Grits - God’s Gift to the South

in #food6 years ago (edited)

Loose grits before cooking

Grits - God’s Gift to the South

Where in the world would my sacred southern society be without the glorious gift of grits?!? This is the promised post inspired by a question asked by @lyndsaybowes on one of my previous posts.


I am very passionate about grits and the royal place of exaltation I feel they should hold in southern society. They are the king of southern cuisine in my humble opinion and in the following paragraphs I will attempt to explain why I feel so strongly about them. One of my earliest and fondest memories is eating grits and eggs with my Grandfather. It is just a whisper of a mist of a memory. He passed away when I was too young to remember, but I have this lasting, indelible memory of him and a passion we both shared. According to my mom he had many flaws and failures but his joy in life was fixing he and I grits and eggs every morning when he lived with my mother and father before he died.

What is a grit, anyway?

Image Source Pixabay

Grits are the result of coarsely grinding corn into a rough meal that is then boiled to the desired consistency. If you are not familiar with them, they can range in consistency from fairly liquid to almost solid states. My personal preference is a bit thicker than your average oatmeal would be. Grits usually comes in two varieties, white and yellow. Again, my preference is toward the yellow. I think it has a more robust flavor and rougher meal consistency. The original forerunner of grits was prepared and eaten by Native Americans for centuries before European settlers arrived in America. It was introduced to the new settlers and due to the coarse meal of corn being available year round, it became a staple of the colonies. Throughout the southern lowlands of South Carolina and Georgia, it was a simple breakfast for coastal fishermen who would then add readily available ingredients to enhance the meal, such as shrimp, fish, and wild meats.

The Evolution of Grits

From its humble beginnings, grits became more sophisticated and accepted throughout the nation and there are few seafood dining establishments that do not offer a dish of shrimp and grits or fried fish with shrimp. Growing up in coastal Georgia and Florida fish fries were a normal part of social life and a fish fry wasn’t complete without a big pot of grits on the stove. Traditionally, grits served with shrimp or with fish usually has a copious amount of cheese added to the mix to enhance the flavor. One of the best shrimp and grits dishes I ever had the honor of consuming was at the, now closed, Boathouse Restaurant in Panama City, FL. Their version was to add a delectable smoked Gouda cheese to their white grits and then top it with numerous jumbo fried shrimp. It was divine. As technology advanced, it became easier and easier to cook and serve grits. With store bought instant grits, you can have a steaming bowl of grits in under three minutes.

Although I usually am fond of traditional means of preparing dishes, I am very guilty of using Quaker instant cheddar grits for a quick breakfast. I usually add a little less water than suggest because I prefer my grits thicker than most and I add an additional dollop of butter and an extra sprinkling of extra sharp cheddar cheese. This is usually accompanied by buttered toast(that I make little grit sandwiches out and either sausage and bacon. I also make a version of shrimp and grits that is extremely heavy on the garlic and I even have a grits casserole that is comprised of grits, eggs, cheese, and sausage!


I think the versatility and ease of availability of grits is what caused it to gain such popularity among the settlers and allowed it to spread and stay a firm staple food of the south for generations to come. A food that has existed and been enjoyed consistently over hundreds and hundreds of years is definitely worthy of praise and admiration. It is obvious my affinity for this dish of the gods is rooted in emotional attachment created by a grandfather who showed his love through preparing food as I have always done for my loved ones. If there were but one food staple I could continually have in my pantry, it would undoubtedly be grits, glorious yellow grits!

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I'd never heard of this and now I'm curious to try it out. It sounds like a good substitute for oats? Or is it a finer consistency?

I wonder if they have it in Europe...

I have featured your post in my entry for a curation competition..

I think if you also put in an entry there a bonus prizes for newcomers that are featured.

Many people use it as a substitute for oats and yes it is a finer consistency. Thank you for including me in your curation!

Thank you for the grit schooling, @papacrusher. Having never tried them before, my thought is to give Mr. Quaker a try. 😎

You won't be disappointed, I promise!

Feelin' like some grits right now! I blame you. :)

Can I make a suggestion? Take the Tolkien quote and put it at the end of your posts as a footer. That way people can see the first few lines of your post in their feed and you have a greater chance of capturing their interest with the subject matter. Just a thought.

Sorry about the craving inducing It's funny you mention the Tolkien quote, yesterday I was looking at the homepage for my Steemit blog and I thought it was a bit distracting. Thanks for the suggestion, I think that is a great solution to the issue.

Awesome post about grits! My first exposure to grits was in the Navy. I loved them. After I got out any time I visited the South I was sure to order them. There's a restaurant in Palm Bay, Florida that serves cheesy grits with shrimp that's to die for. Now you've got my mouth watering for some and being that I'm in South Carolina for a few says I'll be sure to have some!

You should be able to hit the jackpot in SC! Palm Bay is a really nice area of Florida. Those coastal areas are the absolute best for shrimp and grits.

You're absolutely right! Last night's dinner at the Flying Fish in Myrtle Beach. Excellent shrimp and grits.

Oh man you're killing me! I really, really hate being land locked. I miss coastal living. I may cook shrimp and grits tonight or tomorrow night and I can turn it into a #whatscookingchallenge

That would be awesome!

Never heard of grits before thanks forbthe education about them.

Thanks for commenting and taking the time to read it.

@bengy featured you in The Pay It Forward contest . That is how I came upon your post .

Grits are very versatile . Being from the North my first experience in NC for breakfast with a grit was " what the hell is that" LOL
Throw some butter on it with a couple eggs ,not bad

The first time is always the Thanks for stopping by.

What an awesome love affair you have described here with the famous grits! I love your childhood memories with your Grampa, and even your Mom's point of view that you included in this blog, really well written!!

Yay! I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks for taking the time to come by and read it and for all of your support!

I love the memories we develop between love of food and love of people! Mine is sitting on my Belgium grandfather's lap as a wee girl, having a sip of his beer, and him "lighting" my Popeye cigarette, while he lit his real one. Not quite the same I know, but it makes me smile nonetheless:)

I remember having grits the first time at a horrible breakfast-included hotel somewhere when I was a kid, and didn't touch them for years afterwards. Then a few years ago, @briancourteau and I were in New Orleans and I had grits that near made me come to tears for the beauty of that dish. Now I completely understand the love in your words as you wrote this.

I'm one of the judges in the Pay it Forward Contest @bengy showcased you in; that's how I found your post. I'm also a steemitblogger, but as you know, it's impossible to visit everyone ;)

Loved this post, thank you !! I'm sitting now with my tea, have all kinds of fond memories of my grandfather...and those grits in New Orleans! :)

Eating grits in the wonderland that is New Orleans would definitely make you fall in love with this amazing food!

I've followed some of your posts and I'm inspired by yours and your husband's story. Thanks for taking the time to leave such a great comment.

Everything I ate tasted amazing in New Orleans!

Thank you so much for that; this community has been so supportive of us it's really just mind-boggling and heart warming!! Commenting is what I do best :)

Very nice! We have grits here too :)

That's so awesome! I didn't know there were grits in the Philippines!

yes! we do :D didnt know you had those there too! hahaha

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