because I couldn't get used to their smell (on my neck that is). They serve AWESOMELY as deodorants though 😎


And of course...I AM NOT rich...I just live life "richly" when it comes to certain things that make my life more colorful, full of seductive smells and images.

Hehehehehehe YOU ARE 100% RIGHT!!!!!

I know brother, it would be such a waste when you buy a perfume and end up not using it!!
giphy (1).gif

And besides this perfume world, we want it or not, it is not for everybody!!!

And besides this perfume world, we want it or not, it is not for everybody!!!

Well, do this: wake up a hot, sunny summer day in ANY city of Greece and use public trasportation. You will realize two things - THE INCREDIBLE importance of sanity and good smells and how in this country the perfume world is not for the VAST MAJORITY. It is what it is, but stinking is a HUGE turn off! Rumors have it that Alexander the Great killed a messenger because he dared to bring him a message before bathing and use perfume...Alright, a little too hardcore reaction but Alex kept it real LOL

Actually Alexander the Great was the FIRST ever to bring and introduce perfumes from Persia to what it was considered "then" Western world!!!!

He had a LUST for perfumes and essential oils!!!!
I bet very few in the world know that!!!!

Perfume's LIFE!!!! Traveling's LIFE!!!! Music's LIFE!!! ❤❤❤

Nice concept @alinka15
I am late! Which prolly means early for the next one :)

Thank you awakeningartist 😀!!!
No worries you were late for this one; But I just booked you for the next one 😉!!!

Your posts are always a pleasure to read AND very informative, what a great combo!! I find when wearing perfume that doesn't work for you, it is no different than having some food lodged in your front NEED a good partner or friend to tell you, lol Have a great day!!

Oooh thank you @steem-samiam for you compliment!!!

I agree with you, if you wear a perfume, it should be one that match your skin's chemistry or else you can have all kinds of side effects 😂LOL!!!

It is so great that you are so involved in creating these products! There is such a high demand for them especially for products that are pure and free from the harsh chemicals.

The growing awareness among people on a global scale; of the fact that chemicals we use in hygiene products, cosmetology and perfume industry (among other consuming goods), have really bad side effects in our health, has created a new stream of companies.

Now is more important to use products that are pure and free from anything that can cause harm!
Hence, there is a big request for products like my soon to be released skin care line!! 😊

Yes, these chemicals are harming us more than we realize. It is so very important to use products that are free of all of these harmful additives. I'm certain there will be a huge demand for your products!

Do I still have time for an entry?? I was quite too busy to relax and be creative on my entry.

A 150$ perfume for deodorant?!

Tonight is the deadline!!!


Yeah, I was asking if there is a set time. I guess it's always Cinderella's hour? :)

Well is 24:00 Greenwich time because there were MANY participants from all over the world!
So if you think about it, it's tomorrow early morning 02:00 for us in Greece.
So you have a couple of hours to your benefit, being compared to participants from the American continent which really showed SO MUCH LOVE to my contest and I think they are GREAT!!!!!

Imagine walking into a place and make the whole room turn and think that the cleaning team has arrived LOL 😂😂😂!!!!

That part got me laughing @alinak15. Savage you are.

Thank you @oladokun! I think It's nice to have a good sense of humour with things in life!

I mean after all, you have to trust me with that description! It is sooo close to the reality with this perfume 😂!!

Haha, yes. Humor in writing creates engagement as this. That is why I escpecially like reading contents like yours. Besides learning, I also got to relax some muscles. Keep up the good work.

Thank you @oladokun!!!
Comments like yours, honor me and reinforce me to be even better!! 😀😀

You are most welcome. How do I contact you privately? I especially want to learn from you seeing we joined this platform the same time January and you have a good reputation + posts + followers + engagements.

Though I wasn't active at first till this moment. I will be glad if you'll honor my request.

καλημερα Αλινακι εγραψες παλη!!!!οτι και να σου πω λιγο ειναι!!!!!

Καλημέρα Αγγελική μου, μου αρέσουν τα αρώματα!!!!
Είναι ένας άλλος κόσμος Θεϊκός!!!
Ποιο λουλούδι σου αρέσει, σαν μυρωδιά εννοώ?

καλημερα @alinak15 το γιασεμι μου αρεσει και η ορχιδεα!!!

Nice photos. they deserve an award. It is very nice. great work

Thank you @elear56!!! 😀

Just a heads up, elear56 is a comment spammer. Everyone gets the same comment.

Cant wait for the results!☺

Ένα απαλό άρωμα είναι φοβερό (είτε άνδρας είσαι, είτε γυναίκα)… μαγνητίζει και αναστατώνει!!
Καλό απόγευμα! :)))

Συμμετέχω κι εγώ στο διαγωνισμό σου..

Μπράβο Νίκο, χαίρομαι που συμμετέχεις και εσύ 😀!!!!

Γιατί τα αρώματα δεν είναι μόνο για γυναίκες, πάω να δω όλα τα ποστ τώρα!!

Ευχαριστώ.. με λίγη τροπή.. αλλά τώρα μου άνθησες το ηθικό μου το comment σου!! 😊
Σκεπτόμουνα μήπως είναι τελείως γυναικεία υπόθεση !! :)))))))))))

Δεν βλέπεις τον αδερφό μου τον tkappa?? Έχει ολόκληρη συλλογή.... μη μασάς Νίκο!!😀

Είμαι πολύ χαρούμενος που είμαστε όλοι ένα ωραίο παρεάκι…

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