Vegetarianism: a way of life

in #food7 years ago

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However, excluding animal flesh from its consumption is more than a food preference, one observes in the vegetarians several motives:

A ecological tendency,
An awareness that, after changing the diet, sooner or later reflects on health and daily habits (clothing, outings, shopping ...),
Genuine compassion for animals.

This is the simplest formula. You say goodbye to meat, fish, crustaceans, and so on. But you like too much cheese to become vegan.

You no longer consume any products involved in the exploitation of animals. Farewell then to meat, but also to eggs, dairy products, honey, gelatin.

The Ovo-lacto-vegetarians.
You eat dairy products and eggs

The pesco-vegetarianism.
You stop the meat but continue to eat fish, shellfish and shellfish.

You do not like meat too much but are not against a bleeding tournedos from time to time if you know where it comes from.


Opting for vegetarianism requires acquiring a minimum of knowledge in dietetics. It's necessary to know how to develop balanced meals and to compare the qualities of vegetable proteins with those of animal origin.
It's often said that the diet of athletes must be rich in meat. But in reality the body mostly needs fuel or energy that is mainly found in foods with low glycemic indexes such as cereals and starches.

To compensate for the lack of animal protein, it is enough to favor the legumes (lentils, dry peas ..). Eggs and dairy products also offer good quality protein, as well as soy foods.

To ensure the full supply of vitamins of group B (immune stimulant), nothing is worth the complete cereal food: brown rice, cereal bread, oat flakes, preferably organic to avoid pesticides. Vitamin D, on the other hand, is present in eggs and cheeses.

For iron and zinc, focus on dried fruits and vegetables (white beans, lentils, red berries, watercress, spinach, pistachios, almonds, etc.).


A diet without meat, fish, eggs or milk can cause deficiencies in iron, zinc, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and D. Many reasons (better health, respect for the planet, savings, Respect for the animal cause ...) can push to consider becoming vegan, and information is not lacking to open up to this new way of life.

It is important to keep in mind that a vegetarian or vegan diet can not be improvised and its balance needs to be studied rigorously. Moreover, in case of an increased need for the body (pregnancy, serious illness ...), a meatless diet can become dangerous, if poorly followed. Be well advised at the beginning, for a facilitated transition.

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I've been a vegetarian 3 years now,
and I feel healthier everyday!

Thank you for your advice!

Protein human needs

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