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RE: Vegan & Revolutionary Meatless Burger By 'Impossible Foods'! Meat Eaters Can't Taste The Difference! Startup Raised Over $180 Million! (News In Science And Technology)

in #food8 years ago

Stuff like this serves well as training wheels for people struggling with the transition away from carnism. Great to see more hitting the market :)


:) It's a great option too, when people want to cut down on meat but still have the same general lifestyle, it can be easier to just substitute something than dream up new meal ideas.

Some of these mock meats are so good, I never know if I've just been a dirty vegan hippie for long enough that my tastes have changed, but it's like a better experience to me than eating meat ever was.

Especially the low end stuff like vegan chicken nuggets.. I feel better about the grain and vegetable patty than whatever nonsense went into the actual "chicken nugget"

Yeah, this burger and synthetic meat are awesome hope for all carnists :-)

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