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RE: Kombucha Chronicles: Still Brewing and Expanding for Sales

in #food7 years ago

I LOVE Kombucha and used to brew it myself, until I got too lazy. But reading your stories inspired me to start this again, so I've been brewing for the last couple of months again. Thanks for this! Awesome to see how this developed.


Hey, that's awesome to hear! It's been a lot of fun even with a few failures here and there. Glad I could inspire you to get back into it!

Yeah, I know all about failures when it comes to Kombucha.
I used to get nasty mold all the time and was ready to pack it in.
Until I started reading more into it and made a tiny change: moved the jars into a different area.
And it worked! These days, the kids even help and come up with new things to try.

I just got mold on my scoby hotel for forgetting about it in my kitchen. Good thing I have another lol

Oh no! I hope it wasn't because I mentioned it, lol. I believe the reason why mine got mold was because of temperatures fluctuating too much (from cool to very warm when the heat comes on, Ireland is great for that...sigh), when I moved it to the pantry where the temperature pretty much stays the same, they were fine. But that's what I love about it too, I learned so much from making mistakes and am still learning. everyone's experiences are so much different with it. Have you ever tried to make Jun, with honey instead of sugar? I haven't yet, but very curious about it.

I haven't but the research I've done on it has told me that method doesn't produce jun. Maybe I should experiment but everything I know tells me that shouldn't work lol.

I just ordered the scoby for it online...let's see what happens. I'd prefer to use raw honey instead of sugar and it's supposed to be a bit milder. From what I've seen the temperature can be a bit lower than with kombucha. The only issue I have is space, since you're not supposed to have too many fermenting things too close together and I also have kimchi and kefir.

Yeah space is an issue I deal with too. If you ordered it there's a good chance it's actually jun, so I'm excited for you. it's got a lot shorter fermentation time and higher alcohol content I've read.

Yes, I've read the same. The seller I ordered from has both, kombucha scoby and jun. I don't know any better than that it's two different things. Shorter fermentation is good because I'm not very patient, especially when I'm running out. More alcohol....well, less driving then I guess :)

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