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RE: 🍄 Part 3: The Aftermath - Eating the Amanita Muscaria Mushroom 🍄

in #food7 years ago

I'm not a micologist but my understanding is that the toxicity of some mushrooms has a stacking effect, i.e. you can ingest them and ingest them over a period of time, until you can't anymore.

The toxins build up in your system and aren't eliminated by your metabolic functions.

I don't know about hallucinogens but I've known people who ate false morels a few times with no bad effects and then had bad effects.


Thanks for the knowledge @theblindsquirl. Hopefully then my one time use didn't put me anywhere near the safe accumulation limits if I accumulated any at all.

It will make me think twice before trying it again. Cheers!

Like I said, I'm not a fungus expert, other than knowing that morels fried in butter with salt make a great addition to a nice steak.

But I'm old enough to remember reading about supposed "experts" in wild foraging who poisoned themselves.

Thanks again for the feedback. I do actually really appreciate it and will take it to heart.

The toxins that you're speaking of are probably from the false morels of the genus Gyromitra. They have a carcinogenic substance called Gyromitrin that accumulates over time with continued consumption of some Gyromitra species.

@freeinthought It can't be stressed enough how important it is to do your due diligence when eating ANYTHING from the wild.

Feel free to send me your mushroom identification requests and I will do my best to give you a starting point on an ID.

Thanks for sharing your story.

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