in #food7 years ago

G’Day beautiful people!

I hope you're all having an amazing day and are all looking forward to the weekend ahead 😊

Before I get to the juicy bits I wanted to say THANK YOU for the amazing welcome I have received from the Steemit community over the past 3 days. It's been overwhelming at times but I'm so excited to share my content with you all. A big thank you to @allasyummykitchen for highlighting that I had come over, Alla has been so kind and generous with her time with me and I cannot thank her enough. 😃

Now...have I got a recipe for you! This fast food clone was very much part of my initial success on YouTube back in 2008, I was the first on the site to re-create some iconic fast food items. You have no idea how much McDonalds special Big Mac sauce I ate to get it just right, only for McDonalds to release their recipe years later... 😫

So here is my version of the McDonalds Big Mac

Screen Shot 2017-07-21 at 9.36.59 am.png

A few things to note:

  1. My version is how I remember it as a child = BIG! The modern day Big Mac seems so much smaller...or maybe it's just that I'm bigger? 🤔 Let me know if you think so too!

  2. Nobody sells the unique Big Mac 'club' 3 tiered bun to the general public (that I'm aware of). So you're going to have to make your own, but we'll get to that later.

  3. These are AMAZING burgers at gatherings and parties! Every time I've made them people go crazy for them - so be prepared for friends to keep asking you to make've been warned.

So let's get to the recipe!

Screen Shot 2017-07-21 at 9.36.19 am.png You can spot the difference? 😆

Ingredients (serves 4)

The 'Special' Sauce
2 tablespoons Whole egg mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon Pickle relish
1 teaspoon Yellow mustard
1 teaspoon White vinegar
1/2 teaspoon Garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon Paprika
1/2 teaspoon Onion powder

500g or 1 pound of Ground/Minced Beef 80/20 split (80% Beef and 20% fat)
4 slices American cheddar cheese slices (regular Cheddar is fine)
8 slices of Dill Pickles
1/4 of a Iceberg lettuce, shredded (will cover 4 burgers but depends on how much you want)
1/2 large white onion, diced finely
4 Sesame seed buns


  1. Start making your sauce - into a bowl add all of the sauce ingredients from wet to dry. Mix well and leave aside (This sauce goes great with Roast Chicken too, and makes a fantastic sandwich spread. It will keep for up to a week in the never does though 😉)

  2. The buns! You need a Heel (bottom), Crown (top) and Club (middle). To achieve this is simple, take your crown bun and carefully run your knife through the middle so you have 2 parts. The reason why we don't touch the heel is because it would weaken the foundation of the burger and collapse under it's own weight.

  3. Now weigh and get 62.5g of beef for each patty, shape and roll into a ball. Flatten out with wet hands (stops the meat from sticking) or gently with a wet rolling pin until you get about 0.5mm or 1/2 cm thickness. Smooth out the edges best you can. Now get a non-stick frying pan nice and hot - no oil! Cook for 2 minutes each side flipping only once. Season with salt and pepper on one side.

  4. Assembly - Get your buns nice and toasty (toast both sides of the club) and have your condiments prepped and ready to go. Starting with the heel and the club - evenly spread over the Big Mac sauce, add lettuce and onion. Now just on the heel add your cheese and top with a burger patty. The club gets 2 slices of pickle then the 2nd beef patty on top. Now pick the club up and place on top of the heel and finally top with the crown.

If you missed anything, here is a brief history of the famous McDonalds Big Mac along with the video recipe and instructions 😀

Now something I asked often is "Why bother? It's easier buy" - TRUE....But if you're like me, I love cooking for people and creating memories. Nobody remembers that time they had the most amazing Big Mac at McDonalds, but they do remember when I've made it!

So this weekend treat yourself and those close to you - make your own memories and give the Big Mac a try, you'll be loving it! Just call it a 'Big Nicko' just in case your friend works for McDonalds legal team 😜

Have a fantastic weekend friends ✌️

Screen Shot 2017-07-21 at 1.42.38 pm.png My daughter Imogen and I looking forward to getting into the kitchen this weekend


So that's how you make the special sauce huh, btw that's so cool that another big time YouTuber is on Steemit!

Hope you try it out, I'm sure there will be many more that follow @tilikum :)

When I was scrolling through your most popular videos, both of them are pretty well over 12 million+ views, and they were these! Awesome.

That burger of yours honestly looks so good right now.. I would chow it one time :D

Your comparison picture made me realize something..

Burger King Whopper:

McDonald's Big Mac:

It's ridiculous :D Great post brother! I will give you my support! Keep at it. You got this! We should support each other's content :) I trust we will talk again soon.

Yeah what you see on the menu is very different to the bought product. Homemade skips that as you can see!

Haha yeah! I just don't have the time to make this meal :D Maybe if you were the chef it'll be a different story! I sent you a Randowhale boost to this post too :) Have a great day!

Thanks for sharing that 'special sauce' mate! That burger must be dope for sure! I'm salivating seeing that! It's been quite some time I did not enjoy one!

Thanks @progessivechef :) Hope you try this one out

For sure @nickoskitchen, i'll wait to get some good quality meat in the week and make some nicko's burger!
Thank you!

i upvoted and thank you for the recipe , and i will be making own soon

thank you so much! please let me know what you think :)

Getting on your point on how big mac is when you were a kid, I couldn't agree more, but I also feel like Mcdonalds ' meat is shrinking each day...
I will try this recipe out! BBQ days is coming up, so thank you for the inspiration ;)

yeah I agree, let me know what you think :)

I haven't eaten a McDonald's Big Mac in about 14 years but I would totally eat this!

Hope you try it out :) 14 years is a long time!

Thank you again, very nice pics of you @nickoskitchen

thank you very much @hokieu

Thank you for sharing the big-mac recipe...simply delicious :)

my pleasure :)

Great your publication, congratulations @nickoskitchen

I am at McDonald's right now. Time to eat. Interesting. Thank you. I'm DOCTOR OATMEAL from the Original Oregon Island. I'm the one & only JOEY ARNOLD of VIETNAM HAWAII. I'm the Ghetto Joe Cool Kid of MAGA.

Ahhhh to late! lol :) @joeyarnoldvn what are you ordering?

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