7 healthy foods that can harm. Try not to overdose they are like drugs!!!

in #food8 years ago

"Everything within limits" - this is probably the main rule of a healthy diet. However, sometimes it's so hard to say, "No, thank you" thing, as favored. Our genes are encoded in the desire to eat a lot, full, and sweet, if it is possible. This desire helped our ancestors to survive, because who knows when to be able to catch next catch. However, modern people should change the way of thinking and never forget to excess, even if on the table to tempt the most favorite dishes. It should be kept in mind and choosing healthy foods. Sometimes even the healthiest foods can do more damage than benefit. As the saying goes, even good things can be too much.

7 healthy foods that can harm:

Brazil nuts. Nuts are a great protein, fiber and healthy fatty acids. However, Brazil nuts are a lot of trace element selenium. Selenium plays an important role in the body. In just one Brazil nut is double the recommended daily intake. 6-8 nuts to meet the daily needs of selenium even 777%. Unfortunately, large quantities of selenium can be toxic. In case of overdose may begin to creep hair, brittle nails, afflict dermatitis, neurological disorders and even death.

Spinach. Dark green leafy vegetables are a true wonder of nature! Nevertheless, they should not be abused, if you do not want to give rise to kidney stones. Spinach inseparable from good health, but they, beets and red beet is rich in oxalic acid. The most oxalates are not bad, but the kidneys need a lot of time and effort that they are filtered, so they can accumulate in the kidneys and eventually create painful stones.

Canned tuna. It is no secret that the tuna is in the lead, but buying canned tuna on the most commonly granted. In almost all seafood is more or less toxins: too large quantities can cause brain damage and disrupt the nervous system. Especially dangerous overdose in infants and children, but even adults are at risk of experiencing health problems (may impair fine motor coordination, language, sleep quality, the ability to walk, can change the sensations). Canned tune of lead can be quite a lot. Pregnant women are not recommended to eat it.

Red meat. Eating too much red meat may develop iron overload. Today, many people suffer from iron deficiency, but taking iron supplements and eating plenty of iron-rich foods can be this mineral overdose. Iron overload is even more dangerous than the deficiency. Symptoms include dizziness, fatigue, headaches, weight loss, vomiting, nausea, shortness of breath and dull skin. Over time, the excess iron can damage the liver and lead to arthritis and heart disease.

Brown rice. A number of people interested in healthy eating has changed the usual rice to brown because of their nutritional value is higher. It turns out, brown rice contains arsenic - is a well-known carcinogen, which is absorbed by the rice pesticides and poultry manure. Nutritionists recommend choosing brown Basmati rice from California, India or Pakistan, because they are one-third less arsenic than rice grown in other regions. During the week we should not consume more than 2 portions of such rice. At other times, you can change the rice into potatoes, pearled grains or white rice.

Seaweed. Since 1920 the salt started to put iodine. The mineral needed for normal thyroid function and thyroid hormone secretion. The world is suffering from thyroid disorders about 2 billion people. Iodine consumption can help prevent intellectual and developmental disabilities. Iodine excess can harm if the person already has a thyroid disorder, for example, is increased nodules, hyperthyroidism or autoimmune thyroid disease. Too much iodine can worsen the condition of people suffering from hyperthyroidism.

Water. Drink too much water also should not be. For information on the risks to if not enough water is used, this is a lot, but the fact that excess water can also lead to health problems, they do not constitute in total. Water and other refreshments for athletes overdose can cause hyponatremia. Where there is too much water in relation to its level of salts, salt levels in the blood drops too low and this can result in many health ailments. Recommended more to listen to your body and drink, I felt thirsty. This will prevent not only dehydration but also an excess of water in the body.


Good post although the recommended daily ammount is not a good guide. I have eaten 10 Brazil nuts every day of my life, I'm 49, and fine. Most people are deficient of selenium.

That is what i call informative post... Good Job thank you.

oh dear I eat all of these on a regular basis except the red meat - again all of these are good for you in moderation, like anything. Thing to avoid most is high processed food, they definatley will harm you. Good natural foods, home grown or organic is better .

This is interesting because my doctor told me to eat most of the things listed above because I'm going gluten free due to Hashimoto Disease. Interesting post.

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