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RE: Dulse Seaweed for Health My Experience foodphotography

I'm going to have to do a post on California Rolls. Really anyone can make them. First couple times they might be a little ugly until you get the rolling down pat, but after that you will realize they are a very simple and economical meal to make at home.

It takes time so you want to make enough to justify the time spent. Think technically you are looking at about 2 hours, but at least an hour of that is just down time waiting on things so perfect time to make a blog post or something.

Make it the first time or two for yourself until you get the hang of it (they won't look perfect the first time, but still tastes great). Once you have it figured out then offer to bring as a side dish for parties, or when you host people. It impresses most everyone yet is easier then cooking a steak to the right temperature.


I hope you do that post. I've had so many people tell me it is easy to make sushi, but I have no idea even how to start. Ugly is ok! I'm just going to eat them anyway :)

Ugly is ok! I's just going to eat them anyway :)


Next week is crazy busy, but will try to do this with my Daughter and do another Cooking with Kids post.

Awesome, cant wait to see it!

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