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RE: ARTIFICIAL FOOD: Taking A Closer Look At The Ingredients And Their Effects - NEW SERIES - Part 1 - ASPARTAME

in #food7 years ago

Great place to start! The answer to why it's still in the food supply is simple enough- $$$. It's all part of the depopulation plan... I wouldn't be terribly shocked to see that the Gates Foundation has ties to Searle either.


These scum are all just mining on the people farm for profit. Poisoning us is just thinning the herd in their eyes. This is why we have to take every opportunity to wake others up.

It's all there on the Georgia Guidestones. The Gates & Clinton Foundations were peddling bogus AIDS drugs in Africa... That's where the Great Culling is beginning (all under the watchful eye of the UN)

Yes, well said. Waking people up is the number one reason I write.

Thanks. You hit the nail on the head. Depopulation is definitely a huge part of it. I would add that making the population more mentally "manageable" is also a factor. As for the Gates Foundation.....interestingly enough, at one point Monsanto actually bought G.D. Searle.
And I'm sure you know about Gates involvement with Monsanto.

Now there's a huge surprise-NOT- I figured you were saving Monsanto for a future post... what with all of the GMO's. Also BGH in milk is now the law in most states. I go to a small privately owned dairy for all my dairy products. Fluoride is also great for keeping "folks calm" the Nazis used it on concentration camp inmates. The city council where I live keeps bringing it up for a vote and people flood the meetings.

Another disturbing fact about the Gates Foundation is that Warren Buffet donated almost his entire fortune to it!

Buffet + Gates....."Birds of the same feather, flock together". In this case, the type of bird would be....VULTURE....I guess? Or maybe raven?

I think vulture... Funny isn't it how Buffet is always portrayed as such a great guy, small town values etc. Great guys don't make billions without hurting someone!

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