
I want to try some, maybe next time you make it you could send me a slice haha. make sure it's first class postage though other wise it might get cold hehe.
By the way, I love the pictures. they look so much better than when you first started :)

They will arrive cold already with the latest east from the beast back again.Was well happy with our heatwave last week.Blimmen gloomy again.Dont you worry i will insulate them badboys in a good industrial family favourite biscuit tin(Nanny would be so proud).

Are cheers Drew.Yeh to be honest i do not do any recipes at night.Everyone said natural lighting is key.So i found if i do recipe in morning photos come out so much better.Oh and i played around with my s7 settings and it makes difference to photos.😉

Haha I'm looking forward to them now, love shortbread its the bees knees lol.

Lighting is the key, but the samsung s7 also plays a big part its an ace camera but has limits to what it can do but still your photos look aces.

Someone was telling me some snow will hit us again this week, I hope not as the short will still be on haha. omg I think I might freeze.

I am getting a samsaung s8 this week so looking to see how the photos will turn out.Apparently it is meant to be even better!

I want to put out more posts but my nutter kids don't let mummy do nothing.Put it this way i take one photo and i will have one twin yanking me on my left leg and the other on the right.The 1 year old on my head while the eldest ones watching what i am doing.So all these lovely photos if i flipped the camera you would be in stitches.

Yep i still have my shades on at the mo.They will prob just stick to my my gosh i could so imagine you with the shorts and for some reason a really quirky half sleeved shirt ( something out of scarface) lol.

Hey drew as your one of my very good steemian buddies, who taught me sooo much and always happy to help when i need it. Want to make a recipe for you.Give me some ideas of what you like and i will mix it up @pamcooks style.P.s.i wont do rice pudding again😂🤣😂😁

I'm loving this idea of making something for me, but how would you like to go one better? why don't I come to you and we do a video for d-tube and we can cook together. (if you fancy it?)
I'm a chef by trade and I have a videographer who is going to be working with me to do my cooking videos once my kitchen is done.
My Steemit cooking show is going to be called chop-chop.
You could be my first Steemian guest on it or something like that, it would be cool for interaction with the Steemit community.

Oh my gosh heeeelllll nooooo.lmao.Drew i dont do vids at all.I love talking, oh how i love rambelling on ( just ask the hubby😂), but i hate the sound of my own voice.I just cringe watching myself back. I know would just kind of clam up doing them! I am so not a tuber.I think this is why i like steemit as i love writing.Do you know what though I am so honoured you would have had me on as your first guest though!

I tell you what I could do.I will send you one of my inventive recipes.I want you and the misses to try it.See who made the better dish.In the mean time give me a foodie suggestion so i can pamcook it and post👍🏼😁

OK, so I would like you to do sweat and sour chicken any style I like them all. and Fried rice. let @pamcooks go wild with this one. :)

Are you sure you don't want to be my first guest on my cooking show? I will be opening it up to the steemit community if not. I would rather it be you as my steemian buddy. I can edit and piece it together so it looks and sounds good.
the offer is there anyway :)

Lmao.Open it up to the steemit community. Trust me i get really nervous and shy.Oh and i cringe at my lovely authentic brummie accent.😂🤣😂😂

I have however got a corker of a recipe for your sweet and sour chicken. Im in the process off doing a cullen skink recipe for my next post.But yours will be after.Your gonner love it.I hope.Considering your the proffesional!

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