The Ultimate, Energy Boosting, Magic Elixir

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Introducing an evolution of the world famous Bullet Proof Coffee - the Golden Bullet.

Health benefits of the Golden Bullet:

  • Anti-inflammatory  
  • Anti-oxidizing
  • Anti-nauseating  
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-cancer
  • De-calcifying (great for pineal gland activation)
  • Boosts cognitive function
  • Hormone regulating
  • Nutrient rich
  • Regulates blood sugar and reduces insulin resistance
  • Regulates metabolism and nervous system function
  • Aids digestion and helps to protect the gastrointestinal tract
  • Increases memory and reaction time
  • Mood boosting
  • Low carbs, high energy
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Stress relieving
  • Bone strengthening
  • Natural pain killer
  • Wound healer
  • Promotes healthy skin
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Blood pressure regulator
  • Electrolyte balancer
  • Toxin Eliminator


I wanted a little extra pick me up this morning so I used coffee as the base for this blend. However, the coffee in this recipe can easily be replaced with black tea or herbal tea; Roibos, Nettle and Peppermint tea being my favourite substitutions.

Organic Coconut Oil and Un-salted Grass Fed Butter are the 2 ingredients that are added to your chosen base, to make the standard Bullet Proof. 

The additional ingredients for the Golden Bullet are - Cinnamon, Agar flakes, Maca powder, Ginger, Vanilla, Turmeric and Black pepper. 

The first thing we do is make the Golden Paste:

Add 40 grams of Turmeric into a saucepan.

Finely chop 5 grams of Ginger. It's much easier to peel your Ginger with a spoon, than it is by using a knife.

Then add the chopped Ginger and 200ml of Water to the saucepan, and, this is the important bit - a generous pinch of Ground Black Pepper. 

The reason we add Black Pepper to the Turmeric is because it enhances the bioavailability of Turmeric. 

Curcumin; the active ingredient of Turmeric, gets metabolised before the human body can properly absorb it. Piperine helps Curcumin become more bioavailable.

After 20 minutes of stirring intermittently on a low to medium heat, the once watery orange mixture turns into a glorious Golden Paste!

Then measure out the rest of the ingredients:

Use a dessert spoon of Coconut Oil, the same amount again of Butter and a tea spoon of Agar Flakes, Cinnamon, Maca and Vanilla powder, for this blend.

Next: brew a fresh coffee:

Once the Black Coffee has brewed, pour it into a blender cup, and top up with 100ml hot water. 

Then add a dessert spoon of Golden Paste:

Followed by the rest of the ingredients:

Then Blend for 30 seconds:

Oil doesn’t mix easily with water, but with the helping hand of a blender, these liquids are forced together.

Resulting in a delicious, frothy latte, brimming with an abundance of health boosting goodness:

Enjoy your Golden Bullet!


OMG ! Divine ! Who will prepare this for me please ???

When I come to Bali, I'll make some for us @mammasitta :)

I am blooming intrigued by the golden paste!!!

I was thinking the same thing lol

It's awesome stuff and super easy to make. Give it a go bud!


Have you considered making it with olive oil, instead of coconut and ghee (clarified butter) instead of butter? Quite a few people have issues with coconut oil not being absorbed. I personally don't digest butter or coconut oil well. ;)

Are the agar flakes for nutrition or??

Hi @thecleangame, I haven't tried making it with olive oil yet, but I shall experiment with it in the future.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I have tried it with ghee, and really enjoyed it. In fact, I would probably make it with ghee more often, but none of my local shops stock it, and as I'm not lactose intolerant, the organic grass fed butter does me fine.

I use Agar because it contains calcium, iron, and is high in fiber. It aids digestion and helps to carry toxic waste out of the body, hence it's addition in the ingredients list. Some people substitute animal gelatine for agar, but seeing as I'm vegetarian, that's not an option for my blend.

My bofriend and me have been talking about tumeric and its healing abilities today. Thanks for sharing this recipe -I will try it out :)

Give it a go. Golden paste is a truly amazing healer.

You don't necessarily need to mix it with anything other than a little warm water, if you want it simple but still effective. However, it's not quite the full power elixir without the other ingredients, and is admittedly a little less palatable with them missing.

If you try the simple option, you can sweeten it up with honey or another natural sweetener such as agave syrup.

Have fun with your experimenting. Enjoy :)

That looks so delicious dude! Wow!

It looks like what it is firepower, I'll have to send you over a sample!

just come across you in steem chat and this recipe looks amazing- will have to give this a go as I am a huge smoothie health nut...

Give it a try, you'll be glad you did!

Great post. thank you. i will try this recipe. I have Inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, hopefully this will be a benefit to me. i'm recently discovering how good turmeric can be.

Thank you!

I'm happy that Turmeric is working for you. It will certainly help your arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Have you looked into the autoimmune protocol?

If not, then check out The Paleo Mum.

AIP has been very helpful for many people with fibro. Hopefully you can find some benefit from it too :)

Delicious! I've prepared this daily for just over a year. I love this stuff and feel great drinking it. There's about 27 grams of fat per serving but I've gained no weight. Just balanced, not hungry, energized and happy.

I'm really happy to hear that you have also been reaping the benefits of this awesome elixir, which has proven to be a highly effective aid in both satiation and weight regulation for those who I have introduced it to.

The fact that it is super tasty too, is a big time bonus!

For the latest in whole health recipes and remedies, give me a follow and watch this space!

Thanks :)

This is such a great post, thanks for putting it together. I didn't know half the things you wrote in it and here I thought I knew a lot about superfoods :P

I'm really excited to try this out!

Thanks @sharingeverybite, I'm happy that you will also be trying this recipe out :)

I'm sure that it will do you the world of good!

I have some very special releases coming up, through which I'll be sharing many more life enhancing foods and therapies. Give me a follow to keep up to date with the latest in alternative whole health practices. Watch this space!

We have featured you work on our best of Steem post! - thank you for sharing this great recipe!

Thanks @steemzine. Much appreciated :)

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