Food Waste Deluxe #1 | Warm-smoked Salmon

in #food6 years ago

We rescued over 100 packages of Warm-smoked Salmon, marked with expiration date 12.12.2018. Food Waste deluxe.

What dish would you eat tonight, from today's Food Waste Deluxe?

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Wow, I wonder what the monetary value of all that is?

It would be interesting to keep an estimated cumulative $$$ value of all the food you rescue.

Maybe divided by the stores the food is obtained from. To see who are the worst 'offenders'...

Its very difficult to count the monetary value of food waste, should we count the purchase price stores are paying, which often is 1/5 of even 1/10 of the retail price. Should we count in the taxes that customers are paying or not?
I belive what we could estimate and the only thing that really matters is the amount in weight.
We probably rescue over 1000kg (2200lb) each week.

Good points on price, but weight is not that useful either really as it has no recognition of the type of food. This is a difficult one to measure.

The monetary cost is not a very good indicator of the real value of food.
The kilo price of fruit or vegetables can be 1/5 or less compared to something like, snacks, processed food, cake or meat, while the nutrition value of fruit and vegetables is much much higher.

We often pay higher price for unhealthy food and pay again with our health.

If anyone is reading this post here is my own dinner based on the Food Waste Deluxe.


Actually, @gtpjfoodbank actually receives near expiring food and will be distributed as fast as possible to under privileged families and villages.

Do hop on and see their fundition project and see how far they have achieved.

Can over privileged families also eat from the food you collect?

Reason im asking is because the food waste in many countries is so gigantic that the "under privileged" would not be able to finish all the fresh food before if gets bad. We all have to get access to the food waste and we all have to eat it, no matter your financial status.

Also why do you guys need money to save wasted food?

Im sure your intentions are good, but relying on money and large charity / non-profit organisations we risking of becoming just another money business and not changing the source of the problem that got us in this mess.

Oh yes. Those food were all passed to under privileged, aboriginal families, and if there's anything left (after crossed expiry), will distribute to the volunteers who doesn't mind eating just expired food (on the print)

Recently they had like a ton of very near expiring Mid Autumn festival mooncakes and they have distributed across states and still had surplus; in the end the volunteers took home to enjoy with families, while left a few in the fridge for volunteers to enjoy after a tired days' work packing food for the recipients.

Our concept is very different, we are not a charity organisation and wish never to become one. We see the charity organisations as part of the problem.

Why are the volunteers last in the que, they should eat it first. And why are the aboriginal families not rescuing the food by them self? You want to empower the so called "under privileged" so they can solve their own problems and not to become dependent on those who have too much.

I hope you are not using the organisation to ease the bad conscience of those who waste and keeping the status quo.

I still would like to know why the organisation need money?

I believe this is a target between personal goal and also business management handling based on different counties.

If you are curious of your enquiries you can read more about from charity organisations like @gtpjfoodbank.

However since I am not their body itself I cannot answer your questions as we collaborate with them with them through the ways we are experimenting to help everyone as a whole.

Perhaps you have a default mindset on certain organisations and I respect your default mindset, but I would also encourage you to look at a view of the situation that is happening in different countries and businesses policies.

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Thanks for the reply.
And thanks for the link, i did some research and it all reminds me of many of the large charities, they do a lot of good but always need more money and never manage to get to the core of the problem.

I understand that you cant answer my questions for some other organisation but i encourage to ask those questions yourself.

I also dont think business of charites works diffrently in different countries. Money works the same way everywhere. They all start with a good cause but end up supporting the system they are trying to change, once you get into money business it becomes the goal.

Well, I suppose this is all about exposure.

Malaysia just started having this awareness pushed since last year about near expiring food, and interestingly, some commercial actually do not want to release the food as easily as you might have obtained.

You are right on certain ways that the root cause must be targeted, and this is where education is important.

And the biggest difference is in a developing country like Malaysia, there are a lot of mindset change needs to be encouraged to make that change, and that, requires time and not just an overnight thing.

The assuring part is, Malaysia made its first step, and @gtpjfoodbank is one of them to push forward.

Then again, if we have studied history long enough especially in communities and society, human change factor is one of the biggest hurdles to tackle; and one organisation cannot do it all. Collaboration is important.

Trust me, it is very difficult to get cooperation with stores here is Sweden as well, if not harder. There is no difference with profit driven entities no matter which country you are operating in.

However is should be much easier for people in Malaysia to change their mindset about food waste compared to Sweden, sine people still have knowledge how to live on scarce resources.

I still urge you to ask yourself and the organisations you cooperate with: Why they need money to save food that is being wasted ? The wasted food is the currency and the tool for change.

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