TacoCat (kinda) Cooks! #28: Easy and Moist Microwave Chocolate Cake! 🎂

in #food2 years ago


Hey Hive!

We're back with more of our home cooking! If you're unfamiliar with this series, it's where I showcase some of the food we've been making at home since we've been cooking a lot nowadays! Also I'm running out of content so yeah gotta make the most of it!

So I found this seemingly simple recipe for chocolate cake and since it's been a while from the last time I've baked I thought I'd give it a try again! My biggest issue with baking now is that I don't have a proper oven since we have a small kitchen and ovens are quite expensive and make the place heat up a lot.

But I was glad to find that this recipe only needs a microwave oven and only requires 6 ingredients! Here's the recipe by Emma's Goodies on Youtube! Her videos are really easy to follow and I like her narration since she always sounds so happy! That's when you know someone is passionate about food!

Here are the ingredients according to the recipe but I also added some extra mini chocolate chips since I had them lying around.

  • 220 gr All Purpose Flour (1 1/2 cups)
  • 85 gr Unsweetened Cocoa Powder (2/3 cup)
  • 150 gr Sugar (3/4 cup)
  • 3 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 550 gr Warm Milk (or Water) (1 3/4 + 2 tbsp)


Step 1: Sift the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, cocoa powder) together in a bowl.


Once you're down to the last few solid pieces just use a spoon or spatula to press them through the sieve.


Step 2: Mix them until well combined.


Step 3: Add 3/4 cup of sugar to the mix.


Step 4: Then add either 1 3/4 cup of warm water or milk and mix until you get a smooth and watery batter.


Now the recipe calls for warm water/milk and by that I think it just means "not cold", so room temperature is enough. But unfortunately I made it too warm on my first attempt and added boiled water and it was way too hot; basically it cooked the batter prematurely that it became a paste when it was supposed to be watery.


This was from my first attempt at baking this cake and it didn't go well because of how hot the water was.


It did bake alright, but the taste and texture wasn't the way it was supposed to be. It tasted more like a pudding or jelly since it was spongy.


The second time I attempted this was a lot better. I used room temperature milk and the batter came out a lot smoother. I also added a lot of mini chocolate chips since I had some lying around.


Step 5: After mixing it a bit, this is what your batter should look like.


Step 6: Grease up a microwave safe container and pour the batter in, then put it in the microwave for about 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of your container. Check it at 3 minutes and keep going until the cake is done. When you insert a toothpick in the middle and it comes out clean is when it's ready!

Step 7: Once the cake is done, take it out of the mould and let it cool for about 5 minutes.


And once it's set and cooled down some, it's ready to be cut nice and fresh!


I was so happy with how this cake turned out! After that botched first attempt, I needed to redeem myself and it came out perfectly! The cake was so chocolatey and moist and felt dense but didn't taste spongy or chewy at all! It also wasn't too sweet even with the semi-sweet chocolate chips I added which ended up becoming all melty and delicious!

I didn't bother with any frosting or decoration since those tend to be quite unhealthy with lots of sugar and I'm more fond of just plain chocolate cakes that are good on their own. In fact one of my favourite cakes is just like this - just a plain chocolate cake that's nice and moist.


Source: Bakery Cuisine

Now that these cakes have become quite expensive though it'd good that I know now I can make my own chocolate cake that's just as delicious and moist! If you're a fan of chocolate cakes like me, make sure to try this recipe out! You can add whatever fillings you want and even frosting! The base cake is already so amazing though so if you're lazy like me it works just as well! Enjoy!

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!
TacoCat (kinda) Cooks! #27: Yummy Pan Seared Chicken with Aglio Olio 🍝

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