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RE: Every day is Valentine's Day

in #food6 years ago

Haha - Yes, almost like a sandwich.

Oops, I haven't checked discord for ages.

Chances are I won't make it this Sunday - This is because I suffered from a fall on Monday (damn Toronto weather). Luckily, my baby is okay. The problem is husband is now keeping a closer eyes on me, which means, I cannot be out of his sight on my own. And, I don't think he is free on Sunday night.

Sad that I am no longer a free woman and will have to wait till baby is here to have my life back, lol.

My baby is due in May, hopefully after that, the group will have another meet up. Actually you guys must arrange for another meet up because I will need good excuse to get out and have a break at that time, haha!


Glad to hear that u guys r okay.. with all the wet n then cold ice is rampid round these parts.

I’m sad that you don’t think u’ll make it. Maybe u can convince ur husband to take u. Use ur womanly powers lol.

Or your foodie powers, or both...!

Thanks man. Haha - there are still a few more days and will definitely try (^_-)/

Coolio, hope you’ll make it!

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