in #food6 years ago (edited)

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"Junk Food" is fast, sometimes very delicious and most affordable; a World without Cafes and Resturants producing fast food would probably go hungry. We are somehow lucky to have this options available to us, but the question really is; is it luck or being tested on how to manage our graceful bodies as human?

Several studies and research works has shown that fast food aka Junk foods are not too good for how health, the arteries, heart, live and kidney suffers later on because of the high salts and other elements present in these foods, unlike homemade food which an individual could measure whatever you are putting in your body. When it comes to the human body and good health, it is paramount to take things seriously and never overdo things or not doing it adequately. For example, a subject with a very healthy lifestyle (i.e eating balance diets and exercising appropriately) could get away with occasional junk intake but it would be based on a good ratio between healthy living and less healthy lifestyle to get away with this.


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"Master the art of eating healthy food as nearly as often as possible(80%), you could only indulge in the seldom junk food(20%) occasionally", because there are times life activities get in the way of your daily health routine and feeding which would require eating fast foods(junks) or otherwise go hungry! To enjoy junks/fast foods once in a hile is not a crime; hence the room for just (20%), but if this is really a concern i.e the influence of this intakes on your health; then a critical look at the subject general health habit would suffice.

For instance, comparing two people; one drinks alcohol heavily and smokes too much with a poor feeding habit and another who eats healthy fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, proteins and buts/seeds with a regular physical exercise routine. The latter would seem much healthier than the formal so it is advisable for anyone within the first category not to eat too much-processed meals with that kind of lifestyle.

A study on some healthy young men indicates that eating junk food for over a couple of days resulted to a decline in their muscle's ability to convert glucose into energy even with fewer calories consumed. Subsequently, few more days on junk food could result in bad digestion as a result of the fiber missing in these junk foods which causes constipation. Eating Junks for a prolonged period could result in insulin resistance and end up in Type 2 Diabetes. So basically the (80:20)% rule means that a healthy person doesn't have to cook all meals at home and he or she could have a slice of cake or pizza on some special occasions like birthday parties and picnics.


Foods that are highly processed, low in nutrients and extremely high in calories are what I consider junk foods. Some are super high in added sugar or salts, trans-fats and other unhealthy components which is another property of Junk food. With some documented proofs, an individual could be addicted to junk food just like hard drugs and alcohol. Most fast foods are prepared instantly to be taken away or eaten on the spot, therefore ingredients mostly are processed materials and a large number of fast foods falls under these category.

"A couple of healthy fast food options are now available", but eating the less healthy ones regularly could alter a body's metabolism. High consumption of poor diets which most junk food falls under has been linked to increasing the risk of early death as a result of heart diseases, strokes, Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity, Depression, Digestive complications etc. The impact of junk food on the human body and health is very important to note; be advised to pay close attention to what you eat or drink!.

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FOLLOW-UPVOTE-RESTEEM AND MAYBE DROP A SUPPORTING OR CONTRARY COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

Badge courtesy of @jodi.pamungka Animated Footer by @rituparnaghos!


Good Post....But Fast food Always best for eat

To be candid, eating healthy is much expensive than fast food. You can get a pack of chivita orange juice for 350naira but 350naira orange can't fill up the pack. Fast food are much easier because the only work you have to do is eat, but if you choose to make your meal, you will have to make the meal and clean up afterwards and you might end not eating the food because you will be tired. It is harmful to the body, I am talking about the fast food but what can we do.

Grinning as i read this; your health is much more valuable yes or no? I eat out during the week cos i have to be in transit but on weekends i cook homemade meals cos i need it for my body. So its left for individuals to eat right and live long or eat wrong or fade out...

What would an average poor African do without junk food?
Its always and readily available, affordable and quantity considerate. A lot of negative reports has it that junks has some harmful effects to human health but truth is that it always a life saver to the low income earners.

Well, that is one of the reason for Nigeria's average lifespan of :

Male 53.4, female 55.6 and total life expectancy is 54.5 which gives Nigeria a World Life Expectancy ranking of 177.

Junk is everywhere and easily obtainable. Eating healthy these days is so hard :)

Very hard mate, and besides it's super cheap.

You can’t live in Lagos and not value gala and lacasera at somepoint . Really hard to eat healthy in this part of the world.

That was my best meal at some point, the whole Vendors at Tafawa Balewa Square sure would testify to that...smiles

Thanks @oluwoleolaide for educating us about fast food which you called junk food. This food is assumed now in everywhere in the world. In some entries here in Nigeria, these foods are mostly cooked and prepared using some chemical so as to fasten been done. This fasten chemicals are not good for body and reduce and even kills some cells from the body that's is actually why they call it fast food. It's so normal to cook food in accordance to the time it suppose to spend in preparing it.... Thanks once again. Remain your humble bro @peakreal1


Not just Nigeria, its Worldwide. Junks are mostly made of processed materials- chemicals

Odaro brother.

Junk food is not as healthy as home made food, owing to the fact that a business owner mentality is making profit, So he has to increase quantity and reduce quality but despite all these it has been a major help to d society, owing to the tasking nature of Nigerian jobs.. An average Nigeria man, will never carry food 2 work.

True, but it has a long term effect on the life expectancy of an average Nigerian.

I like to eat healthy, but sometimes like pizzas and hamburgers.

😁😄😊😁😁😁Me too mate...

Thanks for educating us! I must confesss, its not easy maintaining a good diet all the time. Gala, coke even fast food might come in handy when one is tired and find it very hard to cook, another thing is, apart from fruits that are a little bit cheap, eating a good meal costs a lot my brother. As i earlier said, thanks for this. Its a good reminder of the harzadous effects of junk food in our body. Gracias

Most welcome my friend, i try to stick to just one Junk food these days BTW- Pizza!

pizza is still okay a bit, i think you're doing great , honestly

Fast food and junk food are pitfalls of today's diet. Too many words in the ingredients you can't even pronounce. I heard or maybe read it from one doctor one day, you either invest your money on your health now (as in eating nutrient-dense food) or spend it at the doctors office, hospital or pharmacy.

It costs a lot here to eat healthy but we pay the price. I think I'd rather feed my family good food than pay some doctor/pharmaceutical company/hospital/insurance the money.

Nice article @oluwoleolaide

i quite agree with you, it pays to spend the money on the good meal now, than to buy cheap, fast junk food that might be hazardous to the body later. accumulation of such might have great effect on one's health. nice one there

Hi @mattyabo, thanks for chiming in!

There's a lot of articles out there that supports accumulation of chemicals in our body is detrimental to our bodies. Not a scientist but common sense tells me if you eat bad food you can't get any good from it.

"You either invest your money on your health now (as in eating nutrient-dense food) or spend it at the doctors office, hospital or pharmacy."

"I think I'd rather feed my family good food than pay some doctor/pharmaceutical company/hospital/insurance the money."

You have my follow and my respect for this inputs, now i finally got someone who is thinking from my point of view.

Wow, thank you! My blogs are mostly family friendly and homesteading. And eating healthy or cooking our own. We stopped going to restaurants long time ago. It's just that we don't trust what they put in our food.

Convenience is hard to beat but if you're thinking long term consequences, convenience is not really that critical when it comes to your health. You can cook your meals in advance and just reheat them the next day. It's going to take some routine and planning, which most of us are not fond of. But we have to do what we have to do.

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