
The link isn't running yet but it's closed. I would get on and Palnet. That is the old steemit. I usually post on hive. Blog, and then copy paste to steam it only because I'm hard-headed.


Hi there, not sure if I am replying to the right comment, it's been long I have kind of forgotten the system here, but I am trying to get some time out of my work and start freelancing again as well as some time here and on hive and palnet that you suggested. If you see this, please email me

Got it, working just fine! Good to see you back online again. Glad you're adding palnet and hive, i usually post all three places.


she's, just checked the other two out and I am planning to follow you down all three places as well. It will be fun hopefully

You will find a lot of old steemit friends on and Many moved to avoid the censorship on this platform!

You will have fun....


Hello there, I just logged in to steem using my laptop and heading to hive and palnet for a try, I hope I can find all friends there

Wonderful, most are there. @squirrelbait and @janton are pretty much offline these days, but the rest of the gang is there!


I tried to look for @janton but couldn't find him for now, maybe because he has not been active lately. It's about time, he gets back, I can't imagine him keeping himself offline and not typing 5000+ words each day

Hi there sir, have been busy with work lately. How are you ? Any news about janton?
I tried weku but it still didn't open

Good to hear from you! Janton is on palet and hive, I was just taking to him. Weku is down, and doesn't look like it will recover. I hope I can get some of the crypto out that I have in there!

My wife is very sick, and I'm trying to get her healed up again; but I'm doing fine!


I am getting back here and everywhere (that you guys are) life online was less stressful and challenging than trying a career offline in the real world. Say Hi to janton and email me some link to the other platforms please, since weku hasn't still started working, I had good amount of coins there and was on a good rank as well

Yes, real life can be hard. But fighting it makes you stronger, so there are hidden rewards. and will get you there. They may have made you an account already, as they made accounts using steemit data.

I'll tell @janton hello, but he's not on as much these days. We feed the homeless again tomorrow. us gone, I had rank and crypto there, big loss.

But good to see you bAck online! Give your Mom a hug, and make her a dinner.


I just missed this comment, my bad. I am on palnet and hive both, I know about hive now but not sure how I can post the same content on palnet that I post on hive, I will look into your similar posts there

If you put the tag palnet in the hive tag box, I will automatically post your text to Palnet. That saves a lot of time.


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