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RE: Amish vs the FDA?

in #food6 years ago

Beautiful article, sir! Monsatan is my least favorite company ever...right up there with GM, Bechtel, Halliburton, Starbucks, and XE Corp (military "contractors".)

Monsatan had been suing farmers that neighbor their GMO-farming fools for "drift," i.e. for "growing" Monsatan's crops when a few seeds would wind-drift over into their organic fields--and they've typically won! To me, nothing shows the incestuous relationship between Big Ag and the corrupt swamp court system than that! Of course, the same can be said of Big Pharma, most big military contractors, etc.


so true. I'm not familiar with Bechtel though, are they Ag or military?
"Monsatan!" lol that's funny but unfortunately it fits. I had forgotten about the insane suing of innocent farmers who aren't with them and about the hybrid plants and all, that name really does fit.

Military. Tightly connected to the neocon elite, just like Halliburton.

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