Recipe - Tiny plum and almond pies

in #food7 years ago

What to do when your mum gives you her home-made plum jam?

You make little pies!


One morning, my boyfriend switched the tv to the cooking channel before leaving for work. Mister Jamie Oliver was there, making a 30 minute meal. For dessert, he made some small almond/jam tarts with his own almond mixture and store-bought pastry bottoms.

Well, I didn't have all of the ingredients for his almond mixture, but I did have my mum's home-made plum jam, store-bought almond paste and my own recipe for a tasty pie bottom. So I decided to create my own version! It did not turn out half as pretty as his did, but the taste is great and it can be made with any kind of jam you like.



  • 130g Flour
  • 30g Sugar
  • 80g Coconut oil
  • 1/2 Tsp vanilla extract
  • 100g Jam (of your choosing)
  • 100g Almond paste (marzipan)



  1. Warm up the coconut oil to fluid by adding it to a container and bathing this container in warm water.
  2. Mix the flour, sugar, coconut oil and vanilla extract together.
  3. Preheat the oven to 190C and line a muffin tray with cupcake cups.
  4. Divide the dough over the cupcake cups and press down well. Press it to the sides aswell, making little cups.
  5. Mix your almond paste with a bit of water to make it easier to divide.
  6. Per cup: Add about a tsp of jam, then a tsp of almond paste on top of that.
  7. Put the cups into the oven for about 20 minutes.
  8. Take them out and let them cool off slightly before eating.

You can keep these in the fridge for a couple of days.


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It looks very good, my sweets are very ugly. My cookies have no shape.
This will go to my list of things to do, but I never do it.
Thanks for rousing my appetite 😂

Haha, practice makes perfect is what they say, right? And hey, the shape and look doesn't really matter much, as long as it's tasty :D

Right, that's what they always say, but for some it's harder than usual.
You're right, we just have to close our eyes and appreciate good taste. 😋

I do not want make it. I just want to taste....ha..ha..! Thank you for sharing your recipe.

Yummy and delicious , the method so simple even a newbie like me can give it a try, successfully.

Oh yes, they are very easy to make :D

Will have a go at it in my first leisure thank you followed you on Twitch :)

Followed you back :D

First time ever there , let see how it works not a techie like yourself :)

To be honest, I've only tried it once so far. Might get back to it some day, but for now, Twitch isn't a priority :-)

Oh yeah , it seems in beta as yet , looks cool though , :) keep me posted when you get a hang of it :)

I love making Jam Tarts, they are easy to do, although I just make basic sweet pastry for the base. They never last long in our house, they are my son's favorite treat! :D I have never put pastry on top of the jam though, I think I will try that next time. Thank you for the inspiration!

I can imagine them not lasting long :D
Hope you'll like this variation!

Very! But you can have two, I won't tell anyone ;-)

wow..... nice post, Thanks for the recipe of his

It looks very delicious, accompanying them with a coffee is perfect for me. (:

That sounds good! Though I'd go for tea instead :-)

Looks so delicious. :)

This is cool. Nice lecture. @playfulfoodie

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