Vegan & Revolutionary Meatless Burger By 'Impossible Foods'! Meat Eaters Can't Taste The Difference! Startup Raised Over $180 Million! (News In Science And Technology)

in #food8 years ago (edited)

[Picture of burger from Impossible Foods]

The world's first meatless burger made its debut in New York City's Momofuku Nishi restaurant. It has the same taste, texture, smell and look as beef, although it is made out of wheat, coconut oil, and potato protein. The secret behind it, is special molecule called 'heme'.

[Picture of sandwich burger from Impossible Foods served by Momofuku Nishi restaurant]

Heme is a special molecule found in plants and animals, which carries oxygen through the bloodstream and in plants it pays a role in the mechanisms producing energy.
It is heme which makes your blood have red colour and turns meat pink. I also gives that specific, slightly metallic flavor and tasty aroma in meat burgers.

[Picture of burger from Impossible Foods served by Momofuku Nishi restaurant]

Impossible Foods has raised rounds of $75 million and $108 million from many investors such as Google Ventures, Khosla Ventures, Viking Global Investors, UBS, Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing's Horizons Ventures and even Bill Gates. In 2015 Google attempted to buy the startup offering between $200 million and $300 million.

[Picture of burgers from Impossible Foods]

They look absolutely delicious. I wished I lived in New York!



Stuff like this serves well as training wheels for people struggling with the transition away from carnism. Great to see more hitting the market :)

:) It's a great option too, when people want to cut down on meat but still have the same general lifestyle, it can be easier to just substitute something than dream up new meal ideas.

Some of these mock meats are so good, I never know if I've just been a dirty vegan hippie for long enough that my tastes have changed, but it's like a better experience to me than eating meat ever was.

Especially the low end stuff like vegan chicken nuggets.. I feel better about the grain and vegetable patty than whatever nonsense went into the actual "chicken nugget"

Yeah, this burger and synthetic meat are awesome hope for all carnists :-)

I truly love seeing developments like this that encourage society to be less meat dependant. If documentaries like Cowspiracy are any indication, meat is worse for the plant than we can imagine.

Cowspiracy is really good. We need more documentaries like this!

It makes we wonder how many animals will go extinct if traditional meat-eaters keep heading this way or just stick to the supermarket meats.

Hundreds of species of farm animals (rare and heritage breeds of livestock) have gone extinct in recent years. Though I'll all for animals not being raised in packed, concrete cages, I do believe that the trend in certain livestock going extinct will continue.

Personally, I'm doing what I can, and posted THIS last night to explain why if no one is eating certain kinds of animals, they will disappear from existence.

They were inbred to start with. As some of the variants may go extinct, the species is unlikely to die out. Same as if you stopped breeding designer pets (animal abuse), the species of cat or dog would not go extinct easily. Also it is not a solution to keep consuming cattle. The solution would be to create sanctuaries for them.

I was under the impression that many people these days desired to preserve the various species that exist within the various kinds of animals. Would you consider it appropriate to let all species of frogs die worldwide as long as one particular species, like the Bullfrog, was still preserved? I think that most would consider that a tragedy and not a success because technically the frog kind had not gone extinct.

The frogs you are talking about are variety of wild species not inbred breeds. We should not allow any wild animal to perish. Also, because it has dramstic effect on ecosystems. Domesticated animals have little positive effect on ecosystems. Often they actually have detrimental effect due to large numbers. Most of them would never survive if left without human supervision. Inbreeding of pets must stop. It's pure cruelty, because those designer pets suffer from many physical disabilities and illnesses.
When it comes to livestock bred for meat or milk, they should be prevented from breeding until their numbers dramatically decrease. Then remaining ones should be kept in large sanctuaries where they would be conditioned to become more and more independent from humans, generation after generation.
Before the numbers of livestock decrease they should be kept in farm's as they are and treated with care until most of them die out peacfully within next decade or more. Governments must subsidise their upkeep in the meantime (this is a big challenge)

Interesting point of view, and I understand where you are coming from more now, but as a lover of animals, I don't hold the Highland Cattle or Mulefoot Hogs (for example) responsible for their origin. To me, they now exist as valid species and just like wild frogs or other animals, I am concerned about their preservation. Perhaps I may be in error for feeling this way, but I appreciate all the variety that I can observe within animal species, even if they came into existence through negative human manipulation.

This would be great if it were true. I don't think it will live up to the hype. I remember when I was at school and Pepsi Max first came out - is was meant to be a sugar free Pepsi that tasted like regular Pepsi. That didn't turn out to be true either. It's very hard to fool your taste buds and biology.

For now I have to trust those meat eaters who reviewed this product.

This is very cool! Between this project and SuperMeat, we're well on our way to having more ethical alternatives on the market for meat eaters. I'm totally onboard with this.

if you are happy as a vegan why would you want to pretend your eating meat? no one that eats meat is going to like it when next to a dead piece of animal. if it i that close tho it would be fun to sneek in the real meat and your vegan friends will never know. xD its like assholes that try to tell you turkey bacon tastes anything like real bacon.

Bullshit. I'm vegan and I still crave the taste of meat. The taste of meat is not a reason why I stopped eating it. I stopped eating it due to concern for animal welfare and environment. I always enjoyed the taste of meat.
Also, this is an awesome opportunity to help meat eaters change their diet. Many meat eaters have problems with switching to vegetarian or vegan diet due to strong habitual, psychological addiction to meat.

I am a vegetarian for many reasons and first of all, because I know how life works. Psychological dependence on meat is not there. The psychology is chemistry. If you want to eat meat, this may mean that your diet is an imbalance in amino acid composition. By analyzing the amino acid composition of their nutritional diet, you can easily calculate what is missing. Use sports nutrition to correct. As it is necessary to control the composition of fatty acids and other nutrients. Being vegan does not mean to deny yourself the enjoyment of food. I think a good vegan cook will make you forget about meat. When I open my spa Environment for vegans, you'll be able to come to me and see this :)

or maby because they are not herbivores but omnivores?
sounds like a miserable life to constantly crave food your body was built to run off of and not eat it because you have some misunderstanding about how life works.
well with your diet and beta mindset im sure when something higher up on the foodchain shows up you will just sit ther like the herbivore you are

You are welcome to provide coherent, peer reviewed scientific studies supporting your underinformed claim. Studies in human behavioral evolution and evolution of dietary habits in homininae woulde be much appreciated. Meta analysis would be great. I bet you won't find any, as your claim appears to be typical, ignorant, sensationalist bullshit in style of junk tabloids.
Here is some of scientific research data from me:

Also, some non scholar links:

"Psychology of eating meat"

"Toward Rational, Authentic Food Choices | Melanie Joy | TEDxMünchen"

psychology is not scientific study. it is all hypothysis. please provide science not peoples feelings. :O

look you can eat your pretend meat while I will eat the real thing. from a local farm no hormones no crap. tyvm and enjoy your pretendfood.

and to blame "death, heart disease, torture, cancer, or destruction of our environment" on one person eating fresh meat from the neighbors farm is insane strawman bullshit. you must not live in reality. :O maby you should stop breathing to prevent all the co2 in the atmosphere. O.o im not saying you cant eat your pretend meat. im just saying don't piss on my back and tell me its raining. you full of shit and you know it.

Haha. You can't pretend I'm saying something I didn't say and then call it a strawman, that's not how it works :)

I'm not talking about you or your farm. I'm saying he's able to satisfy the taste he likes without contributing to the things he doesn't want to contribute to.

sounds like a miserable life to constantly crave food

Did you miss the part where there are these awesome new products that satisfy that taste?

He didn't say he craves the death, heart disease, torture, cancer, or destruction of our environment. To the contrary, he can have a healthy relationship with his food and ACTUALLY enjoy it.

just like tofu dogs are suposta taste like hot dogs and turkey bacon is suposta taste like bacon. they don't. and to blame "death, heart disease, torture, cancer, or destruction of our environment" on one person eating fresh meat from the neighbors farm is insane strawman bullshit. you must not live in reality. :O maby you should stop breathing to prevent all the co2 in the atmosphere. O.o im not saying you cant eat your pretend meat. im just saying don't piss on my back and tell me its raining. you full of shit and you know it.

Also meat replacements might be a good source of protein.

You can get enough protein from plants, but yes such vegan burgers can be another good source of protein. Actually, this vegan burger contains more protein than beef burger.

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