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RE: ARTIFICIAL FOOD: Taking A Closer Look At The Ingredients And Their Effects - NEW SERIES - Part 1 - ASPARTAME

in #food7 years ago

Thanks. You hit the nail on the head. Depopulation is definitely a huge part of it. I would add that making the population more mentally "manageable" is also a factor. As for the Gates Foundation.....interestingly enough, at one point Monsanto actually bought G.D. Searle.
And I'm sure you know about Gates involvement with Monsanto.


Now there's a huge surprise-NOT- I figured you were saving Monsanto for a future post... what with all of the GMO's. Also BGH in milk is now the law in most states. I go to a small privately owned dairy for all my dairy products. Fluoride is also great for keeping "folks calm" the Nazis used it on concentration camp inmates. The city council where I live keeps bringing it up for a vote and people flood the meetings.

Another disturbing fact about the Gates Foundation is that Warren Buffet donated almost his entire fortune to it!

Buffet + Gates....."Birds of the same feather, flock together". In this case, the type of bird would be....VULTURE....I guess? Or maybe raven?

I think vulture... Funny isn't it how Buffet is always portrayed as such a great guy, small town values etc. Great guys don't make billions without hurting someone!

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