Zucchini Bread With A Sweet Potato Chocolate Frosting: food fight friday

in #foodfightfriday6 years ago (edited)

Good morning y’all!

And just like that we’re back for another round of #foodfightfriday. Why can’t everyday be a food fight Friday (@foodfightfriday)? Since joining this food slinging family I’ve documented almost all of my dinners, desserts and cooking in general, so much so, my phone is full of too many process pictures. This is a warning shot: I may need to post a “just because” food blog- just because I train for triple F everyday 😋


Zucchini Bread With A Sweet Potato Chocolate Frosting

Yes, I said sweet potato (more about that in a minute). This bread also happens to be gluten free (no flour), processed sugar free (only agave for sweetening), dairy free (no egg, milk or butter), and packed with lots of vitamins and fiber. You could literally eat this, guilt free (no guilt) for breakfast.


Your start up will look something like this. I am using two different chocolate sources because you wouldn’t believe how expensive 72% or higher cocoa is or dairy and soy free baking chocolate is. Feel free to substitute anything as you see fit.


I think I’ve shared before that we are minimalists so no fancy baking tools over here. I use one measuring cup (a brand spanking new one since we lost “leaky” to good ole zucchini boats), one general grater, a ring of measuring spoons and a couple cooking/baking pots/pans or dishes. I’m constantly washing dishes as I go.


Here I have a couple cups of old fashioned rolled oats (gluten free), two mashed bananas and a cup or so (I always use extra) of grated zucchini.


Most of the magic, in this dish, happens in the blender so bare with me. I poured my oats and mashed banana in my non fancy shmancy blender only to realize that there’s not enough liquid to facilitate the blending. I took the oats and banana right back out and set them aside in a bowl.


Bring on the liquids then. At this point I’m just hoping my blender (not food processor) is adequate for this dish.


Don’t skimp on the vanilla either, it’s the dimension giver to your bread.


You can use whatever sweetener tickles your fancy. In my house we are quite fond of agave so most everything I make is sweetened with that. This is the part where there’s no processed sugar, probably where the guilt free is made too.


Use both baking powder and soda for this bread. Now is the moment of truth, will the oats fully blend…? Why YES they will.


Pour that goodness into a bread pan and sprinkle some extra cinnamon on top. I mean who doesn’t love cinnamon ?!?


While that’s baking let’s get started on the chocolate sweet potato frosting. This is a good way to hide healthy foods in chocolate btw.


Easy peasy, dump the pureed sweet potato in a small pot (I used canned because, as you can see, I do not have a food processor) and heat on low temp.


When good and warm stir in the as many chocolate chunks as your heart desires off of the flame.


The more chocolate the more love, in my book!


This is the hardest part: letting the bread and chocolate cool to room temp before frosting. Can you imagine how your house smells at this point? I’m fighting my husband off with dirty dishes right about now.


Laying that healthy nutrient rich chocolate on thick. Our appetites are getting aggressive at this point. Haha


Did you even know you could do that with sweet potatoes? It’s a trick I’ve just shared with my grandma, to keep my grandpas sugar intake in check without sacrificing something sweet (get it… sweet potato…sweet). He is nonethewiser that his chocolate is so packed with nourishment. Big win in the puravidaville village.

Thank you so much for joining me in today’s triple F feature. This Zucchini Bread With A Sweet Potato Chocolate Frosting won’t last long in any dessert loving house. I must say the food fight friday competition is getting prit-tea crazy! All of you guys/gals are some kitchen gangsters. It’s a real pleasure slinging food at you every Friday.

Thanks again for the support.
Pura Vida ✌️


Wow, that looks REALLY good!
Sweet potatoes are one of my favorites, but i would have never thought of using them in a chocolate frosting. Makes perfect sense now that you mention it, though... great Job!

Thank you so much @mattlovell. The sweet potato frosting gets me all excited too. You could and should eat this for breakfast, it’s that nutritious. I’m drawing up a step by step for one of my girlfriends so just let me know if you’d like it. The bread is a little more dense because it is gluten free but we really enjoyed the finished product. Thanks again for stopping by I really appreciate the support!

I'd love to have a recipe. Thanks!


Move over @dandays foodfightfriday is taking your seat at the dessert table!!

Here have a lollipop and go sit outside. 😜😜😜

Booo, he’s been banished from the dessert table?!? That’s gonna hurt. Haha. Thanks for the sweet (see what I did there, sweet potato, sweet dessert…) compliment. Friday’s are my favorite days on Steemit.

2,357. What’s after 25 hundred and something?

" I train for triple F everyday" you cracking me up lol. Zucchini Bread who woulda thunk it? Looks really really yummy and very healthy! I use to make all sorts of goodies back in my weighlifting days but never heard of this mmm mmmm. Whats agave, not sure if ive used that? Love the minimalism! Same over here. Amazing how little goes/does/is so much. Bravo chef

Man, thanks so much for the compliments. I’m seriously running out of picture storage so maybe consider an O.T. Food Fight Round day on Wednesday’s… haha

Agave is a sweet viscous syrup that comes from a cactus. I used to use it mixing drinks at the bar. It’s a little milder than honey but not as distinct as maple syrup. Try it, it’s yum!

My motto is, if I have to have special stuff to make it than I’m not making it. Very profound stuff right there. Haha. Thanks so much for the ongoing support, #foodfightfriday is the reason I’m on Steemit these days.

An interesting recipe. I have not tried this yet. I'll have to try to cook.

Definitely give it a go @eduards, I think you’ll enjoy it. Obviously my favorite part is the chocolate sweet potato frosting. Haha. Always a pleasure having you stop by sir.

You what? A gluten free, dairy free, sugar free dessert that you can have for breakfast, aannnd it's healty.

Man, what's this world coming to?!

Well @puravidaville, you've go and done it... you made me send a link of your post to my daughter-in-law. I hope your proud of yourself!

You should be... this is awesome!

Thanks @sivehead. That’s the best compliment I’ve gotten-sending it to your daughter… awesome! I hope she likes it :) The loaf didn’t last long in our house. Ha

Have a great weekend and always great having you stop by.

Well... she was most impressed! I dare say she'll be rummaging through your other recipes too.

With any luck, She might even sign up to steemit and follow along. 😎👍

And it always my pleasure @puravidaville

Nice nice! Tell her “cmon down”. It makes me very happy that anyone likes my cooking let alone wants some of my recipes. You know I never new how to cook most of my life, in fact I didn’t start cooking until late 2014 (I shit you not). Dandays has always been so encouraging from meal #1 that I quickly realized, I love cooking.

Thanks again for the nice compliments, I do hope your daughter in law comes over to share some recipes with me. Have a good day @sivehead

Hello very interesting recipe zucchini and sweet potatoes as a dessert sounds like fun i really like that you put photos of every step you are taking.The only thing that i think is missing if i may is the recipe!!!You don't want to share it:D The result looks pretty yummy.

Thank you @drawmeaship. I love that this yummy bread is made with vegetables too. I shared the recipe in my comments if you’d like to try your hand at it. I’ve gone back and forth about writing out the recipe and have left it off because I wanted the post to remain very readable, relaxed and not so direction heavy. I think I may include the recipes from now on via hyperlink or something. Thank you for the comment and I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Thank you yes i found the recipe after i posted the comment lol:)Have a great week end to

There's an episode of the show "Alone" where one of the contestant is starving a little too much, and start eating tree bark, for few days, he even try to make some flour out of it. He eventually tap out a day or two after shitting bricks...
My point is , you can apparently make bread out of any edible organic material, and I think it's fascinating, it just shows that we have been taught how to eat a certain way in the last 50 years, and before that, food were not even the same shape, or taste as the one we know now.So you can replace the gluten free oat with pretty much anything right?

Thanks for opening our minds a little!Amazing gluten free food, you can stack some important carbs and proteins with it, I am very interested!

You can totally replace the oats with ‘anything’ as long as that anything is some type of flour-y substance. They make gluten free flours like almond, coconut, oat, etc. I think you’d need to add another ingredient like guar gum to assist in the rising of the bread. Definitely something to play with.

I just recently took gluten out of my diet, I think Dandays stills eats it, but for me it has helped me to maintain a balanced blood sugar. I’m a huge advocate of healing yourself through diet so am often experimenting with things I eat. Haha. Since going gluten free I feel much better, my face is even clearer, which I thought was interesting. Honestly, I don’t even miss it. I just swap out things like flour tortillas for corn tortillas or breads for potatoes.

I make different foods/desserts everyday and am always happy to share my recipes, should you want to have a go at it. :). I’ll stop rambling now. Ha

Always such a pleasure to have you by.

I think it takes quite some commitment! thanks I will check out for guar gum!

@dandays response service checking in. His power will be full charge at 1800 hours.
-message 1- “iheartu all the time.”

-message 2- “I saw this person (https://steemit.com/@kremena.shtereva) make a couple waves with their very first post and she liked your dish too. I gave her a shout out... just sayin.” -end quote.

Zucchini bread and sweet potato chocolate frosting, your creations never stop astonishing me! Sweet potato is something we all should use more for baking, it's such a delicious, nutrient-rich alternative for white sugar!

Waiting for cakes to cool down before cutting and frosting is so excruciating, especially for really impatient people like me! A few weeks ago I was baking a chocolate cake with my friend, at the point where we took the cake out of the oven, I was still thinking that I'll get a really nice photo once the cake is filled and frosted... Turns out that I was way too impatient to get it done and taste it, so I cut it too early, and the result was everything but pretty! We kept the cake in the baking tin and just poured the frosting on top... At least it didn't affect the taste! 😂

Thank you so much for the compliment. The sweet potato frosting was not my original idea but got me so excited too. I’ll forever use sweet potato in my baking now!

I’ve never been good at waiting for the cake to cool either. The fact that I knew I was going to document this recipe did keep me in check though. The plating process is hard for my husband, that’s when I literally have to smack his hands. Haha.

Haha, I can imagine you smacking your husband's hands, it's hard to plate your food when someone is rushing you! But I still understand him, it's a struggle!

Haha. Sometimes he even helps me plate, it’s cute. The worst is when I bake a loaf for someone and he can’t have any after sitting through all of the yummy smells.

That takes a lot of will power! Next time he'll have bake two loaves, one for someone else, and one for him and you!

For sure, I usually get out of the house with a half loaf. Haha… I should definitely just start making two of everything.

I like zucchini bread, but this took it to a whole new level, and the frosting sounds delicious, since I'm a fan of sweet potatoes, too. I don't know that this could have turned out any tastier looking had you used just the traditional ingredients of flour, sugar and chocolate.

Very good. And yes, we're all aware of how often you train. It shows up every week in your entries for Food Fight Friday! :)

Oh thank you so much for all of the compliments @glenalbrethsen. I swear nobody would be able to tell that the bread was gluten free, blah, free, blah, it turned out better than I expected. The sweet potato frosting was definitely the star though.

Haha… I’ve been cooking on a daily basis for the better part of 4 years now but food fight Friday, and all of the impressive entries, have inspired me to try new things and document it, of course. Thank you so much for your suppport. You are no slouch in the kitchen yourself.

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