
You won't regret!! :)
Portugal is known for his delicious food (also cheap). We have amazing bread, wine, fish, seafood and very rich cuisine! I can recommend a wonderful and cheap place in the southwest Portugal where you can eat the best seafood in the world! (they close for a long period during the winter)

Sounds like a seafood gourmands paradise ... I'm going to have to get my cold buttocks over there soon ... we had the first sign of snow here in Scotland today!! ...

Dumfries, Scotland
1/250 ISO 100 F5.0 / Canon IXUS 230 Point and Shoot.

I stay enchanted when I see snow, in Portugal usually snows in "Serra da Estrela", but it's rare in other parts., especially in the south :) Today it's raining (Tmax=17ºC, Tmin=7ºC), but we're having sun for the weekend! Not bad :)

Here it's leaden skies all day. Cold with a HIGH of only 5C and a LOW tonight of -1C. A first true glimpse of Winter for us all here today. YIKES!!

Perfect Steemit Winter blogging weather though ;)

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