Steemit Food Challenge - My Romanian Pizza

I am back with a new romanian take on the challenge! Today's edition: PIZZA! Boom!! Let's begin!

Pizza: what's more Italian than that? ( pasta )

I love the story of pizza. It started as the food of peasants, who, after a hard day of work went home for a cheap meal: Bread, mozzarella and tomato sauce. That's what they usually call a pizza Napolitana. But of course, it eventually evolved to become a complex, surprising and creative Italian classic dish. The pizza pie is a canvas: paint it with your ingredients! Prosciutto et Funghi. Pineapple. Quattro Formaggi. The combinations are endless.
Today, pizza is eaten all over the world, fetishized in some places ( hello, New York!) and adored everywhere.

My idea here was, if pizza were invented in Romania what we would have used? The answer is obvious: fatty cheese and onions. That's what most of the romanian peasant used to eat after a day in the field: cheese, onion and bread.
And that's how Pizza Bucurestiana was born!

First, I made the dough. I LOVE kneading the pizza dough. Look, if you don't make your own dough, you're not making a pizza. And because it's SO easy, there are NO excuses. I'll tell you secret right here: pick a quantity of flour and add 60% water, one teaspoon of instant yeast and one teaspoon of salt. Knead until you get something like this:

Did I tell you that I LOVE KNEADING?

Leave the ball to rest for an hour and then spread it on your....well, I used a cast iron but you can use anything. After you spread it, add some tomato sauce and all the ingredients until it looks good.
My ingredients: romanian cheese( this is called "telemea" ), onion, hot peppers.

This is ready to go into the oven!

Now I KNOW I am supposed to show you the end result but...sad story...I ate it all then remembered I had to take some photos. On the bright side: It was delicious!

Thanks for reading!


Raz i want some of that Romanian cheese!

it's really like nothing else, man..

Looks so good and made me very hungry. Nice post.

Whatever is it, im going to love it. Come on bring it on the table.

Looks amazing! You deliver also right?

of course. where are you located at i'll give you an estimate :D

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