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RE: Skunked! Report from the Very First Steemit Foraging Community Scavenger Hunt

in #foraging7 years ago

lol....about a month ago I noticed the foraging hunt and hadn't realised that it was old and out of date....I've been tagging people in it. he he, d'oh!


I just saw a couple of your tags and had to laugh because nobody -- nobody -- even tried to find one of the items on my scavenger hunt! But, because of you playing my game, now -- I'm going to revive it! So you will have a head start, lol!

My original list may have been too long, so I'm thinking about breaking it up into several different contests, like one every quarter, with 15 items on each one. Or I could make it a standing challenge -- anyone who gets all of the items would get a major prize, whenever they submit it. I'll write a post and ask people, I think. I'm definitely interested in your view!

Yes the list was very long!!!! And it also didn't seem to have an obvious order and the ones that would be used the most often where sort of randomly buried in the middle of the list so each time you have to sort of read down through it and it takes quit a while. I'm sure you could reduce it to broader categories and subsume much of the minor categories. Like "Using a foraging app" and "Review of a foraging app".... that's a bit overkill! Also for example, scattered separately but quite similar: "Use of a foraged harvest in the outdoors" / "A post or comment about foraging made by you"/ "A report from a personal foraging outing" (this last is probably going to be the most used but it was number 16 on the list, it should be first).

I ended up copying and saving a version to my desktop so it would be quicker to go back to. It was a bit complicated... I had a little sentence saved at the top of the document to copy and paste, could maybe already write a sentence for people to copy and paste like that.

I'm sure you could also cut the explanation down by half as well, keep it simple. The modern human has a very short attention span!

Sorry for taking so long to get back to your comment, @kate-m! Thanks for such helpful feedback! I'll take all that into account in a modified foraging scavenger hunt, for sure! It will be a lot better! :D

Will look forward to it getting launched!

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