Chicken Sliders

in #food6 years ago

It's been far too long since I've cooked anything from a recipe. The main reason for this is that I've been working my way through the freezer stocks. Given I'm supposed to only be using 1/4 of the freezer, I've still got a way to go with the using of stocks. So with that in mind, I finally decided to just use up the mince I'd bought a while ago and also use up the last of my brioche mini buns and a few other things that needed using up.

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The finished product is a much nicer preview image


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Not only are some ingredients missing, but there's something in there that I decided not to use even

1 small Onion, finely diced
4 rashers Streaky Bacon
500 grams Chicken Mince
2 pinches Turmeric
4 pinches Garam Marsala
1 pinch Chilli Powder
Salt and Pepper
4 Brioche mini buns
2 palms Shredded Parmesan Cheese
1 teaspoon Garlic
Oil, for frying


  • Fry Bacon until done to your liking.

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They just fit in the pan at the start, but there was plenty of space by the time they were cooked

  • Set aside to cool.
  • Over a low heat, add the Onion and Garlic into the pan and stir through the remaining bacon fat

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I started cooking the onion and garlic before I decided that the turmeric was going in now, so it went in after the photo

  • Sprinkle with Turmeric and stir.
  • Let the onion cook until it's done enough for you, but don't let it burn. I gave it about 10 minutes.
  • Dice the bacon and put it into a bowl

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With a housemate leaving and taking the knife I've been using, now I tend to use this holey knife

  • When the onion is done, add it to the bowl also
  • Add the Parmesan to the bowl along with the Garam Marsala and Chilli Powder
  • Season to your liking with Salt and Pepper

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Leaning over the bowl and positioning the phone 'just so' does a lot to remove the glare reflection in the metal bowl

  • Add the Mince to the bowl and mix all the components well.

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Oh look, another forgotten ingredient. I added breadcrumbs to the mixture as it was too wet. enough to cover it like this, and then the same again after they'd been mixed in

  • Add Breadcrumbs as necessary to reduce the wetness of the mixture

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No idea why I seem to form it into a log, but it made for easy grabbing enough mixture from one end to make the patties

  • Heat some Oil in a pan
  • Form small patties from the mixture by taking about a handful and rolling it between your hands and flattening it out
  • Gently place the patty into the oil before forming the next one. I did 4 at a time and the batch made 8.

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Don't really want to crowd the pan more than this

  • After a few minutes, carefully turn the patties over. You're looking for a nice browned colour.

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I think I got the surface colour pretty much perfect. The lower right one was the last one made so is a little less cooked

  • Fry for a few more minutes to brown the other side and cook the patty through*
  • Remove to a plate with paper towel on it to souk up the oil
  • Repeat until the while batch is done.

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Only having 4 slider buns, I made a couple of the patties a bit larger than others

  • Slice the Buns in half horizontally and toast in a dry pan until the inside is coloured a bit

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Not too high a heat, or you'll just turn them into charcoal quicker than you expect

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  • Put sauce of your choice on the bottom of the bun, add a patty and put a slice of Feta on top before putting the lid on.

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The feta didn't melt, but if you wanted it to, you could certainly add it after you turn the patty and put a lid on the pan


  • *So, I had under cooked my patties a little, but checked first, so I put them in a 200C oven on a tray for about 10 minutes and they were cooked properly.
  • I wanted basic in my slider, so didn't add anything else asides from the Feta and Sauce, but could easily add some onion and salads if you want
  • I wasn't actually that hungry, so just had 2 of the burgers for dinner and it was plenty. The others I had the next day and they were just as good. The leftover patties have been tasty on their own also.
  • I used a circle of BBQ sauce and a few drops of Sriracha for my sauces, and it still wasn't spicy, so more chilli powder might be good if that's your thing.

This used up at least 3 things from my fridge and freezer space, which along with the fish pieces I had with chips the other day, and the chip butties and sausage in bread I've been having, there's now a noticeable dent in my freezer stockpile. If I wasn't going away for a month, I'd possibly even cook one of the normal packet meals or a recipe and refill the stocks! At least while I'm away there's a larger freezer and the ability to add food to it for Mum, so there should be actual recipes coming in March.

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Upgoats made by the talented @ryivhnn

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  • I wasn't actually that hungry,

I make everyone hungry for more

Lol @ the log not looking that great :) The end result looks tasty with fetta. I will try this with some rocket and tomato, thanks for sharing. The parmesen is a good idea to mix with the patty prior to pan frying, my guess is it helps not only the flavor, but also the nice golden brown colour.

Absolutely. Helps the flavour, a bit with the colour, but I find it also helps with the sticking-together-ness of them too. I was tempted to put a slice of feta wrapped in the mixture before frying, but decided better of that idea. Works well for a full size burger, but not sure it would work so well with the mini variety

Thanks for sharing these incredible photos!
very nice food..

Those look like Cub kind of burgers :) (you should hear what happens if he thinks there's too much "vegetables" in his)


It's never a matter of the taste, it's almost always the ability to see them that makes for complaints. This could certainly have done with some more vegetables in the mixture, but I was working with what I had, and didn't feel like adding cauliflower...

He'll eat vegetables he can see. He just likes meat burgers XD



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