
Good morning @shaidon, outside of this, I'm getting old (have gotten old) so that my body hurts and aches...ah! the human condition. But I thank you for your comment and your good wishes.
I am "above ground and breathing" so in that, I'm good I suppose.
I hope you are well also, and I'll try to get by there to spread some cheer soon.
Thanks for the compliment on my meager offering to FFF and Foodies; I very much appreciate it.

It's better looking that my latest offering, here:

My focus is more on the community than anything else now. Be strong.

I try, I really do, but I have just begun the journey of recovery/adjustment to my PTSD diagnosis and treatment, so it is hard for me to not fall into negativity and despair when unexpected changes happen, like this being bought out by Tron. I'm scared

It's a matter of wait and see with this stuff. I think the block-chain will always be here, but I also don't know what's going to happen either. For the most part I am enjoying the increase in Steem price and then just making as many contacts as I can.

It's a social media platform after all.

What concerns me, is that, like tsu before it, steemit will go away.
THEY have taken pains to explain that Steemit is not Steem.
I have STEEM in my STEEMIT WALLET, I have most of that invested in STEEM POWER.
What will happen to my stuff in my STEEMIT WALLET, if goes away or is overtaken by
Steemit/Tron? I feel sure Tron has its own token/currency. So what if Steem is now worth more than in the past 18 months, if that doesn't translate to an equitable conversion to whatever currency is used by Tron?

I am not sure what will happen. They will make an announcement soon.
Apparently they will make a Steem token and compensate people but I just don’t know yet.

Sorry @shaidon, your link just takes me to my feed. I'll have to go to your profile to check out that post

OK try cutting and pasting this: @shaidon/snafu-survival-series-1-fff
to the end of or whatever you use to access this.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
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