Why I didn't root for Croatia in World Cup 2018! #RealTalk

in #football6 years ago (edited)

Heyo, fellow Steemians!

First of all, I need to say that I am Croatian, but unfortunately, I didn't root for my country in this World Cup, neither I root for them for a few years now.

In this post, I will try to bring you closer to

  • me and my point of view
  • the situation in my country and
  • why I couldn't root for my football national team, even though it was not that easy.


This post is what I like to say Real Talk so please don't find yourself offended if you're from Croatia. This is my point of view and I 'm not trying to say to anyone what to do. I'm just trying to bring you the REAL situation.


My first sport I practiced as a kid was football (soccer) - the game that is almost in our genes by now. I was fascinated by this sport and all I remember until the end of the high school days, is that I only played football. Of course, I watched it too, played Pc game Football Manager,... - I was all into football.

I practiced as a kid in a small parent club of Hajduk Split. Mighty HAJDUK SPLIT. Later, I was transffered as a junior to play for Hajduk. It is the first step in almost every child's dream - to play as a senior for Hajduk. Hajduk Split have long and fascinated history and it has the best fans in the world, also the oldest firm in Europe - Torcida Split. Just to bring you closer to what Hajduk means to people in Split, I'll let any football fan to enjoy in this video:


This is the video that leads you through two craziest days in my life - 100 years of Hajduk Split. Split have about 100 000 citizens and Torcida Split gave us the celebration that will never be forgotten. The crazy part starts at 01:15 - it was that moment at midnight when Hajduk Split was 100 years old.

Even my uncle played around the year 1950 for Hajduk Split. Back then, he was one of the best goalkeepers in the world. At that time, probably now also, you could play for Hajduk if you're a good player but even if you have some connections. And, I had the biggest connection ever - my uncle, former Hajduk player. But, at that time, I started to realize that this was a problem.

Luckily, I decided that I didn't want to play for Hajduk because I have connections - I just wanted what's best for Hajduk. You have to realize that in the city of Split, the first love for 98% of boys is HAJDUK SPLIT. Hajduk is our first love and it will always be! Emotions that revolve around Hajduk are too strong! So, you want what's best for your club, or at least, I wanted.

I never wanted to be a professional football player so at the end of my ''career'', I played in a few small clubs for fun, to stay in shape and because I loved the game. But, I was rooting for Hajduk Split and Arsenal Fc like a madman! I even went to Arsenal offseason camp in Austria and stayed there for 7 days, just to see Arsenal practice. Also, I went to London to see Arsenal vs Man City way back when the Emirates stadium was built.

But,... Big BUT... When Abramovich introduced himself to the game of football and did what he did with the money thing, I started to lose interest slightly. I was always for real man football, I never understood how this game tolerates some individuals if this is a team sport. Above that, money came pouring into football as never before. As we can see now, one player is worth more than half of the good team back then. Anyway,...


At the age of 24-25 (I'm 30 now), I stopped watching football and go to stadiums. I never thought this will happen to me. I was even laughing when I was thinking that this could happen. But it happened! A person who was ALL IN for football just stopped watching it and later on (still today) stopped playing it as he used to - that's quite interesting... And I will tell you why.

It happened because I am someone who likes to dig deeper and seek the truth, who don't like this system we live in, who don't like media and politicians, who would love, from the bottom of his heart, to see that people are living in peace, love and harmony because I know we can, who see the reality of the situation and cannot pretend and shut his eyes or ears and go on with his life. - I just don't know the other way, I don't know.

So, let me tell you what got me to this point that I couldn't root for a national football team that I love.


In this beautiful little country named Croatia, there is a football situation that is ridiculous in so many ways that it paints the picture of our society. Sadly, it is the truth that many people know and still don't want to do anything about it. It's ok, we're humans and it seems that we're pretty getting used to being screwed all over again by our lovely politicians -.-'

For the last 10-15 years, the domination in Croatian football belonged to Dinamo Zagreb, the rival club of my Hajduk Split. Matches between those clubs are highly intensive and back then highly dangerous because of the incidents that happened between rival fans, Bad Blue Boys and Torcida Split. Dinamo won the league 12 times in last 13 years, only the year before last season, Rijeka won the championship.


And that would all be OK if Dinamo was that strong, but as I told you, the situation in Croatia was and still is a little confusing and ridiculous.

Until last year, the main man/el capo/el presidente in Dinamo Zagreb was Zdravko Mamić. That mofo is now convicted for stealing money from Dinamo and Croatia to a prison sentence of 5-6 years but escaped to Bosnia and Hercegovina. This man is the core problem of all of the problems that are going on in our football and out of it. What he did with his people is one of the reasons I cannot root for Croatia.


First of all, 10ish years ago he said in a tv show that aired on national TV, that Dinamo will be champions for the next 10 years, Guess what? That happened easily. One of the reasons why that happened is because his close friends were two main guys from National Football Federation (HNS) and also, his close friend was the head of all referees in Croatia. Guess what? He was also convicted for staging up the games.

I surely don't need to tell you that politics can't do anything to him, he is above them. Or, at least, he was. He was above all and he manipulated people and laws so that he can have it his way, weird way.

A few years ago, only in Croatia, we witnessed that a club and his parent club are playing in the same league - First Croatian Football League (Prva HNL). Imagine that! Of course, they denied it all, but how much are they stupid shows that both clubs had same e-mail. This is a funny example, but this is a real situation. This is how those clubs had a deal: Dinamo buys every good player in Croatia and everyone they don't need, they send it to their feeder club, Lokomotiva. So, players are there playing and if they start to play good, Dinamo just buys them back. Easy peasy! :D

Source The result is a trend, the ideals are forever.

More about this... I told you that Dinamo and Hajduk are rivals so that mofo Zdravko Mamić hates Hajduk. It hates it that much that he fights it in any legal and illegal way to bring it down on its knees. Why? Because Hajduk have real fans, Hajduk have a history and Hajduk is people's club - Everything that Zdravko Mamić despises.

He acted like he is the boss and his press conferences are tragic and comic at the same time. Well, they are more tragic because when you know that this sh*t is on TV and available to everyone, then that's sad! He was just saying that everyone is against him, Dinamo and Croatia, he was constantly on cocaine and he was threatening people from newspaper and other media. In one sentence, he thought he was above all - and they let him be that way, until this year.

SourceYou're my best friend...

A few years ago, president of the Croatian Football Association (HNS) died and a lot of people thought this will finally be the moment where we can have some normal person for a president. But, as you know how this system works, that didn't happen. Instead of Vlatko Marković, people (those people Z. Mamić bought before) voted for our national football star, Davor Šuker. D. Šuker was a great player, he scored the most goals for our national team, played for R. Madrid, Arsenal,... He was our hero...

Guess what is happening now? If there is one person that is more disgusting than Z. Mamić, then that is D. Šuker. A little boi that is wannabe mafia and doesn't give a flying fuck about Croatia and children. He is also convicted for stealing valuable coins (surprise surprise) and he was involved in one of the biggest football scams in Europe. He also has his people beneath him that are listening to him and sucking his ass.

Do I have to tell you that Croatia doesn't have its football camp? Do I have to tell you that Croatian football is in bankruptcy? Do I have to tell you that FAIR PLAY is a long forgotten word here? Do I have to tell you that the laws are made so they can shut up REAL FANS? Do I have to tell you that children know what is happening and they've lost their hope? Do I have to tell you that if you don't have money, it's likely you're not gonna make it? Do I have to tell you that we have installed national coaches? Do I have to tell you that we don't have a national stadium and that games are ONLY played in Zagreb? - There are so many questions here that I don't need to tell. You know how this system works and this is one of the shiniest examples of it.


Torcida Split is the biggest nemesis of Zdravko Mamić. They went so far that they made their organization Naš Hajduk (Our Hajduk) and wanted to be an example for anyone who thinks that clubs cannot be peoples but from some money bag guy. Torcida made a new LAW! They made a Law about sports. They wanted fair football, fair competition and transparency. The law was passed on in government, but guess what? :D :D. Our lovely D. Šuker and his friend Z. Mamić (now advisor for National Team :D) just said that politics have nothing to do with sport and that they will not follow the law :D

I also think that politics are not welcomed in a sport. But this example is tragic because the head of our football is telling us in the face that he doesn't give a F and he will not be transparent. Yap, in our face... Like we're some kind of stupid people... Maybe we are...

SourceBBB message: None ideal is more powerful than the one whose time has come

This whole situation went that far that it made true real hardcore fans of Dinamo Zagreb to start fighting for THEIR club. Imagine that you are the champion of your nation for 12 years in a row and you got fans that are fighting against you. Isn't that weird? No, it's not! Becuase those fans knew what the fu*k is happening in their club, they knew that these titles are all bought, they knew that Z. Mamić is stealing money and is trowing Croatian football on its knees. BBB (Bad Blue Boys - fans of Dinamo) tried their hardest on a stadium to fight against this crime and stealing of their loved club but they were unsuccessful, the politicians and mafia together are hard to fight here.

The next move for them was to stop going to games at their stadium. Now, I want you to stop here and please take a second to think about this! Imagine a group of people that have real love for their club and that spent half of their life on stadiums - they decided they will not go there anymore, they decided to take their own ''life'' somewhere else. They just couldn't do anything else. The legal way was not working and this was the next step. They took the most crucial part in football out of the equation - FANS! REAL FANS!

SourceZ. Mamić is not welcomed here

After that, Dinamo - the National Champion, had about 500 people in their stadiums and half of them were paid by Zdravko Mamić to come to a stadium. I said 500 people, I didn't say 500 fans because those were old people with their children. Why them? Becuase Dinamo was so desperate and they wanted to paint a fake picture so they were giving free tickets, free jerseys and they had many more sales to lure people to a stadium. Isn't that funny? No, it's tragic and sad because it paints the picture of our society. LET'S FAKE EVERYTHING AND PAY PEOPLE TO FOLLOW THAT -.-

If this above didn't shock you enough, I will write this here just for the end. Zdravko Mamić had ''slave contracts'' with his players. One famous player experienced that while he was 16 years old. His name is Eduardo da Silva (played for Dinamo, Arsenal, Shakhtar,..) Z. Mamić found him as 15 yo hungry boy who wanted to play football and Z. Mamić helped him and brought him to Croatia and gave him somewhere to eat, sleep and play football. Isn't Z. Mamić a wonderful human being? NOPE! Why? Because he made a contract with Eduardo that he has about 15% of his paychecks for the rest of his career!!! WHAAAAAAT?? Oh yes, that happened and even Eduardo sued him and was fighting for his rights! (The judge canceled the slave contract between Mamić and Eduardo so Eduardo won the case!)

SourceEduardo da Silva vs Zdravko Mamić

Now, if somebody wants to say that he helped Eduardo and he had rights for this contract, then I will just say this: Pharaon also gave jobs for people ;). What I want to say is that I will NEVER justify something like this! If you come to a boy that's hungry and far away from home that you're gonna help him and take his % of paycheck for the rest of the career, then you are not helping HIM, you are helping YOU in a long term... Intentions matter for me!

Who knows how many contracts he had with other players, but what we know is that he made some crazy ass contracts with L. Modrić and D. Lovren - famous players from R. Madrid and Liverpool. They also stole from Croatia and its children and they also LIED in the courtroom to save their ass and that bitch Z. Mamić.

SourcePlayers with slave contracts

Luka Modrić said everything on the first meeting with a judge in the court but he denied it in the second one by saying that he was confused, in fear and then he kept saying that he doesn't remember now :D Isn't that a little bit weird? First, he says everything and now he says that he just doesn't remember!

Dejan Lovren also lies and acted stupidly in the courtroom. Judge also found some paper that Z. Mamić gave Lovren and on that paper was some questions and how and what to answer. So, Z. Mamić knew the questions and wanted his answers to be answered via Lovren.

So, now you know about our famous football players! They are killing our football while sitting on the pile of cash and giving fuck only about their future. I ask them: When will one of you (maybe captain) have some balls and say what's happening here and how is our lovely football dying???!?

So, the situation in our football was and still is like this and that's why I decided to unfollow my National Football Team! I know that REAL FANS are fighting for football and those EUPHORIA FANS are just satisfying their Ego needs directly hurting our football and the dreams of our children. Let me just explain this for the end.

I will NEVER be part of the problems, especially for my Ego needs. I will NEVER support politicians because they just don't give a fuck about people. I will NEVER support the mafia because I love people and I want them the best. I will NEVER support anyone who is killing dreams of our young generations. I will always support REAL LOVE and I will always fight against any fake shit!


Why would I do that? Well, I am kinda weird. I really want us to start living a normal life, together, in harmony :O Yap, that's possible! I really want to be REAL in every situation because I know how much fake shit media wants us to believe and how much is that hurting the future of our civilization. That's why I am telling people that it's not easy to be real. By being REAL, you need to put your emotions beside (which is for me a lot hard!!! A lot!) and fight for those things that you really believe in.

I could easily cheer for my National Team, but I know what our lovely politicians want and I know what is right, so I decided not to support them and to start to support them when they start to represent people and real fans.

I will just write this quote by Tupac:

Everyone's ashamed of the youth 'cause the truth look strange.
And for me, it's reversed -
We left 'em a world that's cursed, and it hurts...

By this, I wanted to say that I will put all of my efforts in fighting for a better world - something I am trying to do from age 10 and I will continue to do because that's just who I am. I will not put blame on our youngsters when I see what is my generation doing. I will try to spark their mind a bit so maybe hey could understand where I'm coming from and why do I do that. I will try to leave them a better world and I will try to be an example of what and what not to do!

If you want a better world than start making moves, starve your Ego and feed your soul! BE!

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HNS lopovi nogomet ste sjebali!!
Al bez obira na to treba slavit i veselit se jer kakvi god da jesmo drugi smo na svijetu :D

je, i nezavisni smo :D :D

I am sorry but I got a lot of centered text and I can't edit that.. I don't know where's the problem... Thanks for understanding!

EDIT: I did it! I found a problem and managed to edit it to look like a normal post haha!

Doesn't matter, each word is true here.
Now, I'm considering to place some subtitles on some "polite" Mamić's video clip, so Steemit will understand better :)

haha do that, let's make him famous :P Thanks for stopping by ;) I could write so much more, but then it would be a post that big that nobody would read it haha

Wow. What a post. I am seriously impressed with your passion and love for the game that could rise above love for a team.

I grew up a Cincinnati Reds Fan. There are several reasons, but I was a rabid fan. I had a little contact with a scout from the Reds, and that didn't cool me down a bit. Throw in a couple of World Series wins and I was set for life. Except a woman named Marge Schott bought the team. In less than a year I sent them my favorite hat and a letter explaining why I could no longer be a fan. I didn't get a reply :)

I think sport could be like the Christmas in WWI when the two sides decided to quit fighting and played a soccer game right out between the trenches. Everybody that participated was punished and the whole thing hushed up. But for just a little while, sport was more important than killing or borders.

Thanks man. Great post.

Exactly what you said! People think I am angry so I don't root for Croatia and some may say that I am not patriotic maybe. But, I think that this is making me patriotic a lot. ALL I wanted to say is that sometimes we need to stop, think and act for the long-term benefits and put our feeling behind.

I totally understand your decision to give back hat and send them back the letter.

Sport is so BIG that it spreads out to other parts of life. And that's why I am concerned about all of this...

Thanks for stopping by bro!

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Excellent post. And I know very little about football. But what I do know is that whereever there is anything that makes a lot of money - whether it's football, the entertainment industry or the music industry - the gangsters will move in and try to bend it to their own ends. And the best way to beat them, in my opinion, is to decentralise, to move out to the fringes, to support the small players. That's where the real talent is found (in my opinion!).
Another thing. Big media crazes like the World Cup, the Olympics, celebrities, the Royals etc - are often used to distract people from looking too hard at the corruption and outright theft going on around them (in my opinion!). It's refreshing to step back and look at things in a realistic way, away from the media manipulation, as you have done.

Thank you!

Exactly as you said it! Gangsters don't care about anything and they are not intelligent enough to see in the long terms so they do what they do. We need to change the system FOR SURE if we want to do some real steps forward.

Yap, a bit of euphoria and people go crazy and forget about the real situation. It's ok that it is that way, but it's funny how they are surprised after when the reality of the life comes by again...

I just hope that we will turn back in EVERY situation to gangsters. Sometimes we need to put our feelings behind and see what's going on...

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day/night!

What a great post @whack.science! You've all your passion and knowledge into it, and it's a great read.

Incredibly sad to see these mafioso people exist and ruin something that could have been beautiful <3 I have no respect for these kind of persons.

I know that in this post you can read much about what's happening. But, believe me, I scratched the surface of this. I could write chronicles about this xD

It's really sad that this is happening and I always remember myself as a kid and how they fucked up my dreams. And, I know it's happening still but it's probably worse... Now, everybody knows about that and imagine how many kids don't even want to play football because they know how rotten it is. That's the thing that I am most frustrated about - they are killing the dreams of our kids. That's really fuc*ed up!

Our football perfectly paints the picture of our society in my country and how everything is corrupted :(

Thanks for stopping by @soyrosa! Much love!

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