Street Food Festival - The Hungry Biologist #2

in #food6 years ago

By 12019 on

Last year, I went to my first Street Food Festival, and it was delightful. This year, I went again, and because I used this blog to write about the first, I'll write about the second on here too, instead of my @suesa-random account. Continuity and all.

I went on two separate days, with a total of 4 different people (which were switched out), because the trick is that you don't eat anything completely, you share and can thus eat more.

It was absolutely delightful, and of course, I took pictures to be able to present them to you, together with my rating. Enjoy!



















Overall, I loved the experience. I love food, I love trying new food, and a festival like this is a great opportunity to try a lot of new stuff. And of course, it's also something wonderful to do with friends on a weekend. I'm already looking forward to the one next year!

Images, if not stated otherwise, all taken by me. If you want to use one for whatever reason, please leave me a message or comment.

By @atopy


Seeing the pictures making me hungry 😋 I love street food @suesa

Yes you are right

Makes me hungry again too xD

Omg hate you!

Now I’m hungry and want all that at once lol

Guess I'm a sadist :P

WOW! they all look so good!
Honestly... you did what I would love to do... spend a weekend (cause there's no way I could do ALL this food in one day) roaming around a marketplace with food galore and sampling a little of everything.

Took me two days and several people to be able to try all of this ^^

Yeah I can imagine- That's a LOTTA food for one person!

The Poffertjes look so good! I wish there was something like this near me!

We have a number of Sunday Markets around the city here, and it's common to see at least one person making these and they are definitely 5-star 👍 Highly recommended for a seasoned sweet-tooth!

Now I can't wait for dinner :)

@suesa how divine this post!!! it's making me hungry!! i'd start with the salty and end with the desserts!!! the sweets!!!! what a delightful post!!! greetings from Venezuela!!

So many delicious foods...

rumble rumble


that is this. why you flag me..fuck u ..

Only flag on you from me I can find is a "follow me" comment, which is spam. So I flagged it.

the food I want to taste .. So hungry ..

wow what a delicious food🌯🌭🥟 I love it all🍣🥤🍔

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