Wacky Facts by Agent K #37: Did You Know There's a Popular Type of Cheese Made With Charcoal?

in #food6 years ago (edited)

While living in England and working for a fairly successful boxing promoter, I used to travel a lot – mainly inside the UK. 

I've probably visited Scotland, Ireland and ESPECIALLY Wales (Newbridge AND Joe Calzaghe...I LOVE YOU TO DEATH), more than any other Greek in history, but then again that's only a speculation ;)

Despite ending up being a "family man" and eventually a single father living a quiet life in English Countryside,  I fully enjoyed the totally busted hotel rooms, wild pubs and loud boxing events of Britain for as long as my boxing "promoting" career lasted. 

In one of my many trips I discovered a store named Manor Farm in Leasingham, known for selling one of the strangest cheeses in the world called Char Coal

The Menu of the Day 

True to its name, this cheese's actually made with real charcoal. Yep, you heard right, it’s made from charcoal and for that reason it’s jet black. 

It definitely doesn’t sound very appetizing or tasty and it looks kind of dirty and scary. However, it is a big hit among cheese lovers who literally adore it—at least in Leasingham. 

The shop’s staff assures us that people who had it once have been coming back for more and once you taste it you’re addicted. Sounds like we’re talking heavy drugs, doesn’t it? 

Dan Mansfield, assistant manager at Manor Farm, says:   

“It’s a mature cheddar but it’s completely black inside where it’s mixed with the charcoal but it tastes really creamy. The company we get some of our cheese supplies from said they had got this new cheese in stock and it was made from charcoal so we thought we’d give it a try. I’d never heard of it before and it doesn’t look very appetizing, but it is very nice. We’ve had a sample block cut up in the shop for customers to try and so far everyone who has tried it has bought a whole block.”   

The idea of combining coal and cheese was so unusual that this outstanding (indeed!) innovation enabled Michael Lee Fine Cheeses (creators of the cheese) to receive the 2013 award for Best New Idea at the Farm Shop and Deli Show, while Char Coal has become the absolute hit in both retail quarters, restaurants and hotels. 

Truth be told is that even though I am still not sold on this cheese, I must confess that its funky look stimulated my curiosity enough to expand my tasting experiences. And I can assure you that it's "disgustlicious.


Jet Black Char Coal Cheddar Cheese Is Made with Real Charcoal

Jet Black Char Coal Cheddar Cheese Is Made with Real Charcoal

This Bizarre-Looking Cheese Is Colored Black and Is Made with Real Charcoal


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