What's The Strangest Thing You've Ever Eaten?

in #food6 years ago (edited)

I've eaten some really weird things.

It wasn't always on purpose. But it happened none-the-less.

I blame traveling for that. It all started when I studied abroad, and I was told "you're not allowed to reject any food that a local gives you, because it's rude."

And that's how I got fat in Mexico (but that's a different story).

This one time, though, I unknowingly ate cow tongue.

It didn't taste bad, but you definitely have to chew it... ironically almost the same way a cow chews on it's cud for roughly 18.489 hours.

Cow tongue is some chewy stuff!

I think that's the first "strange" thing I ate.

And then somehow, eating weird things became this sort of badge of honor for my sick demented mind to somehow find fulfillment and meaning in life through proving what a brave weirdo I can be (I probably need help, but ain't nobody got time for therapy, so...)

So, in an effort to feel like I could be proud of myself for something, I started being "brave," eating weird foods, lying to myself and believing that I was a badass.

Okay, honestly, it's just kind of fun to try different food when you're traveling and you come across some foods that you would never in a million years think of eating... until suddenly you see "everyone else doing it."

I can hear my Dad now saying "If everybody else jumped off a bridge would you do it too? If everyone else ate guinea pig would you do it, too? "

Um, yeah, Dad, I would.

And I did. In Peru...because it's a thing you can do there!!!

So that's the first thing on my list of weird things I've eaten.

1. Guinea Pig

I was under the impression that guinea pig, or "cuy" as it's called, was a typical Peruvian dish.

And it IS typical, but it seemed like more of a delicacy for upper echelon Peruvians... because that rodent was expensive!! Vegans, please don't be mad at me. It was dead already when I found it.

2. Turtle

When I was about 10 years old, I spent the night at my friend's house in Iowa. I remember going to the bathroom to take a shower.

I pulled back the shower curtain, and was about to step in...

...when I saw a GIANT turtle in the bathtub!!!

I freaked out and ran to tell my friend's mom and she said oh yeah, we're going to have that for dinner but for now I put it in the bathtub.

Last time I spent the night over at their house.

That's actually not true. I came back because it was never boring over there. Ever.

3. Sheep Brain

It was cold, and that was weird for me. Brains seem like they should be warm. I think that's why zombies go after people who are still alive, so their brains are nice and toasty.

I tried it in Istanbul... apparently with pickled fish, which I totally forgot about.

4. Scorpion

I had a lil' tiny piece of scorpion in Thailand. It was hard on my teeth though, so I didn't continue eating it. The spices that they put on it to flavor it were good but ummm the scorpion itself, not my fave. I think they honestly just have it there for the tourists. I didn't see any locals eating it!

5. Tarantula

I can't even pretend I liked this just for the cool points.

I could feel his hairy little hairs in my mouth, and nobody wants that. I tried this in Oregon, of all places, because some weirdo off the internet thought it would be fun to eat an imported tarantula from Thailand on a first date.

Did you know that humans supposedly eat an average of 8 spiders per year in their sleep?

If that's true, then you've probably eaten a spider, too. And you didn't even know it!

6. Raw Buffalo Covered In Blood

I did NOT know it was buffalo, or blood, or raw meat. It looked like beets. Somehow I survived. I actually thought it tasted good! But also didn't eat much because I was afraid I'd get sick. If you were following me a couple of months a go, I actually wrote a post about it because this happened in Thailand.

@persevero on the other hand didn't give a crap at all. He just ate it, like a boss.

7. Crickets

I actually really like crickets, because they taste just like potato chips.

I tried these in Charleston, SC, but I can't find the photo evidence because my life's a mess.

8. Fried Bull Testicles

I think I thought it was fried bread or something, until my friend told me the truth haha. They were actually pretty yummy...never thought I'd say that.

9. Ants

They're fine, if you swallow them in a drink you hardly even notice. I was drinking ants on the daily in Costa Rica. If they're covered in chocolate then they're great! Chocolate makes everything great again.

That brings me to the weird food that I REALLY want to eat, so badly!!!

I want to eat an ant's butt.

There's an ant that lives in Australia, and it has a green butt. The butt is apparently full of more vitamin c than an orange.

Legend says that the butt tastes like juicy fruit. I'm dying to find out for myself!!!!


Would you ever eat an ant's butt?!??


Greetings, sweet and beautiful Nomadicsoul

I confess that I find your eyes beautiful and charming.

Going back to the main subject, I think I've never eaten any exotic food here in my country.

I think I'd go wrong just looking at most of these foods you put on. Which one do you like to eat and like ???? Did you have any special ones ??

Here in my country (Brazil), what I like to eat is meat and cheese. Anything with these 2 items is a delight.

I imagine that, in countries like China, these terrible animals have become food because of a lack of food, as the population grows too much and its dimdim does not keep up with this growth. But having the chance to eat "normal" foods, I imagine it to be the preference.

Thank you for the post and the beautiful image of your face that is totally contrasting with the "food" hehehe.

Good evening!!!

haha well thanks. The one I liked the most was the crickets, because they just taste like chips. Oh, and fried bull testicles. That's interesting, you might be right about the food preference thing.

I'm not sure though, because I have a Chinese friend who grew up in the US, but still ate "frog vagina jelly" even though he was living in the US.

So maybe some foods that are weird ARE just a preference! Thanks for stoppin' by

Wow. You have eaten some weird stuff. You're very adventurous for trying sheep's brains. I guess I'd try anything once. I live in Korea where I've tried some weird things: silkworm, dog stew, cow's head, chicken's feet, pig's trotters...

I don't even know what a pig trotter is! But wow...silkworms, that's impressive!

Pig's feet... trotters. Not that nice. Neither are silkworms. Korean people love them though.

I don't mind eating all of the stuff you listed except raw buffalo covered with blood.Have you tried eating goat balls?

OH MY GOSH! I had bull balls, and TOTALLY forgot about it!!! Thanks for reminding me! Actually, they were FANTASTIC!!!

But.... goat balls...nope!!! Did you like them??

Never let anyone recommend you eat it raw, it was not a pleasant experience. Fried goat balls tastes much better . Did you eat the bull's balls raw?

holy moly you should get an award for eating it raw. Heck no...it was definitely fried and that's probably why they were good. Almost anything tastes good fried lol

God no. lol

I need to try some brains lol

haha we can make that happen

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah you have definitely eaten some weird stuffs. I don't think I can exhaust your list. Hahaha. Had your bath yet? Hahaha

Don't you eat anything weird? I think maybe you eat goat bones haha. Oh this is shameful, but I only just finally had my bath today hahaha

Hahahahaha. I am still trying to remember the weird things I must have eaten.

Hahahaha just today? That's a good start i guess hahahaha.

How is your day going?

I've eaten lots of weird stuff. Most of which I probably don't have photos of. Most of them from Asia. I need to go back there, eat more weird stuff and blog about it. Never heard of the Australian ant butt, though. Sounds like it could be a cool band name.

haha, I like your taste in band names

Lol. wow those are some serious picks. Tarantula, scorpion, sheep brain? as foodie as i appear to be, there ain't no way i'm trying those. lol..

For me, i think the weirdest thing i've ever eaten till date is a cow's tongue. suprisingly, i liked it.

You like chewy tongue? I wish I liked it. Haha if you're a foodie, then you probably go for actual GOOD food, which makes total sense.

What's some of your fave food?

First on that list is rice. my favourite is the jollof rice. and then some native dishes we call soup. I also enjoy spaghetti and salads.

This is jollof rice. the rice is parboiled at first and then cooked again. it's got its red colour from tomatoes. Vegetable oil, salt pepper, and the likes are added. some people add a little amount of butter too. Tasted one before?

This one right here is called afang soup... Basically made with vegetables and a number of other spices. They are taken with processed cassava called garri.

lol. so much for african meals and their weird names right? If you aren't used to it, it might not look like much from afar, but one taste of these types of soup is all you need to see things from a totally different perspective.

I love Africa.

I only tried no. 1 and 2 on your list, haha... You are even more adventurous than a Chinese eater. Have you ever tried chicken feet? :D

haha I don't know about that!!! I saw a video of some food in China that I think I'd be too scared to try. Like dried fish. Do you eat that? I haven't tried chicken feet!

Do you like them?

I tried dried fish and chicken feet but I’m not particularly fond of them, haha... I heard there’s a street in Beijing selling strange food to foreign tourists, those insects...

I'd give it ago 😂😂😋😋

haha I'm not surprised at all

Wowww, so much weird stuff to eat! Hahahaha, I'm not a picky eater either, but I haven't tried these strange things. Merely thinking about it gives me a strange feeling.

That ant's butt looks like a green and hairy lollipop.

How did you make the header image? What software did you use?

HAHA ewww a hairy lollipop. I just use picmonkey. It's free!

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