Live Truth Productions Presents "Super Sustainable, High Vibe FOOD LOVE SPREAD"

Live Truth Productions is a multimedia publishing house & more from the Garden of Eden sustainable ecovillage!

Education is one of our primary focuses: we want to inspire everyone to think outside the box and open themselves to the infinite possibilities that exist for ALL aspects of life, and we encourage free thinkers to CHOOSE a full spectrum life of thrival that adds value for all beings and our Earth! 

To that end, we want to share some of our projects with you!

While our @truthproductions account has only been active for about 6 months on Steemit, we have been hard at work behind the scenes in service to the @gardenofeden's community mission for almost a decade! We have hundreds of thousands of photos, thousands of videos, articles, graphics, and designs, and multiple websites that illuminate sustainable, honorable, responsible options that support a better world for all creatures and our living planet, and we look forward to continuing to share them here on the blockchain.

We have been visual artists for years with combined decades of experience, and Steemit productions are one of our latest masteries! We offer our consulting services to help one and all improve their own success on this platform - stay tuned for an upcoming post with more info.

Now, to get to today's post - more steemy food porn from our sustainable outdoor kitchen!

We honor food in our sustainable community, and we love to share our abundance!  You can learn more about our incredible food reality in our previous post.

We're bringing you more of our

~*~ Steemy FOOD LOVE ~*~

Today, we're featuring amazing salads! Every day is a possibility for a brand new creation on our gorgeous greens. Feast your eyes:

alfalfa sprouts with cherry tomatoes on collard greens

black olives with crispy strips and cranberry jam on mixed greens

chunky vegetables with goat cheese, hummus, and dried cranberries

grapes with mozzarella, carrots, and radish on swiss chard

mulberries with carrots, walnuts, and queso fresco on mixed greens

You can see our previous FOOD LOVE spreads:

1    /   2   /   3   /   4   /   5   /   6   /   7   /   8   /   9  /    10

Thanks for tuning in today ~ we hope you enjoyed and found value in this Live Truth Production!

In upcoming posts, we will offer a better look at our services and core @truthproductions team: 





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delivered straight to your inbox once a week!

Contact Live Truth Productions
For more on who we are & what we're about, click here.



Salad love!

Amazing food every day!

Super blessed to share with one and all!

YES freshness! There are so many combinations of potent and alive flavors going on here! And a nutritionally packed array as well. Thanks for the mouthgasms!

🎶 Yummy Yummy Yummy I want that food in my tummy! 🎶

Happy to provide high vibe, nutritious food for you & your family every day!

Daily high vibe, raw salads are one of the best things about life at the GOE.

Anyone promoting sustainability and good food gets my vote, keep up the good work guys . Resteemed.

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