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RE: Overview and Introduction to My Proposal for a Structure for the Steem Foundation - @ura-soul

in #foundationproposal5 years ago (edited)

Thanks! It is essential to have a clearly agreed vision for what is to be achieved, for so many reasons. Part of the challenge here is that money is at stake and the decisions made by the foundation may directly benefit one member more than another and they may also genuinely disagree about what is for the best. Differences and diversity do actually make us strong and are needed, provided they are accepted and respected. I see that allowance for support of divergent visions is part of allowing growth and expansion - however, not to the extent that focus is lost. Steem is a technology that allows a wide range of visions and agendas to co-exist, but I would like to see it aimed towards the apparent 'niche' of freedom and liberation for humanity - which is an aim that the majority can surely get behind!


Yes well said, the team members need to keep the goal in mind. It's hard to do it when we are in it for the money, or it is incentivized by profit, or is a job to earn a living. In idealistic settings, the soldier fights for his country and its protection, a missionary works for spreading the word, an activist campaigns for an important cause to uplift humanity. That kind of zeal is watered down when the members are selfishly motivated by their paycheck. It's not wrong, just unfortunate.

In previous ages in the Vedic culture of India, brahmanas or teachers/priests were never paid a salary and lived purely off donations. By doing this they were showing their advanced level of consciousness - not dependent on monetary reward, not businessmen, but teachers in service. Of course the administrators or leaders, the kshatriyas, would care for their needs, but the teachers were never accumulators of wealth. Our current culture has lost this ethic completely due to being engineered by unscrupulous financially motivated elite. The merchants now run the world, while the politicians have been bought out and the teachers have been forgotten.

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