Sushi bowl

in #food6 years ago

Quick, easy and delicious.

A couple of months before we moved out of our old place, we discovered a delivery service for poke bowls. They served bowls with either rice or lettuce, topped with all sorts of tasty goodness:

  • Veggies like cucumber, avocado, corn, tomato, spring union, carrot, etc.
  • Fish like salmon, smoked salmon, shrimp, smoked eel, etc.
  • Additions like crunchy nori, wakame salad, fried unions, coconut, etc.
  • Dressings, where we always went for teriyaki.

We had ordered there a couple of times, after which we moved to our new home. Seeing as they don't deliver here (and we're worried delivery on a recreational park won't really work either way), hubby decided we should try making this ourselves. I liked that idea, because it's so yummie and hey, creating it yourself is cheaper, even though the salmon is still expensive.

So, when hubby was lying on the couch with a stomach ache, I headed over to the shop to buy the ingredients we wanted to use. The day after, we tried making our own bowl!

First, we cooked the rice. Way too late, seeing as it should have cooled off completely before actually starting the rest of the bowl. In this case, we couldn't wait.

Next, we cut everything into small pieces and filled up our bowl (rice on the bottom).


My bowl was neatly organized. Hubby took a different approach and mixed everything together:


It was a nice first try, though I was sad that both of the avocados I had bought were already brown on the inside, so we couldn't use them. I think avocado would fit better than the cucumber did, but I'm glad I brought home the cucumber so it could take the avocado's place. The ingredients ofcourse were delicious, but the rice was too boring. I didn't have teriyaki or soy sauce! I'm sure it'll be even better the next time we make this.

Improvements for next time:

  • Wash rice even better so it is less sticky.
  • Cook rice sooner so it can cool off completely.
  • Manage to find an avocado that's not brown on the inside.
  • Add teriyaki sauce.
  • Add wakame salad.

How about you?
Have you ever made yourself a nice bowl of various foods? What ingredients do you use?

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Hmm, interesting approach. How did you eat it? Piece by piece or with spoonfuls of everything mixed?

How would you use the sauces, just dribble some all over the plate?

Anyway, i can now imagine instead of creating a maki roll, a sushi sandwich instead :) A nori leaf, rice, cream cheese, cucumber, salmon, soy. Perhaps just in another order, something more solid on the bottom :yum:

Well, I ended up eating the cucumber first, combined with a bit of rice and nori, because it didn't fit with the salmon as much as I had hoped. Besides that, basically everything mixed.

I'd dribble the sauce all over the plate, yes, so it would mix with everything aswell.

Sushi sandwich sounds like a great idea! I made a sushi wrap some time ago, basically just wrapped everything in the nori sheet (though without the rice, as it was just a light lunch) :D

That looks tasty! I love sushi! I've actually been meaning to go to a sushi restaurant that we have in my town, sushi buffet!

So, when hubby was lying on the couch with a stomach ache

Your hubby is always sick... he really needs to start taking better care of himself, i'm sick like once every 5 years at best!

That looks tasty! I love sushi! I've actually been meaning to go to a sushi restaurant that we have in my town, sushi buffet!

I love sushi too! We went to a different restaurant that's close-ish to our new home a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't as good as the ones we're used to though, so we'll stick to those.

Hope you get to go to the sushi buffet soon!

Your hubby is always sick... he really needs to start taking better care of himself, i'm sick like once every 5 years at best!

He has had a bad year indeed! He normally hardly ever gets sick, but I guess ever since his burn-out, his body's a little more susceptible to sickness. Not sure what the stomach ache was about though. It was pretty bad, but there weren't any other symptoms. Glad it only lasted two days.

Well, atleast vacation time means less stress on the job!

That looks yummy!!! And you can get really creative with a concept like that. As for the avos... yeah it is infuriating when you cut them open and they are over ripe.... especially when you have paid three times the price for them to be "ripe and ready".

It's so yummy, though with a little sauce it would be even better! You can definitely get creative with this, there are so many different variations to bowls like these :D

Yeah, I went for the ready to eat kinda avocados, because I didn't have the time to wait a couple of days. They are always a gamble and an expensive one at that!

Frustratingly so too!! Lol

Mouthwatering and really good to eat.

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