Packet Meals - Creamy Herb & Garlic Potato Bake

in #food7 years ago

Side dish time, and one of my favourites is a good potato bake. It's potato. It's creamy. It's cheesy. And it's often got some other nice things in it. They really can be an all in one side dish, or possibly even an entire meal if you like.

Creamy Herb and Garlic Potato Bake - served.jpg
This is what we're making today

This packet mix contains all the flavouring parts of the sauce that provides the creaminess to the dish.


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All ingredients in one photo again! I'm getting good at this thing (famous last words)

Masterfoods Oven Easy Creamy Herb & Garlic Potato Bake Recipe Base (the packet mix)
1 kg Potatoes, thinly sliced
1 cup thickened Cream (it suggests light...)
1 Onion, diced
120 grams Bacon, diced (about 4 shortcut slices)
1 cup Grated Cheese

I also added:

6 Button Mushrooms, halved and sliced
Parmesan Cheese

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That's about the size I decided to go with for my dice of the bacon and onion

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Most of the potato is around 3 mm thick slices, but some are probably closer to 5 mm and a couple are thinner. Need to work on that accuracy


  • Pre-heat the oven to 220 C.
  • Layer half the Potatoes in a medium baking dish.

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An Idea of the size of baking dish I used.

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3 layers of potato was half of my slices by my guess

  • Top with Half the Onion, Bacon, and Mushrooms.

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It doesn't look like enough of the bacon and mushroom. Probably enough Onion though

  • Layer the remaining Potatoes.
  • Top with the remaining Onion, Bacon, and Mushrooms.

Creamy Herb and Garlic Potato Bake - repeated layering.jpg
I got almost 3 complete layers of potato in the second half. Was out by about 2 slices. And so close to filling the dish already

  • Mix the Cream and Recipe Base in a jug until well combined.
  • Pour the mixture over the prepared dish to evenly cover all the surface.

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So close to being full and there's still cheese to go onto the top, but first it bakes

  • Cover with foil and bake for 45 minutes.
  • Remove from the Oven and remove the foil.

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Oh thankfully it's shrunk quite a bit while baking. Time to fill that space up with Cheese!

  • Top with the Grated Cheese
  • Grate over as much Parmesan Cheese as you want.

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Well, I could have fit more cheese in there, but I think this is enough

  • Return to the oven for 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft and the cheese is golden.

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So nicely golden. I did need to turn the dish around and bake for another 5 minutes to get the colour nice and even.

I chose to serve this with one of the stuffed Chicken.

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A slice of the Potato Bake never really stays in a nice neat stack


I really needed to slice my potato thinner. Or Bake at a hotter temperature to start with. I'm actually fairly convinced that my portable oven isn't really as hot as the temperature dial reports. I really need to get an oven thermometer again. I think this because even after the 45 minutes, then 15 minutes, then another 5 minutes, and another 10 minutes later on, There was still quite a few bits of potato that were still cooked but firm, where they should be soft.

I didn't think there was a lot of garlic flavour to it, and no noticeable herbs, so I'd be adding some fresh of both if I were to make it again. I was also glad that I seasoned with salt and pepper after finishing the layering, as it got all through the dish.

The cheese was perfect. A crisp outer and nice and stringy. As was the bacon.
The Onion I'd dice smaller in future, and the mushroom mostly disappeared, so maybe more of it would be a good plan.

Previous Packet Meals

Chicken Korma
Steak, Veggies and Diane Sauce
Farmhouse Chicken Casserole
Pasta Carbonara
Roast Chicken, Veggies and Gravy
Chicken and Mushroom Risotto
Spanish Chicken and Chorizo Paella

A Footer - Ratticus Upgoats Transparent Background.png


Yes you're right with the potatoes, I've made the same mistake myself and although it's still edible it sort of just leaves you a bit disappointed when the potato is that little bit TOO firm.

My OCD loves that the stuffed chicken is perfectly coated and in a nice rectangle shape haha.

Nice food post and thanks for sharing!

P.S. How satisfying is it to get all the ingredients in one photo :P

Nothing like store bought for getting a decent consistent coating :) Helps that I tight wrap them and freeze them until I'm ready to use them, so they get a nice regular shape from that too.

It's always a bit frustrating when halfway through (or even when writing up the post) I realise some ingredient(s) didn't make it to the photo shoot. and they either get their own special photo

That looks so delicious! I was reading this as I started on my stretches and decided I think I'll go eat first and exercise later haha

Excellent! My plans are all starting to come together grins

Potato bake is one of my favourite things! You didn't boil the potatoes first?


No. The instructions on the packet meal didn't say to, and I'm kind of following the packet instructions as much as I can for these posts. Boiling them first would be a good improvement on what I ended up with

Ahh fair enough and definitely makes sense for the packet series.


I even separate out the 'extra' things I add to it, because sometimes I can just see that it's going to need a bit extra, and sometimes I just feel like having certain ingredients added in that I know work with it. Like the mushrooms in this one, even though they didn't work out great, do work well in a potato bake most of the time

that's my favorite food @retticus

Oh excellent. My posts are probably all downhill from here for you then :p

Made 6 serves for me, so I'm still eating it (and will be for a while with a couple of serves going into the freezer)

wowww....yummy :)

Was quite good. I don't mind my potato being completely fall apart, but it would be nicer if it was a bit softer. Maybe par-boiling them first might have helped too.

Your food is always look delicious and i wanna ask you always cook much.Who else enjoy your foods?

At the moment, I'm pretty much the only one enjoying all these lovely meals. I batch cook because it's cheapest that way. Usually 4 or 6 serves, of which I'll eat 2-3 in before the rest go into the freezer to get eaten over the next few months

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